
The Top 10 Solutions To Qualify For Cyber Insurance

What are the best cybersecurity solutions to invest in to protect your organization and qualify for cybersecurity insurance?

The Top 10 Solutions To Qualify For Cyber Insurance include:
  • 1. Cisco Secure Access by Duo
  • 2. Yubico YubiKey
  • 3. Avast Ultimate Business Security
  • 4. Barracuda CloudGen Firewall
  • 5. Veritas Backup Exec
  • 6. ESET Cybersecurity Awareness Training
  • 7. SentinelOne Singularity for Endpoint
  • 8. Crowdstrike Falcon XDR
  • 9. JumpCloud Open Directory Platform
  • 10. Avanan

Once considered an optional extra, cybersecurity insurance is increasingly being seen as an integral part of your cybersecurity strategy. During the aftermath of a cyber-attack, the correct insurance policies can ensure that your organization is able to remediate the effects of the attack and ride out a turbulent economic period. This article will explain the top solutions you need to qualify for cybersecurity insurance.

Not only does cybersecurity insurance allow you to properly plan company policy for the event of a cyber-attack, but it can also reduce your chances of suffering an attack in the first place. This is correlation rather than causation, however. Insurance providers will expect you to have significant cybersecurity infrastructure in place, before they will agree to insure you. This results in your organization being better prepared, and, therefore, less likely to make a claim.

To evaluate whether you’re eligible for cover, insurance providers will carry out a cybersecurity risk assessment – this can be as simple as a questionnaire, or as intensive as a multi-week technical analysis of your network. The nature of this assessment depends not only on your insurer, but your organization’s size, sector, and attack history. Relevant regulatory framework will be assessed, to ensure you meet all the expected standards.

To improve your chances of being accepted by an insurance broker, whilst improving your cybersecurity stature, there are several areas that your organization can invest in. You can find out more about these areas in our blog: How To Qualify For Cybersecurity Insurance.

This article will explore the top solutions that you should consider investing in to qualify for cybersecurity insurance. This list will not detail ten products within one category, but will, instead, highlight key products that cover a range of security needs, including MFA, XDR, EDR, firewalls, and SAT solutions. 

Duo Logo

MFA is an important security tool that many cyber insurance providers mandate you use. It requires at least two methods of identity verification, before allowing users access to important accounts. While username and password combinations can be hacked using brute force, MFA requires a much more sophisticated attack to bypass it.

Duo, acquired by Cisco in 2018, offers a robust MFA solution that is easy to implement across your network. With Cisco Secure Access by Duo, users can quickly and accurately verify identity through one-tap passwordless login, app push notifications, and biometric authentication. By reducing the need for SMS-based OTPs, you not only improve your security stature, but cut authentication costs. OTPs can be delivered directly to the Duo Mobile MFA App, thereby cutting the costs associated with SMS verification.

With Cisco Secure Access by Duo, you can add additional users and devices at any time. It is, therefore, the ideal solution for organizations looking to scale and need a solution that can meet their fluctuating demand. Flexibility and compatibility are built into the heart of Duo’s solution thanks to multi-cloud, hybrid, or on-premises deployment. Through this, you are able to secure access to VPN clients, BYOD, and offline devices.

The range of authentication methods on offer ensures that you can integrate Cisco Secure Access by Duo seamlessly into your security infrastructure. Thanks to its ease of use and range of robust authentication factors, we would recommend Cisco Secure Access by Duo for all organizations, regardless of whether they are looking for cybersecurity insurance.

For a full list of The Top MFA Solutions For Business, you can read our article here.

Yubico Logo

A hardware key is used as a possession factor for MFA – this is much more secure than using a knowledge-based factor, such as a password. The hardware key will have its own security features – like FIDO2 compliance or biometric sensors – to give an added layer of certainty regarding your identity.

