Project Management

The Top 7 Project Portfolio Management Solutions

Explore the top Project Portfolio Management Solutions offering project prioritization, resource optimization, and portfolio analytics features to maximize the value and success of project portfolios

The Top 7 Project Portfolio Management Solutions include:
  • 1. Celoxis
  • 2. Clarity by Broadcom
  • 3. Oracle Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management
  • 4. Microsoft Project
  • 5. Monday Work Management
  • 6. Planview PPM Pro
  • 7. Smartsheet

Project Portfolio Management (PPM) solutions enable businesses to manage, analyze, and report on their complete set of projects or portfolios in an integrated and coherent way. This facilitates informed decision-making, drives strategic alignment, enhances efficiency, and provides improved visibility into performance and resource allocation.

For project teams, a PPM solution acts as a centralized place for all project-related activities. It allows teams to plan, manage, and track the progress of projects, assign resources, and communicate. It also eliminates the need for juggling multiple tools, thereby streamlining the entire project management process.

The PPM solution market is highly competitive, with providers offering PPM tools with a wide range of capabilities. These tools often integrate seamlessly with widely used project management systems and provide comprehensive insights through the implementation of advanced analytics. Some also offer capabilities such as artificial intelligence and machine learning for predictive analytics and decision-making support.

In this guide, we will explore the top project portfolio management solutions, assessing their key features such as project and portfolio management, resource management, risk management, integration capabilities, and reporting.

Celoxis Logo

Celoxis is a recognized project management and PPM software, deployed worldwide by various enterprises across diverse sectors. The software delivers efficient and robust analytics and dashboards to manage portfolios, teams, and operations.

Celoxis includes project request tracking, which consolidates requests from different sources to match demand with capacity. Its project planning tool enables the creation of dynamic plans that adapt to real-world changes automatically. Celoxis also offers project tracking where users can manage tasks, projects, and milestones from a single dashboard, supplemented with automatic email alerts for robust tracking. Their project accounting feature facilitates real-time visibility into budget spends, profitability, and receivables across projects and portfolios. The platform also provides a portfolio management component for aggregation and customization of project information, together with custom KPI tracking, and allows for tracking of business processes alongside projects with built-in workflow apps.

Celoxis is a comprehensive solution for businesses seeking a resourceful project management tool. It offers diverse features for efficient project planning, tracking, and accounting, as well as portfolio management and workflow integration, providing robust and effective project management capabilities.

Celoxis Logo
Broadcom Logo

Broadcom’s Clarity is a robust investment portfolio management solution designed to streamline business and work management processes within organizations. This application offers a rich spectrum of functionalities, such as strategic portfolio management, investment tracking, resource allocation, and comprehensive financial management.

Clarity not only unifies and accelerates your digital transformation journey, but also ensures successful enterprise alignment. This is achieved through Strategic Portfolio Management (SPM), which links all tasks to higher strategic objectives illustrated on visual roadmaps. The tool constantly monitors project progress and rolls up aggregated costs from the core work, and also serves as a reliable platform for planning, tracking and forecasting costs. Through its comprehensive design, Clarity provides multiple perspectives, whether by product, capability, initiative, or objective. Users can quickly generate graphs or delve into underlying expenses with a single click, offering a continuously updated snapshot of current spending.

Broadcom’s Clarity software brings a range of crucial benefits, including optimal resource utilization, centralized planning and management, and real-time financial data representation. It streamlines portfolio management as well as ensuring transparency and alignment across the organization.

Broadcom Logo
Oracle Logo

Oracle Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management (EPPM) is a project management solution designed to plan, schedule, and manage projects of all sizes. Primavera P6 EPPM enables global prioritization, planning, and execution of projects, programs, and portfolios with a user-friendly interface.

This solution offers multi-user access to schedules, resource optimization, and cost coordination, providing adaptable views and direct interfaces for team members to update status. Primavera P6 offers integrated cost and schedule management that improves budget accuracy and project progress tracking, linking cost codes to Primavera’s breakdown structures. Primavera P6 also includes schedule-based cash flow management and integrated change management features, helping to identify potential issues and impacts of proposed changes on costs and schedules. Its data-informed forecasts and project progress measurements are informed by Primavera EPPM data, thus increasing overall forecasting accuracy and efficiency.

