Identity Governance

The Top 10 User Provisioning and Governance Tools

User Provisioning and Governance tools manage user access and permissions across an organization’s systems and applications, ensuring proper onboarding, access control, and compliance.

The Top 10 User Provisioning And Governance Tools include:
  • 1. Fastpath Access Control
  • 2. IBM Security Verify Governance
  • 3. Microsoft Entra ID Governance
  • 4. Omada Identity Cloud
  • 5. One Identity Manager
  • 6. OpenText NetIQ Identity Governance and Administration
  • 7. Oracle Identity Governance
  • 8. PingOne for Workforce
  • 9. SailPoint Atlas
  • 10. SAP Access Control

User provisioning and governance tools enable organizations to configure and enforce appropriate access permissions, achieve compliance with security standards, and streamline user account management. They make it easier for IT and security teams to create, manage, and deprovision user accounts across multiple systems and applications, while ensuring that user access follows the principle of least privilege and adheres to company policies. 

Effective user provisioning is critical in the workplace, as it helps prevent unauthorized access through dormant or unused accounts. If a threat actor were to gain access to an account for a user no longer at the organization, for example, they would be able to use that account to access corporate systems, stealing or destroying data as they went. 

A comprehensive user provisioning and governance solution can help prevent this type of attack by making it easier for IT teams ensure that all users only have access to systems and applications that they need to do their job, for as long as they need it, and that they only have the minimum level of access required. To achieve this, they offer features such as automated workflows, role-based access controls and privilege management, granular permission management, and detailed audit trails. 

In this article, we’ll explore the top user provisioning and governance tools currently on the market. We’ll highlight the key use cases and features of each solution, including user provisioning, deprovisioning, access management, and identity governance.

FastPath Logo

Fastpath Access Control enables organizations to manage risk across all business applications, from the enterprise level to the smallest securable object. This system enables IT admins to define access profiles with precision and view multiple applications in a single interface.

Fastpath Access Control’s cross-application approach allows for effective separation of duties across related software, ensuring timely detection of potential risks and preventing costly fraud or data breaches. Additionally, the platform enables admins to create and modify User Access Reviews effortlessly, providing a detailed view of user access within each application and facilitating the management of risk and compliance with audit requirements.

Fastpath Access Control’s Sensitive Access features provide object-level data to answer crucial questions from businesses and auditors, such as who can post journal entries or modify configurations. The platform also offers Advanced Access Controls for specific platforms like D365FO, NetSuite, and SAP; these include Security Designer, which detects and prevents issues, as well as Risk Quantification available for NetSuite users. Overall, Fastpath Access Control simplifies and streamlines access management, reducing risks and ensuring audit compliance.

FastPath Logo
IBM logo

IBM Security Verify Governance is a comprehensive solution designed to effectively manage user access through automation, flexibility, and an activity-based approach for on-premises and cloud applications. It reduces operational costs by automating labor-intensive processes such as access certifications, access requests, password management, and provisioning. The platform is compatible with various databases, browsers, hypervisors, and deployment options, such as DB2, Oracle, Citrix, Red Hat, VMware, and z/OS.

IBM Security Verify Governance employs a unique business activity-based methodology for modeling separation of duty violations, offering an easy-to-understand and actionable view of risks. Powered by Identity Analytics, it delivers a 360-degree perspective on access risks and enables informed decision-making. IBM Security Verify Governance features an intuitive interface for access certification and an enhanced access request workflow, streamlining the certification and entitlement management process.

Additionally, the platform offers self-service capabilities for administrators through the IBM Service Center, which include password management, access requests, and account management. Lastly, for ease of adding and switching entitlements, simplified packaging and licensing are provided through IBM FlexPoints. This also enables the solution to scale according to your organization’s provisioning needs.

IBM logo
Microsoft Logo

Microsoft Entra ID Governance is a cloud-based identity management solution designed to enhance productivity and strengthen security for organizations. It helps automate access to apps and services for employees, suppliers, and business partners, both in the cloud and on-premises. By reducing the need for manual approvals, Entra ID Governance ensures that individuals have the appropriate access when needed.

