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RoboForm Overview

RoboForm alleviates the burdens associated with password management by remembering and generating passwords, automatically logging into websites, and even completing long online checkout forms with a single click. RoboForm Enterprise, the first business version, was released in 2009. RoboForm Everywhere is a premium cross-platform subscription service for individuals and was launched in late 2010. In 2015, RoboForm was re-launched for Business as a software as a service solution (SaaS). In 2017, with the release of version 8, RoboForm transitioned to a freemium model for their consumer offerings. The same year, they released RoboForm Family, allowing Everywhere users to add up to 4 additional members to their plan.

Company Information
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Business Password Management

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Fairfax, VA

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RoboForm Features
  • Generates strong unique passwords
  • Secure password sharing
  • Easily capture passwords as you browse with no additional steps required
  • Uses a secure cloud server to keep passwords synced across all browsers and devices
  • Lets you store and categorize passwords into manageable folders with the option to pin logins for easier access
  • Set up is easy, with CSV import and export available
  • Works on all major browsers including Microsoft Edge
RoboForm Videos
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How to use RoboForm Password Manager
RoboForm Videos
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How to use RoboForm Password Manager