Yubico is a Californian company that produces some of the most technologically advanced hardware security keys. When it comes to MFA, using a hardware key is a very secure method of authentication as it is substantially harder for an attacker to acquire verification information from a physical object, than it is to acquire an OTP or knowledge factor.

YubiKeys use FIDO2 and FIDO U2F protocols to ensure your data is secure, whilst making authentication secure and easy. Some models have a built-in fingerprint scanner to give users the opportunity to use an additional authentication factor. This means that the keys can also offer SSO and passwordless login.

The hardware itself is small enough to fit on a keyring, making it a very practical solution. Keys are crush and water resistant, ensuring they are durable enough for use in daily life. Yubico now offers a subscription model that allows you to purchase keys for your whole organization at a reduced cost, with additional replacement keys for lost devices.

Users praise the effectiveness of the key, and the fact that it is faster than checking your cell phone or email for an OTP.

To learn more about Expert Insight’s Top 5 Security Keys For MFA, you can read our article here.

Avast Logo

Insurance providers will expect you to have robust antivirus software in place to prevent known viruses and malware threats from entering your network. Strong antivirus (AV) software will run multiple scans on incoming traffic to identify any threats, and have robust remediation procedures to keep your network safe.

Avast’s Ultimate Business Security antivirus solution will run on whatever device and OS your users work on – whether it’s Mac or PC, Windows, iOS or Android, the AV solution will work. By having such wide coverage, your network will be protected from a range of threats like phishing, ransomware, viruses, and spyware. This ensures that no malicious party can access your network and sensitive data.

The solution works by scanning all traffic that reaches your device. Any downloads are checked to ensure that they do not contain any suspicious material. Avast will also scan email and web pages in real time, and verify the security of Wi-Fi networks. This ensures that your network is kept safe from a number of diverse threats.

Avast applies filtration at multiple layers within your environment, meaning that the chance of viruses or malware reaching your endpoints is drastically reduced. These filtration layers include a behavior shield to identify the presence of malware, a file shield to scan shared material, a web shield that protects users whilst browsing, and a ransomware shield which prevents unauthorized software from editing or deleting documents.

Users praise how unobtrusive, yet effective, the software is. You hardly notice that it is running in the background, which is exactly what you want from an antivirus solution.

There are, of course, other antivirus solutions available – we have listed The Top 10 Antivirus Software For Small Businesses here.

Barracuda Logo

If your goal is to stop threats from entering your network, having an effective firewall is essential. The firewall acts like an outer perimeter, blocking suspicious material from entering your network. If an unauthorized user or piece of code tries to access a network, it can simply be rejected.

Barracuda CloudGen Firewall is an effective solution as it links to a global threat intelligence network – information gathered by one Barracuda firewall is shared across their entire network of customers, thereby keeping your accounts protected against threats that have been detected elsewhere. The solution’s sandboxing capabilities ensure that any suspicious software is properly investigated, before your users can access it. This information will be stored in a database, making future remediation decisions faster and more effective.

The Barracuda dashboard is intuitive and offers a great deal of control and customization. As the CloudGen Firewall is cloud-based, it is suited to organizations looking for a solution that will scale as they do. There is virtually no aspect of Barracuda’s firewall that cannot be configured to suit your organization – from role-based admin logins, to distributed firewalls that allow you to set specific policies for specific devices or network areas.

Users praise how comprehensive Barracuda’s coverage is, whilst being easy to install. Detailed logs and reporting tools ensure policies are tailored and specific to your organization’s needs.

To find out more about the best firewalls available, read our article on The Top 11 Network Firewalls here.

Veritas Logo

Ransomware is a certain type of malware that can lock you out of your network or files, paralyzing your organization until you pay a hefty ransom to restore access to your data. In these instances, it can be more efficient to wipe your servers and restore a previous back up – this allows you to nullify the attack and recommence normal working. In order to do this, you need an effective backup and recovery solution that is comprehensive and reliable.

