
The Top 10 Privacy Software

Discover the top best privacy software. Explore features such as automation, data management, and reporting.

The Top 10 Privacy Software Solutions include:
  • 1. BigID
  • 2. Collibra
  • 3. DataGrail
  • 4. Informatica
  • 5. OneTrust
  • 6. Osano
  • 7. SAI360
  • 8. Securiti
  • 9. Transcend
  • 10. TrustArc

Privacy software solutions have become increasingly important as the need to protect personal information and data from unauthorized access and cyber threats continues to grow. These solutions focus on preserving the privacy of individuals and organizations, offering protection against various forms of cyber-crime, including data breaches, identity theft, and tracking intrusion. 

Privacy solutions enable users to safeguard their online presence, securely recycle files and folders, encrypt sensitive data, and anonymize their internet activities. As the market has expanded over time, users can now choose from a variety of providers, with each one offering their own unique take on a solution designed to enhance privacy and security.  

This guide will explore the top privacy software solutions currently available, evaluating their features, user experience, levels of protection, and overall effectiveness. Our selection is based on technical assessments, independent reviews, and user feedback.

BigID Logo

BigID is a privacy management platform designed to automate compliance with emerging data privacy and protection regulations. This solution offers a range of tools to help organizations proactively manage privacy requests, preferences, and cookie consent in a centralized self-service portal.

The platform streamlines Data Subject Access Request (DSAR) management by discovering, classifying, and connecting user data across the organization, enabling efficient request validation, data deletion, and report generation. Additionally, BigID creates a unified view of consent information across all systems, allowing organizations to monitor and adjust cookie consent, data preferences, and opt-in and opt-out choices as needed.

BigID simplifies the process of data mapping, identifying data inventory and visually mapping data flows within the organization to assess how data is processed, transferred, and shared. This helps reduce privacy risks and ensures compliance with policies and agreements.

This platform also offers Privacy Impact Assessments (PIAs) using industry-standard templates to help organizations quickly evaluate the risks associated with their data inventory, streamline collaboration, and customize workflows. Overall, BigID’s data-driven privacy management and automation tools help businesses effectively maintain compliance with evolving privacy regulations.

BigID Logo

Collibra is a data privacy platform that centralizes, automates, and guides workflows to encourage collaboration, operationalize privacy, and address global regulatory requirements. This platform utilizes machine learning to classify sensitive data, which can help improve accuracy and boost productivity. As a comprehensive data governance solution, Collibra ensures that teams have access to accurate, trusted, and compliant data, resulting in an increase in gross productivity levels.

By embedding privacy by design, Collibra simplifies the support for upcoming regulations and ensures best practices for data retention, data minimization, and compliant data usage, reducing the risk of costly GDPR fines. The platform features a persona-based user interface that delivers the right information to the right users, as well as dynamic data mapping to provide visibility into data sharing risks.

Collibra’s automated workflows capture data usage information across organizations and support compliant data usage. Integrated assessments with customizable templates enable organizations to mitigate data risks, while the active metadata graph helps teams understand relationships among governed data for privacy efforts.

Collibra also allows easy discovery, profiling, and mapping of data with a unified workflow, empowering privacy, data governance, and business teams to deliver privacy initiatives through a single platform. The platform also offers data quality checks for regulatory audit requirements and customizable reporting templates for both internal stakeholders and regulators.

DataGrail Logo

DataGrail is an integrated privacy solution designed to help companies create comprehensive privacy programs that give individuals more control over their privacy and identity. By streamlining complicated processes associated with emerging privacy laws, DataGrail simplifies and organizes large volumes of data into easy-to-use privacy programs.

With a deeply integrated approach, DataGrail’s platform features hundreds of pre-built connectors for popular business systems, allowing organizations to establish a solid data foundation for their privacy programs seamlessly. Key capabilities include continuous data mapping, automated data subject requests, and unified preference management. DataGrail’s Privacy Control Center provides a hassle-free way to get started, allowing businesses to scale their privacy programs with confidence.

Overall, DataGrail offers a platform with purpose-built data privacy integrations for companies looking to make privacy a competitive differentiator.

DataGrail Logo
Informatica Logo

Informatica is a data privacy governance solution that helps businesses automate the protection of sensitive data and ensure secure data usage. The platform offers an integrated solution for discovering data, assessing risks, and monitoring access to provide transparency and security.

Informatica allows businesses to discover and classify sensitive data, map it to data subjects, and track exposure, promoting transparency. By automating and measuring compliance with multifactor risk scoring, companies can save time and reduce costs in mitigating privacy risks.

The platform also monitors crucial activities, identifies suspicious activity, alerts users to policy violations, and helps remediate risk exposure. With Informatica, businesses gain visibility into sensitive data through discovery, classification, analysis, and understanding, allowing them to assess privacy impacts more effectively.

This platform supports regulatory compliance by identifying risk exposure and providing transparency into data usage. Informatica also protects personal and sensitive information by automating data masking and integrating with third-party workflows for risk remediation.

Informatica Logo
OneTrust Logo

OneTrust is a comprehensive privacy management platform designed to help organizations comply with various global privacy laws and data protection frameworks, enabling them to establish a long-lasting culture of accountability. The platform offers real-time regulatory intelligence, providing organizations with an accurate understanding of the personal data they hold and process, as well as their vendors’ practices.

