IT Management

The Top 10 Incident Management Software

Incident management software streamlines the handling of incidents, issues, and service disruptions, ensuring timely resolution and minimal impact on operations.

The Top 10 Incident Management Software include:
  • 1. Atlassian Jira Service Management
  • 2. Atlassian Opsgenie
  • 3. Freshworks Freshservice
  • 4. Grafana Incident
  • 5. ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus
  • 6. OnPage
  • 7. PagerDuty
  • 8. Resolver
  • 9. ServiceNow IT Service Management
  • 10. Splunk

Incident Management Software (IMS) enables organizations to efficiently record, track, identify and resolve incidents, in doing so, improving their response time and minimizing downtime. These solutions provide a structured and streamlined approach to address any unexpected disruptions in operations, security threats, or infrastructure failures. Leveraging efficient Incident Management Software not only improves overall operational efficiency, but also enhances business resiliency, compliance, and customer satisfaction. 

An ideal Incident Management Software should integrate seamlessly with various communication channels, ticketing systems, monitoring tools, and support a customizable workflow for efficient incident resolution. Features such as automated alerting, real-time reporting, and root-cause analysis enable organizations to gain a clear understanding of the incident lifecycle and collect valuable insights that can help reduce future incidents from occurring.

The Incident Management Software market offers a range of solutions catering to businesses of all sizes and across various industries. To help you find the right solution for your organization, we have compiled a list of the top Incident Management Software based on their features, scalability, third-party integrations, and customer reviews. 

Atlassian Logo

Atlassian Corporation, an Australian software company, develops products aimed at software developers, project managers, and software development teams. Jira Service Management, a solution designed for incident management for high-velocity teams, enables DevOps and IT Operations teams to understand changes and innovate faster with integrations tailored for modern software workflows.

The platform empowers IT Operations teams by providing powerful incident swarming and on-call capabilities, ensuring employees can efficiently report incidents. By centralizing all alerts, categorizing issues, and prioritizing tasks, Jira Service Management reduces noise and ensures critical issues are dealt with promptly. In addition to facilitating collaboration among team members, Jira Service Management includes features for planning ahead for specific service disruptions through incident response templates. The platform supports integrations with video conferencing tools like Zoom, Slack, and Microsoft Teams, as well as offering capabilities such as attaching runbooks to alerts for faster remediation. To build trust and maintain valued customer relationships, the system also enables proactive notification of service disruptions through its Statuspage integration.

Finally, the platform offers comprehensive visibility into the entire incident lifecycle, supporting the creation of postmortem reports, follow-up task assignments, and analytics to improve operational efficiency.

Atlassian Logo
Atlassian Logo

Atlassian Corporation, an Australian software company, acquired Opsgenie in 2018, which specializes in incident management and response. Opsgenie helps businesses proactively communicate outages to stakeholders, plan for service disruptions, and minimize distractions.

This tool allows users to map alerts to impacted business services to improve response efficiency and collaboration during incident resolution. Opsgenie offers customizable incident templates to design distinct workflows based on priority, specified response teams, and preferred communication channels. This feature ensures efficient problem resolution while keeping stakeholders informed. Alert clustering is another useful feature that automatically groups related alerts from various systems into a single incident, streamlining the process for your responders. The incident timeline, an essential tool during incident lifecycles, records key details and is automatically added to the postmortem evaluation, enabling teams to review the overall incident history.

In addition, Opsgenie can integrate with Jira Service Management for seamless linking of requests, incidents, and alerts. Post-incident analysis reporting provides insights into each team’s actions, participation, and communication throughout an incident, which helps identify areas of success and improvement opportunities.

Atlassian Logo
Freshworks Logo

Freshworks designs easy-to-use software for businesses of all sizes, making it easier for them to support employees and customers. Freshservice is their efficient service management solution that is tailored for modern businesses of all sizes. Freshservice focuses on incident management software for quick issue resolution, enabling users to track, prioritize, and assign tickets with ease and automate related processes thereby enhancing productivity.