Veritas Backup Exec is a backup and recovery solution that readily integrates with Microsoft 365, Google Cloud, and Google Workspace thanks to its cloud deployment. This makes it an easy solution to manage as backups can be configured to run automatically.

One key benefit of Veritas Backup Exec is its ability to scale. You only pay for the storage that you use, with automatic deprovisioning when your network requires less cloud resource. This ensures that as your organization grows, Veritas will be able to continue providing their effective service. Costs can be reduced by 40% thanks to these adjustments.

Veritas provides sophisticated data protection and ransomware resiliency to prevent your stored data being a target for hackers. It also ensures that you are not inadvertently storing residual malware in your backups, which could then be activated at a later time. Veritas Backup Exec identifies changes since a previous backup, and store them, rather than making another complete record (much of which will be duplicated). This saves time and space, while ensuring that you have a complete network backup to fall back on.

Users praise the simple and intuitive interface that requires very little prior knowledge to use. Once you have the solution set up, you are able to exercise fine, granular control, and can let the solution run in the background. The system will automatically update with the latest common requirements regarding auditing and data storage to ensure your organization is always compliant.

For more information about backup and recovery solutions, you can read our dedicated article here.


Many cyberattacks today attempt to persuade unsuspecting employees to give up sensitive data that can allow an attacker into the network. To ensure your employees are assets, rather than vulnerabilities, they should be enrolled in effective security awareness training (SAT). This will explain to users what the different attack types are, and ensure they respond appropriately.

ESET Cybersecurity Awareness Training (ECAT) is an effective phishing simulation solution that is easy to deploy and offers realistic scenarios and comprehensive training content. Simulated campaigns are easy to build thanks to a large library of phishing templates, ready for customization. This ensures that users must respond to a realistic scenario, making the training more effective, thereby keeping your organization safe.

As well as offering phishing simulation, ESET offers a large and engaging library of training content. This includes videos and quizzes across a wide range of relevant topics. ESET have focused on making the content “gameable” which ensures that users are properly engaged, and is, therefore, better able to change their behavior. Training content is compliant with relevant regulatory framework like GDPR, HIPAA, GLBA, and policies surrounding PII (personally identifiable information).

The solution provides detailed reporting capabilities regarding the results of a simulation. Training and phishing campaigns can be rolled out to specific users and groups. You can deploy training to specific job roles, employee details (such as time in organization), or based on results from previous phishing campaigns and training modules completed. This ensures that employees receive targeted training that can will improve your cybersecurity hygiene.

For The Top 10 Security Awareness Training Solutions For Business, we have a helpful article here.

SentinelOne Logo

If a firewall is like the outer wall defending your cyber-assets, endpoint detection and response (EDR) is like the soldiers who identify any breaches and catch the intruders. Without EDR, the first you might know about a security breach is once a malicious actor is causing havoc, deep inside your network. EDR is a proactive solution that vastly decreases response times.

SeninelOne’s Singularity for Endpoint is an effective solution as it uses machine-driven intelligence to provide continuous coverage and identify any security breaches. In doing so, it is able to identify threats that have been missed by traditional antivirus scanners in a variety of endpoints – from servers to desktops and mobile devices.

This EDR solution will first understand the extent of your network and identify relevant endpoints. Data from these endpoints can be centralized to a single control panel to extend visibility and present information to admin teams. Remediation is automated – thereby reducing alert fatigue and ensuring remediation time is reduced.

Singularity for Endpoint will combine static and behavioral detection to provide extensive intelligence. An attack “storyline” is created to illustrate how a threat entered the network and detail how remediation actions have been carried out. The solution will also isolate suspicious or malicious devices from the network to ensure they cannot damage your infrastructure.

SentinelOne Singularity for Endpoint is an advanced solution that is praised by users for its ease of remediation, and the confidence that such a powerful tool provides. We would recommend it for SMBs and Enterprises who need an effective EDR tool that secures your network, whilst providing useful intelligence.

