Data Loss Prevention

The Top 10 User Behavior Analytics (UBA) Solutions

Discover the top User Behavior Analytics (UBA) solutions. Explore features such as activity monitoring, risk scoring, and incident remediation.

The Top 10 User Behavior Analytics (UBA) Solutions Include:
  • 1. Cynet 360 AutoXDR
  • 2. Exabeam Fusion SIEM
  • 3. Fortinet FortiInsight Cloud
  • 4. Gurucul UEBA
  • 5. IBM QRadar SIEM User Behavior Analytics
  • 6. LogRhythm SIEM UEBA
  • 7. Microsoft Defender For Identity
  • 8. Rapid7 InsightIDR
  • 9. Securonix Next-Gen SIEM
  • 10. Splunk User Behavior Analytics

User Behavior Analytics (UBA) uses machine learning to build up a picture of a user’s usual habits and activity. If a user begins to deviate from their usual behavior, UBA solutions can identify and flag the abnormal behavior. It may be that the behavior is innocent, or it could indicate that an account has been hacked and that your network is compromised. 

UBA solutions have progressed a great deal over the past few years. Advances in machine learning have allowed UBA solutions to make sense of the vast amounts of data that they have access to. This results in a comprehensive and effective means of identifying suspicious behavior. 

It is important that your solution has access to as much data as possible – this will give it the greatest insight into network events. You will also want a solution with a clear dashboard that allows you to get timely notifications regarding network activities, and from which you can also manage remediation procedures.

In this article, we’ll consider the top user behavior analytics solutions currently on the market. We will highlight their key features, before suggesting who they would be ideally suited for. Across this list, we will identify solutions for a number of use cases, highlighting key players, as well as emerging solutions and providers.

Cynet Logo

Cynet is a threat detection and response company based in Boston, MA. Cynet 360 AutoXDR is their automated, end-to-end security platform that allows users to automatically identify and remediate attacks on their network. Part of this platform, Cynet’s UBA capabilities allow you to monitor behavior and identify suspicious or compromised accounts.

Cynet 360 AutoXDR Features:

  • Use contextual information to create behavioral baselines – factors include role, group, geolocation, and working hours
  • Real-time correlation of user behavior with baseline to determine current risk levels
  • Automatically disable or review compromised accounts
  • Implement two-factor authentication to verify a user’s identity

Expert Insights’ Comments: Cynet 360 AutoXDR is a comprehensive solution with a range of tools and capabilities. The platform is very reliable, ensuring that your organization is protected from common and zero-day threats. We would recommend Cynet 360 AutoXDR for smaller organizations looking for a reliable UBA solution as part of a wider threat hunting and remediation platform.

Exabeam Logo

Based in Foster City, CA, Exabeam is a cybersecurity management and control provider. Exabeam Fusion SIEM is a SIEM solution that incorporates log management, behavioral analytics, and automated threat detection, investigation, and response. The solution is controlled from a single interface, from which admins can monitor behavior and event logs, investigate alerts, and configure automated workflows.

Exabeam Fusion SIEM Features:

  • Constant monitoring of user behavior against over 1,800 detection rules
  • 750 behavioral model histograms are used to create timelines that illustrate an attacker’s activities
  • Automated detection, triage, and investigation of threats
  • Intelligent alert prioritization – ML is used to automate, highlight, and escalate the most urgent alerts
  • Uses MITRE ATT&CK framework to improve visibility of security posture

Expert Insights’ Comments: Exabeam Fusion SIEM is an advanced solution that gives you a good insight into UBA across your network. The solution grants you granular control over configuration and management. It’s real-time threat detection capabilities allow organizations to respond quickly, thereby reducing the potential for harm. We would recommend this solution for larger enterprise organizations that are looking for an effective UBA tool that will enhance their network security.

Fortinet Logo

Fortinet is a technology provider based in Sunnyvale, CA. They have developed a wide range of effective and technically capable solutions across network security, zero trust access, and cloud security. FortiInsight Cloud is a tool for monitoring, detecting, and responding to network events and user behaviors.