The platform supports multi-channel input, allowing end-users to access support through email, self-service portals, mobile apps, chatbots, feedback widgets, and walk-ups. Using Freshservice’s AI engine, Freddy, tickets are automatically categorized based on historical data, and can be prioritized with efficient workflow automation. Users can auto-assign tickets to the appropriate agents or groups to prevent any tickets from being overlooked. The dashboard offers a comprehensive view of the service desk performance, empowering collaboration and tracking progress. In addition, Freshservice provides a knowledge base with solutions to incidents and problems accessible to both support agents and end-users, streamlining resolution time and service quality.

Other key features include SLA management, satisfaction surveys, task management, priority matrix, knowledge base, and reporting. These tools help businesses ensure on-time resolutions, measure performance, manage tasks, automate incident prioritization, and make informed decisions based on predefined and custom reports.

Freshworks Logo
Grafana Logo

Grafana Incident is a powerful incident management solution that streamlines the process of responding to incidents by automating tasks and improving focus on resolving issues. It simplifies declaring incidents and consolidates summaries of events and outstanding tasks within a single user interface, helping to reduce Mean Time to Resolution (MTTR).

The platform offers seamless integration with popular tools (like GitHub, Slack, and Google Suite) and allows engineers to interact with Grafana Incidents via a chatbot or the command-line interface. This allows for easy creation and management of incidents, roles, tasks, and notes. As an incident unfolds, Grafana Incident automatically maintains a timeline of events, supporting the addition of notes, links, and graphs for enhanced context. Additionally, the platform features a Suggestbot that utilizes machine learning and Natural Language Processing (NLP) to identify Grafana dashboards related to an incident based on its title. This enables effective collaboration with all essential spaces and resources, such as a dedicated Slack channel and meeting space.

Overall, Grafana Incident is designed to simplify and streamline incident management while enhancing communication and collaboration during the resolution process.

Grafana Logo
ManageEngine logo

ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus is an IT service management solution that is designed to streamline incident resolution with features such as visual life cycles, AI-powered automations, and easy ticket creation from multiple channels. Users can log tickets through email, self-service portals, and virtual assistants, which are automatically routed to the appropriate technician.

The platform also includes pre-defined SLAs for various incident types, multi-tier escalations, and timely notifications to keep technicians and end users informed of ticket updates. ServiceDesk Plus enhances IT incident management by automating ticket categorization and assignment, incorporating a comprehensive knowledge base, and using artificial intelligence to provide auto-suggestions. The platform’s request life cycle feature and response SLAs help manage ticket workflows, while notification rules, canned responses, and request sharing capabilities keep users up to date on their incident status. Additionally, the solution integrates with monitoring tools to convert alarms into service desk tickets. By minimizing backlogs and re-open rates through automated ticket closure, analytics, and custom reports, ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus aims to maximize user satisfaction.

The platform also allows for user feedback through user surveys. ServiceDesk Plus offers organizations an intuitive and effective way to manage and resolve IT incidents from various channels, helping to improve overall IT service management.

ManageEngine logo
OnPage Logo

OnPage is a leading HIPAA secure Incident Management System designed around the incident resolution lifecycle. The platform offers both an Incident Alert Management system and a Clinical Communication and Collaboration (CC&C) platform, ensuring that critical alerts are prioritized and sent to the appropriate on-call team members.

With its Alert-Until-Read capabilities, dynamic digital schedules, escalation criteria, incident reports, and redundancies, OnPage guarantees that important notifications are never overlooked. Organizations across a variety of industries, including hospitals, SecOps, DevOps, ITOps, and supply chain operations can utilize OnPage’s advanced technology for a multitude of purposes. These include elevating and automating critical alert management, streamlining secure team communication, facilitating real-time cross-team collaboration for faster incident resolution, and analyzing incident response times for workflow optimization. OnPage offers several key features such as time-stamped audit trails and message logs, SSL encrypted secure two-way communication, persistent critical alerts that bypass phone’s Do Not Disturb settings, and flexible scheduling capabilities with on-call rotations and escalation rules.

Additionally, OnPage enables direct access to on-call staff through live calls, voicemails, or SMS via a dedicated number, and provides real-time reporting to uncover trends and optimize workflows. The platform also supports business continuity with mass notifications for large-scale messaging during crisis situations.

