Network sandboxing solutions are used to investigate the behavior of unknown software. A sandbox is an isolated, secure environment where suspicious code can be run. The code’s behavior is then analyzed to decide whether it’s malicious or not. If the code is safe, it can be executed on a user’s device. If, however, it is deemed to be malicious, it will be unable to affect a user as it has been deployed within a secure environment. The code can then be deleted, and its signature added to a database to make future identification easier.
Network sandboxing solutions are effective, hands-free tools, that can ensure that organizations do not install or deploy malicious code on their networks. Often deployed as one feature of a wider, more comprehensive network security tool, sandboxes are advanced and complex solutions that conduct detailed analysis of unknown threats.
You may not deal with a lot of code or do not see your organization as a particular target for sophisticated cyberthreats. However, malware doesn’t take much sophistication to deliver; it can be deployed as simply as a user clicking a link in an email or downloading a file from the internet. Therefore, organizations of all sizes should consider investing in a sandboxing solution.
In this shortlist we’ll explore the top network sandboxing solutions, in each case, focusing on the tool’s key features and use cases.