Oracle Primavera P6 EPPM is comprehensive project management software with project planning, cost and schedule management, resource optimization, and forecast accuracy. It is a reliable tool to stay on top of project schedules, costs, and overall progress.

Oracle Logo
Microsoft Logo

Microsoft Project is a Project Portfolio Management (PPM) tool that allows businesses to strategically plan, prioritize, and manage project and portfolio investments. The software offers firms an opportunity to explore various portfolio scenarios, aiding in selecting the most optimal strategic path considering cost and resource constraints.

The product offers comprehensive project and program visibility features, aggregating portfolios, and projects across an organization. This visibility is supplemented by an interactive roadmap, providing a holistic overview of business programs and projects. Microsoft Project also offers capabilities for advanced reporting using native OData, allowing users to transform complex data into actionable insights, and has a systematic process for capturing and evaluating project ideas from across the organization. It provides a well-structured mechanism to develop detailed business cases and project charters ready for management review and is customizable to align with various portfolio management needs, ensuring an efficient path to market.

Microsoft Project is a robust and adaptable PPM tool that offers businesses a myriad of features. These include strategic project and portfolio management, interactive visualization, and advanced reporting capabilities, making it an efficient solution for facilitating decision-making processes and market delivery.

Microsoft Logo Logo is a work management platform that enables teams to execute tasks, manage projects, and streamline processes in a coherent way. It aims to facilitate task execution and goal achievement at scale across different teams and departments.

The platform allows for task and project visualization in multiple views, including Gantt and Kanban, catering to various workflows. To enhance decision-making real-time dashboards are available, offering 30+ widgets for detailed insights into tasks and projects. A no-code building block feature facilitates the creation of tailored workflows to suit any business or work needs. also includes over 200 pre-set automation recipes to improve work efficiency and an integration repository to centralize tasks by connecting other work tools into one platform. It also provides add-ons to expand the platform’s abilities. This platform can manage large-scale projects while tracking multiple parallel projects and team capabilities. It is useful for planning, organizing, managing resources, and coordinating daily functions across teams to boost business efficiency. is a flexible and integrated work management platform that enhances team task execution and project management, boosts productivity with customizable workflows, and provides efficient automation. Logo
Planview Logo

Planview PPM Pro software, previously known as Innotas, aids PMOs in assembling, prioritizing, and executing projects. This tool empowers PMOs to utilize resources in the most valuable way, whether they are just beginning or trying to elevate their PMO processes to the next level.

Key strengths of this tool include its user-friendly dashboards, robust security, strict compliance, committed privacy, and reliable infrastructure. Planview PPM includes project dashboards and configurable reports, giving stakeholders and executives detailed comprehension of project and portfolio status even without direct access to PPM Pro. Prioritizing customer information confidentiality, Planview fosters a culture of security. Compliance with stringent standards is consistently maintained with regular independent validation tests. Further, acknowledging the importance of data privacy, Planview secures your customer data with extreme care.

Planview’s SaaS solutions stand out due to their reliability, always being available whenever required.  Planview PPM Pro presents itself as an exceptional tool for PMOs seeking to optimize their project management. This solution enables PMOs to strategically concentrate resources on the most valuable work, thereby improving project success rates.

Planview Logo
Smartsheet Logo

Smartsheet is a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) that offers solutions for work management and collaboration. By facilitating project planning, alignment, implementation, and scaling, Smartsheet allows individuals to efficiently transition strategies into actions.

Key features of Smartsheet include eliminating inefficiencies in processes while giving real-time visibility and precise reporting. It replaces manual follow-ups and uncertainties about outcomes with faster project delivery, incremental value realization, and rapid scaling across all project portfolios. Smartsheet strikes a balance between top-down and bottom-up portfolio management methods, promoting project consistency through standardizing processes, without neglecting user-friendly experiences or user-driven innovation. It also provides integration options with platforms like Slack, Google Workspace, Jira, ServiceNow, and Microsoft 365, bringing all pertinent information onto a single platform for improved collaboration and decision-making.

Smartsheet for PPM is a flexible and collaborative platform that enables operational leaders to design reusable project management frameworks. It also liberates project teams to be more agile, creative, and efficient in their work, increasing overall productivity.

Smartsheet Logo
The Top 7 Project Portfolio Management Solutions