Fortinet FortiInsight Cloud Features:

  • Machine learning optimizes each stage of the threat investigation pipeline
  • Full visibility of data and usage ensures that your organization remains compliant
  • Comprehensive and detailed monitoring of your network 24/7
  • Integrates with your chosen SIEM (via an API) to extend your coverage and capabilities

Expert Insights’ Comments: Fortinet’s UBA solution provides organizations with useful, actionable insights of network events and suspicious behavior. This, alongside the effective integration with your SIEM solution, results in a comprehensive additional layer of security. We would recommend FortiInsights for medium to large organizations that require a robust solution that can identify a range of suspicious behaviors before they develop into full threats.

Fortinet Logo
Gurucul Logo

Gurucul has developed several next-gen security operations and analytics platforms, including XDR, SIEM, IAM, and UEBA solutions. Their solutions use ML behavior profiling to generate accurate risk-scores for network events, then identify and predict data breaches or attacks. Gurucul’s dedicated UEBA solution can enhance your ability to detect threats through comprehensive user behavior profiles and risk scoring.

Gurucul UEBA Features:

  • Multiple threat hunting methodologies – hypothesis-driven, indicators of compromise, analytics, and ML
  • Case management capabilities allow you to perform incident response and threat mitigation
  • Uses telemetry analytics and behavioral modelling to generate accurate risk scores
  • Uses 1500+ ML based behavior models out-of-the-box to give you coverage immediately

Expert Insights’ Comments: Gurucul’s UEBA is an effective and technically advanced solution that gives you deep analysis of any deviations from a user’s normal behavior, thereby allowing you to prevent account misuse. The platform can ingest high volumes of data from across your whole network, ensuring that analysis capabilities are thorough and detailed. We would recommend this solution for medium sized organizations that are looking for a comprehensive tool to manage and log all their cyber events, as well as gain an insight into user behavior.

Gurucul Logo
IBM Logo

IBM is a multi-national technology company that provides a comprehensive range of cyber tools. IBM’s User Behavior Analytics module is an add-on to their QRadar SIEM solution. The add-on uses AI and ML to identify any behavior that is anomalous and worth further investigation. Through this accurate and astute analysis, malicious actors can be identified quickly and dwell time can be reduced.

IBM QRadar SIEM User Behavior Analytics Features:

  • Ability to retrace an attacker’s movement through your network and identify their activity
  • AI capabilities allow deep insights during investigation
  • You can integrate custom applications to enhance security and analysis capabilities
  • Analysis of Layer 7 traffic makes it more comprehensive than some other solutions

Expert Insights’ Comments: IBM’s QRadar SIEM is a comprehensive threat intelligence solution. The User Behavior Analytics module gives organizations extended visibility and understanding of how users are behaving whilst connected. It also adds a layer of security to your post-attack analysis capabilities – you can identify the actions that a malicious actor has taken whilst on the network. We recommend IBM’s QRadar SIEM for mid-market organizations and larger enterprises looking for UBA as part of a wider, holistic analysis of network events.

LogRhythm Logo

LogRhythm has developed a series of cloud monitoring and response solutions. Their UEBA solution, an add-on to the LogRhythm SIEM, utilizes ML to identify suspicious behavior or events and protect your network. This solution acts as an extra layer of defense, giving you greater ability to detect the early stages of cyberattacks and compromised accounts.

LogRhythm SIEM UEBA Features:

  • Customizable dashboards to highlight information that you need
  • Granular configuration options give you tailored notifications and enable you to leverage AI to automate responses
  • Individualized anomaly scores to help make sense of network events
  • Out-of-the-box rules to ensure you get value from day one

Expert Insights’ Comments: LogRhythm SIEM and its add-on UEBA capabilities are highly configurable, empowering you to gain network visibility with a focus on the issues specific to your organization. The GUI is streamlined and the high levels of customization allow you to make granular changes and gain insights into your network. We would recommend LogRhythm UEBA for small to medium sized organizations that want to enhance their SIEM solution through UEBA.