OnPage Logo
PagerDuty Logo

PagerDuty is a comprehensive incident management platform designed to automate, orchestrate, and accelerate critical work processes. The platform offers various functionalities to manage incidents end-to-end, including AIOps, incident response, on-call management, runbook automation, and stakeholder communication features. AIOps functionality enables the reduction of alert noise and accelerates incident triage, allowing users to quickly respond to high-priority events.

PagerDuty’s incident response capabilities ensure that the correct team members are involved in resolving critical incidents efficiently and at scale. The platform’s on-call management feature provides intuitive scheduling and escalation options for rapid response times. Runbook automation within PagerDuty transforms manual tasks into automated routines, streamlining incident resolution processes. Additionally, the stakeholder communication feature facilitates efficient information sharing regarding incident impact and progress towards resolution. PagerDuty supports a wide range of use cases, such as minimizing interruptions, improving customer experience, simplifying incident response, and scaling service ownership best practices.

PagerDuty is adaptable for various team requirements with over 700 native integrations, extensible APIs, and customizable workflows, making it a highly versatile solution for organizations of any size.

PagerDuty Logo
Resolver Logo

Resolver is a risk intelligence platform that collects and analyzes risk data in context, revealing the true business impact of different types of risks, such as compliance, audit, incidents, and threats. By translating the effects of these risks into quantifiable business metrics, Resolver helps customers communicate risk persuasively and in terms of business impact.

The platform offers a streamlined incident management software solution that simplifies the process of tracking and collecting incident data through a portal and anonymous email submission capabilities. Resolver’s AI-enriched incident management software standardizes data input, ensuring complete and consistent report submissions. This allows organizations to analyze security threats, incidents, and investigation data efficiently, identifying security gaps and enabling proactive measures for increased protection. Additionally, Resolver’s platform incorporates industry best practices and powerful automations to create a highly efficient security incident management process. This enables teams to devote more time to strategic initiatives, delivering greater value to the organization.

Furthermore, Resolver allows easy creation and monitoring of incident and security action plans, linking them to key risk indicators and showcasing the value of security investment through direct business impact assessments.

Resolver Logo
ServiceNow Logo

ServiceNow is a cloud-based platform providing solutions aimed at digitizing and unifying organizations, helping them to streamline their workflow. ServiceNow IT Service Management is an offering that focuses on incident management and resolution of issues, as well as ensuring employees remain productive.

A key aspect of the IT Service Management solution is its AI-powered agent portal, which simplifies and improves the incident resolution process. By having a single-pane agent view, agents are given one central location to access the information they need to prioritize and resolve issues promptly. The built-in machine learning and contextual assistance offer smart recommendations and insights, helping to eliminate bottlenecks and boost productivity. Furthermore, a native mobile app allows IT agents to manage incidents and requests on-the-go. ServiceNow’s IT Service Management also incorporates AIOps integration, designed to reduce incidents and mean time to resolution. This feature allows organizations to eliminate noise, prioritize tasks, and initiate remediation processes. Omni-channel notifications offer employees various ways to submit incidents, such as self-service portal, chatbot, email, phone, or mobile.

Additional features include an incident response playbook, on-call scheduling, visual task boards, a single system of record, calculated priority, and guided setup, all contributing to a more effective and efficient incident management and resolution process.

ServiceNow Logo
Splunk Logo

Splunk is a company established in 2003 with the aim of addressing challenges in complex digital infrastructures. The platform offers powerful security analytics that enable users to quickly investigate and tackle security threats in a matter of seconds, providing a more efficient approach to security.

In addition to rapid investigation capabilities, Splunk allows users to analyze and visualize data using pre-built and customizable dashboards, leading to a deeper understanding of their security posture. By minimizing false positives through automated analysis, enriching and validating alerts, users benefit from increased efficiency and prioritized investigations based on organizational risk. Splunk’s platform also features out-of-the-box threat detections created by industry experts, adhering to industry frameworks such as MITRE ATT&CK, NIST, CIS 20, and the Cyber Kill Chain.

The integrated ecosystem offered by Splunk supports detection, management, investigation, hunting, containment, and remediation of threats, making it a comprehensive solution for businesses looking to enhance their security capabilities. Furthermore, the platform is designed to enable quick determination of root causes, flexible search and reporting, and automated decision-making and actions.

Splunk Logo
The Top 10 Incident Management Software