You can find a complete list of The Top 10 Endpoint Detection And Response Solutions here.

Crowdstrike Logo

Extended detection and response (XDR) takes the same principles found in an EDR solution and applies them in more places. Rather than focusing solely on endpoints, XDR will gather information from (and manage remediation in) networks, servers, email, and identity tools in addition to endpoints. By combining information from all of these sources, XDR can use intelligent AI to predict threat behaviors, ensuring your network is primed to respond to attacks.

Crowdstrike Falcon XDR is a comprehensive XDR solution that digests telemetry data from a range of data points, to produce an accurate and orchestrated response. It will automatically prioritize threats, and alert admin to the most significant, to ensure that attacks are handled efficiently and effectively.

The platform uses the MITRE ATT&CK framework to help map and visualize attacks in a clear and consistent way. This can be accessed from the control panel, which provides information about data points, devices, domains, and real-time attack information. This ensures that admins can understand the most appropriate response, given a specific scenario. Falcon XDR is proactive in its response, thereby ensuring that remediation times are short, and an attack is quickly nullified.

The platform integrates well with existing Crowdstrike infrastructure; from your email and web security solutions to firewalls, CASBs and IAM solutions. The tool is well-suited to managing organizations with a large number of endpoints, thanks to its powerful threat hunting capabilities.

You can see our complete list of The Top Extended Detection And Response (XDR) Solutions here.

JumpCloud Logo

Insurance companies will want to know that you have suitable policies in place for managing privileged access and ensuring access is limited for non-privileged users. A privileged access management (PAM) solution is the best way to do this. By having this level of control, you can limit the number of accounts that could do significant harm if compromised.

JumpCloud Open Directory Platform provides a secure method of connecting privileged users with the files, networks, and systems that they need to complete their job. This solution can also offer user behavior analytics (UBA), which builds up a picture of a user’s normal behavior and can identify any anomalous actions.

One of the key features of a PAM solution is ensuring the correct user has access – this is achieved through enforcing robust MFA policies. Once logged into their account, admins can set granular policies to grant access for a specific user. JumpCloud also allows admins to quickly identify all privileged accounts, even unused or ghost accounts, and grant just-in-time privileges. This ensures users only have access when they need it, for as long as they need it.

JumpCloud offers additional features like SSO and SSH Key management, which ensures that all passwords meet a complexity requirement. Any account that is the victim of a brute force attempt will be flagged, and changes can be made. Reporting and logging are made easy for auditing and compliance purposes.

To see what other PAM solutions are on the market, you can read our article on The Top 10 Privileged Access Management (PAM) Solutions here.

Avanan Logo

The majority of threats enter your network via email. Having a secure solution in place is, therefore, essential. A good cloud email security solution will combat phishing and human error to ensure your accounts are safe, rather than being a method of attracting your attention and gaining access.

Avanan uses machine learning algorithms to build a baseline understanding of usual behavior, it can then identify any threats or anomalous behavior beyond that baseline. This ensures that any malicious emails that make it past your legacy gateways can be stopped before your users fall victim to them. Avanan assesses over 300 indicators of phishing, so that you can be assured your inbox is safe.

The solution offers a clear and comprehensive dashboard to provide admins with data regarding anomalies, phishing emails blocked, most targeted users, and threat types. This level of visibility helps to minimize the risk of an attack, whilst ensuring that admins understand what is happening on the network. Avanan’s malware and threat databases are regularly updated to ensure that you are always working off the most recent data.

Coverage is not limited to your email accounts but can be extended to workplace messaging services like Slack. These types of work accounts are often overlooked but pose a significant threat. Through Slack, users can share documents, passwords, and other sensitive data. The “Avanan Slackbot” manages how data is accessed, quarantines malicious content, and reports any security events. This ensures that your network is protected, however your staff communicate.

For a complete list of The Top 8 Cloud Email Security Solutions, you can read our article here.

The Top 10 Solutions To Qualify For Cyber Insurance