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Altaro Office 365 Backup

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Altaro Office 365 Backup Overview

Altaro Office 365 Backup is Altaro’s MS O365 replication and restoration software solution that focuses on backing up Office 365 mailboxes and files stored within OneDrive and SharePoint. Office 365 Backup is cloud-based, which makes it easy to deploy and configure. The solution is also easy to manage via a central cloud management console, from which admins can configure full and granular data restorations.

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Cloud Backup and Recovery

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SMBs and enterprises

Altaro Office 365 Backup Features
  • Altaro enables you to back up and restore your Office 365 mailboxes with ease
  • Your subscription includes backups, unlimited storage, support and access to a central management console for one or more years
  • You can scale to tens of thousands of users
  • Your Office 365 backups are automatically saved to Altaro's secure cloud backup location hosted on Microsoft Azure Infrastructure
  • Access various restore options both for entire mailboxes and for granular restore of selected mail items
  • 22-second average support call pickup with no tier 1 agents or gatekeepers
Altaro Office 365 Backup Videos
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An Introduction to Altaro Office 365 Backup
Altaro Office 365 Backup Videos
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An Introduction to Altaro Office 365 Backup
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