Entra ID Governance streamlines deployment and operation by supporting cloud and on-premises apps, as well as integrating Microsoft apps and hundreds of non-Microsoft apps with ease. The platform not only fortifies security by minimizing risks resulting from access abuse, but also uses machine learning for smart access decisions, with recurring review requirements in place to verify the ongoing need for users, group memberships, and access. Additionally, Entra ID Governance allows organizations to delegate routine access requests to relevant business groups, automating the approval process for common resource access. It helps manage the identity and resource access lifecycle at scale through automated access request workflows, access assignments, reviews, and expiration. The solution also features lifecycle workflows, AI-driven and standard access reviews, and privileged identity management for users or groups.

Microsoft Logo
Omada Logo

Omada Identity Cloud is a comprehensive Identity Governance and Administration solution that streamlines operational efficiencies, strengthens security, and offers visibility into various IT environments. This service aims to fulfill the security, compliance, and efficiency requirements of businesses through an automated approach to identity and access management.

Omada Identity Cloud encompasses identity lifecycle management, automating policy and role management while supporting manual, triggered, or scheduled workflows. Its configurable workflow engine allows organizations to adapt access policies according to evolving business needs and optimizes task management. Omada Identity Cloud also offers configurable certification surveys, central monitoring, and audit trails, ensuring consistent compliance with security standards.

In addition, the solution provides visual insights into the organization’s compliance status and risk exposure with user-friendly dashboards. It features closed-loop compliance, analytics that improve decision-making, and a configuration-driven approach, eliminating the need for code development. Overall, this IGA solution offers efficient identity management and compliance capabilities, ultimately helping organizations save time and resources while bolstering security measures.

Omada Logo
One Identity logo

One Identity Manager is an identity management software that ensures secure user access and automates provisioning for both on-premises and cloud environments. The solution extends identity governance beyond on-premises applications to hybrid and SaaS applications, providing a single platform for governance, visibility, and compliance reporting.

One Identity Manager covers identity lifecycle management, cloud integration, and self-service access. Users can request entitlements and group access via a “shopping-cart” selection menu, allowing line-of-business personnel to approve or deny user and group access and entitlements. One Identity Manager is also SAP certified, enabling the enhancement of existing SAP security models and connecting accounts under governance.

The platform also offers Privileged Access Governance, which enables admins to request, provision, and attest to both privileged and user access. Application Governance, meanwhile, streamlines application access decisions and empowers line-of-business managers to make decisions without IT input. The platform’s Behavior-Driven Governance feature uses access insights in OneLogin to inform policy decisions within Identity Manager, and its compliance reporting capabilities help businesses to track and meet regulatory requirements.

One Identity logo
OpenText Logo

NetIQ Identity Governance and Administration (IGA) is a comprehensive platform developed by OpenText that enables organizations to govern access to resources, adapt to risk, and improve business agility. The platform collects user entitlement information from multiple systems, applications, and data sources, presenting it in consolidated, easy-to-understand reports. This allows line-of-business managers to validate employee access privileges quickly and act immediately if any changes are needed.

The NetIQ IGA platform provides accurate visibility into access to resources across on-premises, hybrid, and cloud applications. It uses analytics and role mining techniques for compliance metrics and reporting, while supporting access certification campaigns with automated reminders and progress updates. The platform also defines controls for detecting and handling violations, such as separation of duties violations or orphaned accounts, and it allows organizations to close the loop on remediation by integrating with service desk solutions, such as ServiceNow or Remedy.

With risk-prioritized reviews and real-time adaptive governance, NetIQ Identity Governance can continuously reduce risk, rather than relying solely on point-in-time collections. Additionally, by providing business context information directly in the review and approval interfaces, the platform empowers business users to make better access decisions through risk and cost insights. Overall, NetIQ Identity Governance and Administration offers a comprehensive and efficient solution for managing access certifications, ensuring compliance, and mitigating risk in organizations of all sizes.

OpenText Logo
Oracle Logo

Oracle Identity Governance is a comprehensive solution that manages user lifecycle and provides access entitlement controls for both on-premises and cloud services. It supports microservices to optimize role-based access control and automates the process of role publishing. The platform efficiently handles user provisioning, deprovisioning, and offers actionable identity intelligence for quick remediation of high-risk user entitlements.

