Data Loss Prevention

The Top 5 User Activity Monitoring Solutions For DLP

Compare user activity monitoring solutions offering features like real-time monitoring, behavior analytics, and insider threat detection.

The Top 5 User Activity Monitoring Solutions for DLP include:
  • 1. Teramind User Activity Monitoring
  • 2. Safetica User Activity And Workspace Audit
  • 3. Proofpoint Insider Threat Management
  • 4. Fortra Digital Guardian User Activity Monitoring
  • 5. Forcepoint User Activity Monitoring

User Activity Monitoring (UAM) solutions allow admins to monitor user activity across endpoint devices, web browsers, email and instant messaging channels, and other applications. This protects against insider threats, prevents data loss, and can prevent security breaches by flagging suspicious behaviors. 

User activity monitoring solutions work by capturing and analyzing user behavior when using corporate devices or applications. They provide admins with insights on what data, applications, and services a user has accessed. They provide alerts based on custom rules engines to flag suspicious activities or compromised accounts and can help to prevent compromise of sensitive data from internal corporate systems. 

UAM solutions provide critical data to admins, from alerts on suspicious activities, to live real-time application usage. The aim of these solutions is to detect suspicious behaviors that may suggest fraudulent activities or breaches in compliance. If a potential breach is detected, these solutions are equipped with real-time alarms and remediation systems which alert the admins so they can investigate and quickly mitigate the risk. User activity monitoring functionality is often included in wider endpoint security, endpoint management, or data loss prevention (DLP) solutions.

In this article, we’ll compare the top User Activity Monitoring solutions for business available today. We will explore their notable features, integrations, activity tracking abilities, and their overall efficiency based on our own internal expert research. The market for UAM solutions is competitive, with a number of vendors providing user activity monitoring. UAM solutions typically offer features like comprehensive activity reports, real-time alerts, an intelligent analytics system, policy creation and enforcement, as well as integrations with other security tools.

There are a number of user activity monitoring solutions focused on tracking user productivity, particularly for remote teams. However, this article will focus on user monitoring for data loss prevention and security compliance, rather than for employee management, although some solutions covered do overlap in these capabilities.

Teramind Logo

Teramind User Activity Monitoring enables continuous tracking of user activity to quickly detect potential cyber threats and prevent data loss. This solution is designed to help IT teams maintain a secure, productive, and compliant business environment.

Key features include an intelligent rules function to track user activity, automated alerts to risky behaviors, real-time activity monitoring, and response actions for policy violations. Teramind offers extensive website and application monitoring, enabling businesses to ensure employees’ internet usage aligns with company policies as well as solution mail monitoring including contents, attachments, sender or recipient information and email frequency.

Teramind offers several management capabilities to track user behavior, including high-speed searches of sensitive content in recorded sessions. The platform offers a keystroke monitoring feature which tracks every keystroke and keyboard command to identify potential threats. The solution also supports online meeting monitoring, printed document tracking, file transfer monitoring, and remote desktop controls for optimum productivity analysis and compliance.

Teramind User Activity Monitoring is a strong solution for organization’s looking to reduce the risk of data loss. It increases data security, enabling faster threat detection and ensures compliance with detailed user tracking reports and intelligent activity monitoring. The solution is suited to being used across a range of industries including banking and finance, government, healthcare, retail, and education.

Teramind Logo
Safetica Logo

Safetica is a comprehensive data protection solution designed to analyze and monitor user activity both within and outside the company network. Safetica can quickly identify and effectively block insider threats, while simultaneously offering admins a detailed overview of network activity and efficiency.

Safetica monitors file transfers, instant messages, and email attachment sending, to prevent accidental or malicious data loss. Safetica also provides real-time alerts and detailed summary reports to track user activities. It also identifies and mitigates any unauthorized apps or ‘shadow IT’ used by employees.

