Threat detection and response solutions allow organizations to detect and remediate against cyber-threats within their network environment. They are designed to continuously monitor networks to find potential threats, analyze the potential risk that they pose, and then provide organizations with remediation steps to take.
These solutions are typically deployed to all endpoint devices within a network environment. They then connect to a centralized admin console, which provides real-time reporting, admin controls, and monitoring of endpoint devices. Admins should be able to configure alerts to let them know when threats are detected, and the solution should integrate with other security tools to provide a more holistic approach to network security.
They are different from endpoint detection and response solutions in that they do not provide threat protection; instead, they provide real time alerts and allow organizations to configure automated policies to provide instant remediation against harmful threats. For this reason, we recommend using these solutions with a strong incident response plan in place to tackle threats when they are found.
Threat detection and response solutions can be seen as a last line of defense: if your firewalls and endpoint protection fail, threat detection and response solutions will alert you to a problem, even when the issue has never been seen before.
There are a broad range of tools available that provide this functionality. In this shortlist, we’ll cover the top threat detection and response solutions. We’ll compare key features including threat detection, continuous monitoring, automated responses, reporting, and admin controls.