With Oracle Identity Governance, admins can manage identities across cloud and on-premises environments with a user-friendly access catalog that suggests access and provisioning requests based on roles and entitlements. Oracle Identity Governance also features a self-service portal that enables flexible workflows for application onboarding and user management. Moreover, the platform utilizes intelligent role mining to identify common access patterns and optimize role-based access control using advanced data mining, AI, and ML technologies.

To help meet compliance needs, Oracle offers granular entitlement management through customizable certification campaigns and audit-driven assessments that are focused on high-risk entitlements or regulatory compliance. Additionally, it can be paired with Oracle Access Governance to reduce compliance risk by streamlining the management of access entitlements across hybrid environments. Finally, Oracle Identity Governance is highly scalable, allowing easy deployment on-premises and in the cloud using Open Application Model (OAM) with Docker or Kubernetes images.

Oracle Logo
Ping Identity Logo

PingOne for Workforce is a comprehensive cloud-based identity management solution designed to streamline access control for employees, regardless of their location. This platform focuses on centralizing and simplifying access by connecting users to various applications on any device, utilizing adaptive authentication for a seamless user experience.

PingOne for Workforce supports complex IT environments by integrating with a wide range of enterprise applications, including Active Directory. Trusted by more than half of the Fortune 100, PingOne for Workforce is compatible with SaaS, legacy, on-premises, and custom applications. This flexibility allows businesses of all sizes to reinforce their IT infrastructure while maintaining the management and scalability that they need.

PingOne for Workforce facilitates a Zero Trust approach to access provisioning, ensuring that every employee and device is verified before granting access to company resources. The platform’s authentication and authorization capabilities contribute to the maturity of an organization’s Zero Trust framework. Furthermore, PingOne’s no-code, automated workflows enable IT and security teams to increase business agility and can help prevent the occurrence of shadow IT or siloed approaches. With its versatile features and focus on security, PingOne for Workforce serves a wide range of organizations, aiming to streamline access and support business growth.

Ping Identity Logo
SailPoint Logo

SailPoint Atlas is an identity security platform that enables organizations to address new identity challenges without needing to restructure or re-engineer their current solution. By reducing friction in identity management deployments, it helps businesses grow smoothly and securely.

SailPoint Atlas is powered by built-in artificial intelligence, offering 360-degree visibility, insight, and remediation to adapt to and ensure the security of every user’s access. It utilizes a rich library of machine learning models for building, managing, maintaining, and optimizing identity security, and features event-driven orchestration to automate both simple and complex identity use cases.  The platform also includes customizable workflows that automate and streamline identity processes, allowing IT teams to concentrate on innovation, collaboration, and productivity, rather than repetitive administrative tasks. It also offers in-depth reporting that incorporates personalized insights, dashboards, and notifications, all of which help admins to monitor the identity ecosystem and quickly investigate and remediate any unusual access activity.

SailPoint Atlas also provides comprehensive integration through thousands of connections, enabling organizations to embed identity context and centrally manage access controls across their entire hybrid ecosystem.

SailPoint Logo
SAP Logo

SAP Access Control is a governance software that streamlines the process of managing and validating user access for both on-premises and cloud environments. It enables organizations to provide employees with the necessary applications and services without exposing sensitive data or processes to unauthorized use. It also automates user provisioning and enforces governance through preventative policy checks and emergency access monitoring.

Key features of SAP Access Control include role-based access control, user access management, and analysis of access risk. The software maintains compliance roles in easily understandable terms and language, identifies potential risks through a comprehensive rule set, and allows for continuous cross-system analysis in real-time. Additionally, Access Control supports automated user access assignments across other SAP and third-party systems, aligning it with digital identities created within the organization’s HR system.

Other notable features of the software include regular reviews for periodic user access compliance and emergency access management, which grants temporary super-user status in a controlled, auditable environment. Furthermore, SAP Access Control simplifies privileged access management by offering closed-loop monitoring and management for emergency access situations, and the platform assists in proactive risk mitigation by notifying users of any conflicting or sensitive actions and automating periodic certification reviews.

SAP Logo
The Top 10 User Provisioning and Governance Tools