Enterprise Storage

The Top 7 Cloud Storage Gateway Solutions

Cloud Gateway Storage solutions allow you to connect modern cloud environments with legacy storage. Here are some of the top solutions and the features that make them unique.

The Top 7 Cloud Storage Gateway Solutions Include:
  • 1. AWS Storage Gateway
  • 2. Hitachi Content Platform Anywhere Edge
  • 3. CTERA Networks Enterprise File Services Platform
  • 4. Microsoft Azure StorSimple
  • 5. Nasuni Filer
  • 6. NetApp AltaVault
  • 7. Panzura CloudFS

Cloud storage gateway (CSG) solutions act as a bridge between local applications and remote cloud-based storage centers. They facilitate protocol translation – enabling connectivity – between the application and data storage center. Without a CSG, these two elements would not be able to communicate. These solutions make storing, receiving, and sharing files and data, as easy as possible for users within an organization. An effective CSG will work in the background, as if it isn’t even there.

As more and more organizations make the migration to the cloud, CSGs and cloud storage solutions are fast growing areas. Beyond closing the gap between legacy storage solutions and cloud technologies, CSGs provide a number of additional benefits. These include streamlined file access for users, simplified storage management, and reduced costs. These solutions will also help as you transition to the cloud, as well as reducing on-prem file storage needs.

In this article we’ll consider some of the top cloud storage gateways on the market, as well as focusing on each product’s key features and differentiators.

AWS Logo

From industry giant Amazon is the AWS Storage Gateway, a storage solution that offers cloud storage access for on-premises applications and devices. The solution is deployed as a hybrid cloud service, with the ability to run on VMware ESXi, Microsoft Hyper-V, or Linux KVM. It aims to deliver low-latency data access through an intuitive cache management system.

AWS Storage Gateway Features:

  • Secure data transfer that adheres to common auditing requirements, ensuring security and compliance standards are met
  • Consolidated management through the AWS Management Console – allows you to monitor and manage on-premises gateways
  • Integrates with applications using NFS, SMB, iSCSI, or iSCSI-VTL – this ensures that AWS can be connected, without having to modify applications
  • Secure SSL encrypted data transfers with identification of changed data and download requests
  • Maintains a cache of recently accessed data so applications have low-latency access to stored data
  • Regulatory compliance achieved through encryption, audit logging, and write-once, read-many (WORM) storage

Expert Insights’ Comments: Users who have used the AWS Storage Gateway have praised the solution for its ease of initial deployment and its VM integration capability. Due to the number of organizations and platforms already using AWS, the Storage Gateway is an accessible solution for most companies to purchase. We would recommend the solution for SMBs, especially those using other AWS solutions.

Hitachi Logo

The Hitachi Content Platform Anywhere Edge is a cloud storage gateway that helps to simplify files services while reducing storage costs. The gateway is a highly reliable solution that can automatically manage and save content. It provides quick access to saved data, helping to boost productivity and streamline workflows. This efficient transition of data is not limited to your employees but is extended to cover your customer and supplier relationships. The solution is compatible with a wide range of devices and environments, such as Android, Apple, PC, and web browsers.

Hitachi Content Platform Anywhere Edge Features:

  • Directory service integration
  • APIs and SDKs to customize tools and integrate with other applications
  • Mobilization of data in existing NAS devices and content repositories
  • Collaboration and auditing supported through secure syncing and sharing tools
  • Directory service integration to manage users

Expert Insights’ Comments: Hitachi’s cloud storage gateway is a highly scalable solution that is easy to manageable and can scale as your company grows. The solution makes it easier for users to access and share files, especially while working remotely. The platform allows you to set strict usage and compliance policies so you can ensure that you are always adhering to regulatory guidance. We would recommend Hitachi Content Platform Anywhere Edge for enterprise level organizations looking to manage company access to external cloud files.

Ctera Logo

CTERA Networks provides cloud file storage solutions for more than 50,000 enterprise organizations, covering millions of users worldwide. CTERA’s CSG is a comprehensive cloud storage platform that has storage capabilities, as well as acting as an interface. It also has inbuilt data protection and collaboration tools. The solution is designed for multi-cloud environments and helps your organization connect remote sites to hybrid or remote users.

CTERA Networks Enterprise File Services Platform Features:

  • Edge chase filer unifies remote file storage with SMB/NFS access protocols and allows for unlimited capacity
  • Active Directory integration
  • SSO integration
  • Centralized management, control, and visibility
  • Policy-driven retention and customizable tiering policies
  • Automated and scheduled granular file backup
  • CTERA Drive Mobile App offers users remote access to data stored in the cloud

Expert Insights’ Comments: CTERA Networks’ Enterprise File Services Platform is a highly scalable platform that delivers extensive cloud storage with anywhere-access. Files can be accessed from multiple devices and locations, giving your organization greater flexibility. The platform makes end-to-end backups of files, ensuring this process occurs regularly –  any lost or corrupted files can be recovered from a recent backup. The platform enables multi-cloud and site collaboration through its Edge Filer solution. We would recommend CTERA Enterprise File Service Platform for enterprise level organizations with a multi-cloud environment, looking for a solution that will enable secure collaboration and storage.