Safetica also helps to monitor productivity and improve efficiency for your team. Features including behavior and productivity charts, customizable reports, and centralized management help to improve productivity while preventing data loss. Safetica respects user privacy and primarily focuses on activities that pose a potential security threat to organizational data.

Overall, Safetica is a comprehensive and cost-effective tool that helps to protect sensitive informational assets efficiently. It offers data security solutions which are suitable for organizations of various sizes and structures, and currently safeguards data on over 500,000 devices across 120 countries.

Safetica Logo
Proofpoint Logo

Proofpoint Insider Threat Management (ITM) is a cloud-based solution for protecting against data loss caused by internal threats. The platform tracks both user activity and data movement, with clear reports to help security teams to pinpoint security threats, identify user risk, and quickly respond to security incidents.

Proofpoint ITM provides comprehensive monitoring and context for user activities, using sophisticated systems to detect and block data leakage in real time. The software is deployed via a lightweight endpoint agent which monitors both normal and high-risk user interactions with data. Admins are able to create watch-lists based on set criteria such as user roles, data they interact with, vulnerability to threats like phishing, and changes in their employment status.

The platform also includes customizable alerts and custom detection rules to monitor and enforce your organization’s data loss, acceptable use, and insider threat policies. Alerts cover suspected malicious/accidental data movement, unauthorized access, and data exfiltration attempts.

Proofpoint ITM is a powerful tool to monitor suspicious internal activity to prevent data loss. The solution helps to speeds up response times to threat incidents and is quick and easy to deploy via the lightweight endpoint agent. Overall, Proofpoint ITM provides a scalable cloud-native data protection and insider threat protection platform, enabling more efficient incident responses.

Proofpoint Logo

Fortra Digital Guardian User Activity Monitoring is a user activity monitoring tool that quickly identifies, investigates, and blocks suspicious user activities. The platform also enforces compliance policies and prevents sensitive data compromise.

Digital Guardian User Activity Monitoring provides broad visibility across user activities. It tracks all activity involving sensitive data, including all system, application, and network events. The solution monitors regular user behaviors and blocks or alerts admins to any suspicious activity detected. It also identifies suspicious or unauthorized applications and detects alterations in network configuration.

By enforcing role-based policies, it is possible to regulate how data is managed and egressed. Privileged users’ activities can be tracked to control their usage of sensitive data. Digital Guardian can also track data movement, data creation, and data storage, irrespective of the data location.

Digital Guardian User Activity Monitoring provides several benefits. It provides real-time insights into sensitive data location, usage, and threats via live and configurable reporting dashboards. It can help teams classify, categorize, and tag user data, ensuring every action accountable and traceable, which can aid investigations and demonstrate compliance. Digital Guardian is available as an on-premise or cloud-based management service, providing instant containment, detection, and investigation of suspicious activities.

Forcepoint Logo

Forcepoint offers comprehensive solution for identifying and mitigating risky behavior within organizations. Forcepoint provides user activity monitoring, context-rich analytics, and automated control delivered in one platform. The solution is designed to provide a better understanding of user interaction with crucial data and to continuously monitor risky user behaviors.

Key features of Forcepoint’s solution include real-time monitoring of risky behaviors, detailed user behavior analytics, risk scores for users, and comprehensive reporting. Forcepoint also provides keyword monitoring across various channels in order to flag risky activity. Using this tool, the system can proactively block risky actions before a breach occurs.

Forcepoint’s ensures privacy and compliance by monitoring user activities whilst securing their private data. Access to the solution is limited to maintain the integrity of personal data, and manual touchpoints are automated to eliminate human bias. The platform can effectively improve response times for insider threats with automation and user risk scoring.

Forcepoint User Activity Monitoring combines Data Loss Prevention (DLP) techniques with behavioral analytics to provide a comprehensive, 360-degree view of end-user intent and actions within the enterprise. The automation provided by the platform allows for responsive, effective risk management, helping teams to prevent potential data breaches.

Forcepoint Logo
The Top 5 User Activity Monitoring Solutions For DLP