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Microsoft Azure StorSimple

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Microsoft Azure StorSimple Overview

From industry giant Microsoft comes the Azure StorSimple; a cloud storage gateway solution that can be deployed on-prem and acts as a virtual machine. The solution will automatically archive data to ensure that it is secure, and available for collaboration purposes. Azure StorSimple delivers a hybrid cloud storage solution for enterprises, with physical arrays for deployments in datacenters, and virtual arrays for smaller enterprise environments like remote and branch offices. Through improved efficiency and reduced admin workload, you can reduce costs by as much as 60%.

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Cloud Analytics, Cloud Storage

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Redmond, WA

Microsoft Azure StorSimple Features
  • Automation of data management across entire organization
  • Deduplication and compression reduce demand on storage
  • Primary, backup, snapshot, archive, and offsite storage ensure comprehensive data storage
  • Data retention determined by configurable policies
  • Ability to restore essential data, as well as complete data restoration – this results in faster recovery times
  • Allows for on-prem data to be available to applications running in Azure for dev/test and recovery
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