Microsoft Logo

Defender is Microsoft’s suite of threat prevention, detection, and response tools. Defender for Identity monitors Active Directory signals to identify, detect, and investigate threats, compromised identities, and malicious insider actions. Defender achieves this by using ML to build a baseline understanding of user behavior, then mapping this with real-time behavior.

Microsoft Defender For Identity Features:

  • Provides clear and comprehensive incident information to improve triage process
  • Ensures that user identities are secure – this protects users as well as your organization
  • Customizable dashboard gives you a detailed breakdown of relevant intelligence
  • Custom detection rules for automating remediation protocols
  • Threat detection uses the MITRE ATT&CK framework to improve clarity

Expert Insights’ Comments: Microsoft Defender For Identities is a well-regarded solution that provides continuous and comprehensive user and threat monitoring. The solution also ensures that credentials are stored securely, preventing them from being used in an account compromise attack. The solution is quick to implement and easy to configure – this gives admins a good level of control over how the solution operates within your workplace. We recommend Defender For Identities as a strong UBA solution for any organization operating a Windows environment.

Microsoft Logo
Rapid7 Logo

Rapid7 is a Boston, MA, based technology company that specializes in network visibility, analytics, and automation solutions. InsightIDR is Rapid7’s XDR and SIEM platform that monitors and manages cyber events to keep your network safe.

Rapid7 InsightIDR Features:

  • Uses ML to provide continuous monitoring to identify anomalous behavior
  • Ability to retract user activity across assets, accounts and cloud services
  • Streamlined dashboard that highlights risky users, watchlist, and ingress locations, each set against a timeline
  • Identifies misconfigurations that may allow attackers entry

Expert Insights’ Comments: The Rapid7 Insight platform is a comprehensive solution that gives organizations visibility and control over their network, allowing them to protect their accounts, users, and data. The solution is, in essence, an XDR platform, meaning that it has extensive automation and incident resolution features. The UBA capabilities enhance the accuracy of the platform, allowing suspicious behavior to be identified sooner. We would recommend Rapid7 InsightsIDR for mid-market organizations that want a fully featured yet cost-effective security solution and may benefit from the managed detection and response service offered by Rapid7 as an add-on.

Rapid7 Logo
Securonix Logo

Securonix is a threat detection and response solution that is powered through intelligent data analysis. The solution leverages user and entity behavioral analytics (UEBA) to add context to alerts, reduce noise, prioritize remediation activities, and ensure that mitigation is precise.

Securonix Next-Gen SIEM Features:

  • Pre-built analytics modules give you insight out-of-the-box
  • Cloud native architecture results in effective scaling and extended visibility
  • Comprehensive identity risk scoring to help you understand risk
  • Uses MITRE ATT&CK and US-CERT frameworks to map threats
  • Integrates with a wide range of applications, including Securonix SOAR, meaning that you can manage all of your threat data via a single interface

Expert Insights’ Comments: Securonix is a single-platform SIEM solution that gives you greater visibility into your network and the events that occur on it. The UBA capabilities are enhanced by powerful AI and ML, allowing the solution to detect anomalies with greater accuracy and efficiency. We would recommend Securonix for medium to large organizations that would benefit from a reliable solution with comprehensive remediation and management features.

Splunk Logo

Software development company, Splunk, is based in San Francisco, CA, and provides a unified security and observability platform to improve your organization’s security posture. Splunk’s UBA tool is an add-on to Splunk’s SIEM solution. The solution enhances your network security by identifying threats that would be missed by tools like firewalls and filters.

Splunk User Behavior Analytics Features:

  • Analyze billions of events to identify suspicious behavior
  • Gain threat context of each threat by identifying users, accounts, devices, and applications involved to understand attack patterns
  • Customize threat models to suit your organization’s processes, policies, assets, and users
  • Identify lateral movement of malware or malicious code proliferation to further reduce threats to your network

Expert Insights’ Comments: Splunk’s UBA solution is easy to implement, allowing you to enhance your security posture to identify suspicious behavior without much hassle. We would recommend Splunk UBA for medium to large organizations who are looking to gain critical data into their network and behavioral events and are already using Splunk’s other security tools.

Splunk Logo
The Top 10 User Behavior Analytics (UBA) Solutions