The platform automates resource-intensive privacy management workflows to protect sensitive data, implement privacy incident prevention, and prepare for incident response. It also unifies data privacy management program activities such as privacy impact assessments, data mapping, and privacy rights request fulfillment, allowing organizations to focus on strategic privacy initiatives. OneTrust’s offering includes up-to-date regulatory research, industry-specific privacy awareness training content, and current privacy policies to help teams stay informed and prepared for the latest compliance requirements. OneTrust enables businesses to demonstrate accountability by measuring and overseeing privacy risks, incident response handling, and privacy program maturity over time.

The platform’s user-friendly dashboards help users identify areas for improvement and spot major trends or potential incidents. Overall, OneTrust aims to help organizations make faster data-driven decisions, ensuring compliance and fostering trust.

OneTrust Logo
Osano Logo

Osano is a data privacy management platform designed to simplify privacy compliance for organizations. The platform provides support and automation for privacy management, allowing businesses to increase trust and maintain compliance with ease. Osano is applicable in over 50 countries and covers regulations such as GDPR, CCPA/CPRA, and LGPD.

This all-in-one platform comprises consent management, data subject rights, assessments, and vendor risk management. It offers transparency and control over personal data processing, enabling trust and privacy protection for both businesses and their customers. Osano is user-friendly and provides a range of compliance capabilities that are simple to execute. By incorporating a single line of JavaScript code to your website header or embedding a form for DSAR management, users can quickly address privacy tasks.

The platform also includes features for tracking vendors’ privacy practices, creating and storing assessments, and automatically discovering consumer data across data stores. Overall, Osano’s data privacy platform addresses the most challenging aspects of data privacy management, reducing risk and saving resources for organizations while ensuring compliance.

Osano Logo
SAI360 Logo

SAI360 is a data privacy compliance solution designed to help businesses stay ahead of increasing data privacy regulations while maintaining customer trust. This platform offers modern scenario-based training, tools to automate privacy strategies, and documentation to foster a data protection culture across an organization.

The platform provides a unified view into data protection activities, allowing users to access a consolidated view of activities such as business impact assessments and results. Additionally, it offers a step-by-step wizard to register all services involving personal data processing, along with related systems and vendors.

SAI360 centralizes data privacy compliance records in a single database for easy monitoring and management, and simplifies documentation and reporting by automatically documenting data breaches according to customizable criteria and generating audit trails.

SAI360 also offers customization and automation of workflows to fit the specific needs of a business. Users can configure revision and approval workflows for policy management, customize rules to automate responses to breaches and other security incidents, and create new or customize pre-configured workflows for categorizing, centralizing, and managing data requests.

SAI360 Logo
Securiti Logo

Securiti is a company focused on enabling enterprises to safely utilize data and the cloud by managing complex security, privacy, and compliance risks. Their AI-Powered PrivacyOps solution provides businesses with a range of features to help them abide by data privacy regulations and protect customer information.

With Securiti, businesses can easily deploy a fully functional privacy center featuring an automated backend, integrated privacy regulation intelligence, and an elegant frontend. It streamlines privacy by connecting to structured and unstructured data systems, automatically building relationship maps between personal data and unique identities.

The platform also aids in organizing data mapping by collecting, maintaining, and cataloging data assets and data processing activities in a Sensitive Data Catalog. Additional features include handling data subject requests, automating privacy impact assessments and privacy-by-design, assessing third-party privacy risks, and managing cookie consent and first-party consent across multiple channels.

Securiti’s platform also simplifies the incident response process by automating breach notifications to comply with global privacy regulations and facilitating the management and refreshment of privacy policies and notices through a unified dashboard.

Securiti Logo
Transcend Logo

Transcend is a data governance company that assists large businesses in managing their data more effectively. Their goal is to simplify compliance, fuel strategic growth, and enhance business resilience. They offer a unified data governance platform that includes data privacy governance and artificial intelligence governance.

Transcend’s data privacy governance allows businesses to unlock new opportunities through a seamless, unified platform that automates compliance processes. Their artificial intelligence governance feature enables companies to control and manage risks associated with large language model deployments across the enterprise, fostering confident innovation.

Transcend’s AI governance solutions allow for secure AI adoption, technical control of data in large language models, real-time visibility in AI deployments, and strengthened compliance through predefined or custom policies. Additionally, the company provides tools to transform privacy management, such as privacy request automation, full-stack consent management, and automated data mapping.

With enterprise-grade security and seamless integrations for databases and SaaS ecosystems, Transcend ensures data protection and streamlined governance processes. Their data classification with AI/ML features automatically identifies and classifies both structured and unstructured data throughout a company’s entire data ecosystem.

Transcend Logo
TrustArc Logo

TrustArc is a company with decades of expertise in privacy programs and compliance, serving more than 1,500 businesses worldwide. They specialize in building robust privacy programs and ensuring ongoing compliance with information governance and data security in the ever-changing digital landscape.

TrustArc offers an all-in-one data privacy management solution that enables businesses to efficiently access and manage data while maintaining compliance with global privacy regulations. This comprehensive platform combines expert advice, governance, operations, and technology, utilizing automation to help companies achieve scalable compliance and enhance customer trust.

With TrustArc’s platform, businesses can capture, process, and automate user data privacy, providing compliant and world-class experiences while managing sophisticated workflows. The solution simplifies operations, offering clarity on risks and obligations and making strategic recommendations for achieving regulatory compliance while addressing daily privacy management complexities.

TrustArc also empowers privacy officers with access to a global, easy-to-search database of regulatory, enforcement, and research information, offering valuable insights for organizations striving to maintain compliance in today’s global privacy landscape.

TrustArc Logo
The Top 10 Privacy Software