Microsoft Logo

From industry giant Microsoft comes the Azure StorSimple; a cloud storage gateway solution that can be deployed on-prem and acts as a virtual machine. The solution will automatically archive data to ensure that it is secure, and available for collaboration purposes. Azure StorSimple delivers a hybrid cloud storage solution for enterprises, with physical arrays for deployments in datacenters, and virtual arrays for smaller enterprise environments like remote and branch offices. Through improved efficiency and reduced admin workload, you can reduce costs by as much as 60%.

Microsoft Azure StorSimple Features:

  • Automation of data management across entire organization
  • Deduplication and compression reduce demand on storage
  • Primary, backup, snapshot, archive, and offsite storage ensure comprehensive data storage
  • Data retention determined by configurable policies
  • Ability to restore essential data, as well as complete data restoration – this results in faster recovery times
  • Allows for on-prem data to be available to applications running in Azure for dev/test and recovery

Expert Insights’ Comments:

Microsoft Azure StorSimple is a comprehensive cloud storage solution with a range of smart features that improve speed, reliability, and collaboration. The solution consolidates data storage into a single, centrally managed unit with streamlined dashboard. It offers data mobility and ease of collaboration tools, while ensuring data stays protected. We would recommend Microsoft Azure StorSimple for enterprise level organizations.

Nasuni Logo

Nasuni Filer is a cloud file storage and storage gateway solution that offers a comprehensive file storage and access to consolidate NAS systems. The Nasuni File solution integrates with multi-cloud environments, as well as hybrid and on-prem deployments. There is no disruption to workflows, and the solution uses an “always on” model. This means that data is continually being backed up, without you having to think about it. The solution utilizes the Nasuni Access Anywhere add-on service – stored assets are accessible for remote and hybrid workers with minimal latency.

Nasuni Filer Features: 

  • All file data encrypted with AES-256 encryption to ensure that data is secured at rest and in transit
  • Data protection and ransomware recovery
  • High-performance cache with working files copied in a user’s local storage for quick access
  • Changes to files are deduped, compressed, aggregated before being sent to the cloud in order to keep cloud storage files set up-to-date while reducing the required storage space
  • Cloud traffic is WAN optimized to ensure high performance

Expert Insights’ Comments: The Nasuni Filer is a smart solution that is very popular with users. It comes with a range of helpful tools to help ensure files are kept secure and updated. One such tool will capture the entire file system hourly then saves these snapshots to the cloud. The solution is managed from a centralized console that provides business data that is enhanced with contextual intelligence. We would recommend Nasuni’s solution for mid-market organizations who require a solution with automated and scheduled processes to allow employees to focus on other tasks.

NetApp Logo

The NetApp AltaVault is a cloud-integrated storage solution with an integrated cloud storage gateway. The solution also has backup and recovery, cold (offline) storage and archives, and disaster recovery tools. The platform can store data that is used infrequently offline to improve latency speeds for data that is accessed more often. The solution offers easy management, tiering, and sorting of backups to your cloud storage solution. NetApp AltaVault supports a wide range of cloud storage providers, including AWS, Azure, Google, and IBM. The platform is scalable and versatile, which allows it to work well in a range of use cases, including physical, virtual, or cloud based in the AWS or the Azure clouds.

NetApp AltaVault Features:

  • Uses inline deduplication and compression with data-reduction ratios of up to 30:1
  • Users create and hold encryption keys so neither Nasuni nor the cloud storage provider can access data
  • Integrates with existing third-party backup software and common cloud storage providers
  • Caches recent backups locally, vaults everything to the cloud

Expert Insights’ Comments: The NetApp AltaVault is a highly efficient, scalable solution that enables quick and easy access to stored data in the cloud. It offers management of cold data and fast access with minimal costs. It can also provide fast data restoration in the event of data loss thanks to the local data cache. Users have praised NetApp AltaVault for its fast deployment and ease of use and management. We would recommend NetApp AltaVault for SMBs looking for a solution that integrates widely and has a range of tools for securing and storing data.

Panzura Logo

Regarded as a leader in the CSG space, the Panzura CloudFS solution is a global cloud-native, multi-cloud file system. It allows users to access files saved in their company cloud storage provider from any location, at any time. As a distributed cloud file system, Panzura CloudFS will be synchronized across your environments, allowing consistent and secure access. All stored data is consolidated into a single space where it is deduplicated, compressed, and protected against threats. The platform aids in management of cloud data, with the CloudFS Global File System overseeing where and how files are stored, access rights, and local caches.

Panzura CloudFS Features:

  • Cloud Block Store Parallel Storage manages cloud-native, auto-scaling storage with large data caches
  • Data protection from attacks with the platform quickly restoring previous backups secured through immutable data captured by snapshots
  • Integrated with the Panzura Edge app for easy access from portable devices
  • Centrally managed from a streamlines UI that offers extensive insights, granular control, and auditing capabilities
  • Supports NFS and SMB transfer protocols, meaning Panzura can be integrated into existing IT infrastructure, without changes

Expert Insights’ Comments: Panzura CloudFS delivers an effective system that can be applied across hundreds of environments for seamless and streamlined work and collaboration, while maintaining security and data protection. The solution allows for collaboration across endpoints, devices, and locations, with immediate saves and backups performed to ensure data is not lost. The solution uses privileged access policies to ensure that files are not overwritten by users who do not have authorization and access. We would recommend the Panzura CloudFS platform for enterprise level organizations.

Top 7 Cloud Storage Gateway Solutions