Managed File Transfer (MFT) solutions enable businesses to securely share, exchange, or deliver data across their network and with other organizations. Data is transferred every time you upload or download a file to or from your network, or load a webpage. Hundreds, if not thousands, of these transactions will be happening in your company every day. It’s important that those transactions are happening as efficiently as possible to help boost productivity and keep your business running smoothly. It’s also critical for you to check that data is securely sent to—and actually received by—the right recipient. After all, anyone could intercept and read data that you’re sharing across the internet in plain text. A managed file transfer solution can help you do both of these things.
MFT software is usually built on file transfer protocol (FTP) technology, which enables businesses to share files internally and externally. But unlike traditional FTP tools, MFT software offers additional security and management features to help protect the data you’re sharing. These may include reporting on file deliveries, audit trails, action logging, and encryption, as well as a central management console, a drag-and-drop interface, and automation of regular transfers for more streamlined file sharing.
These added features make MFT solutions particularly well-suited to sharing high volumes of data, or sensitive data such as personal, payment, or health information that compliance frameworks require you to protect.
In this article, we’ll explore the top managed file transfer solutions for business. We’ll look at features such as file type support, encryption and transfer protocols, automated transfer scheduling, reporting, and auditing. We’ll give you some background information on the provider and the key features of each solution, as well as the type of customer that they are most suitable for.