
The Top 10 Identity Resolution Software Solutions

Assess the top Identity Resolution Software offering advanced data matching, identity verification, and customer data integration capabilities to create a unified view of individuals across multiple channels.

The Top 10 Identity Resolution Software Solutions include:
  • 1. Acxiom Real Identity
  • 2. Adstra Conexa
  • 3. Amperity AmpID
  • 4. Experian Identity Resolution
  • 5. FullContact
  • 6. LiveRamp
  • 7. Tealium
  • 8. Treasure Data
  • 9. Vericast Consumer Graph
  • 10. Zeta CDP+

Identity resolution is a process that assists businesses in identifying, verifying, and managing customer data across multiple databases, platforms, and devices. It provides a holistic understanding of individual customer identities and behavior, a crucial step for effective marketing, personalization, fraud detection, and compliance. By utilizing identity resolution software, businesses can gather comprehensive customer profiles. These can be used to enhance marketing strategies, improve customer experiences, and drive revenue growth.

Identity Resolution software providers offer solutions that help businesses resolve identities across a broad range of data sources, using techniques like machine learning, artificial intelligence, and data analytics. They offer functionalities including probabilistic and deterministic matching, data consolidation, privacy management, and compliance features. In addition, these platforms provide integrations with third-party software including CRM, marketing automation, and customer data platform software for enhanced functionality.

This guide will help you explore the leading identity resolution software solutions currently available. We will assess each solution’s features, unique selling points, third-party integrations, data consolidation features, as well as privacy and compliance standards, to help you identify the ideal platform for your use case.

Acxiom Logo

Acxiom Real Identity is a dedicated enterprise identity solution that combines diverse first-party data for an in-depth, 360-degree customer view. Real Identity seamlessly integrates offline and digital touchpoints, enabling brands to consistently recognize and understand their customers across multiple platforms.

The platform delivers an array of technical features designed to enhance the brand-customer relationship. Acxiom Real Identity’s key capabilities include delivering real-time decisions for personalized messaging, unifying customer identities via a first-party, private identity graph, and providing data quality services to reduce duplicates and ensure accurate engagement. It also helps with maintaining continuity in the customer journey by providing relevant, timely experiences across various channels.

Acxiom Real Identity is also able to configure specific recognition rules and global identifiers, as well as enables companies to reduce workloads by providing continuity between all digital and known channels.

In summary, Acxiom Real Identity is a robust, scalable solution that enhances customer experiences and strengthens brand relationships. Its integrated approach to managing identity data across an entire business enterprise sets the foundation for a comprehensive customer intelligence platform.

Acxiom Logo
Adstra Logo

Adstra Conexa is an identity management solution that offers brands data optimization behind their firewall. The platform provides robust data operations management to help reduce intermediaries’ associated costs and risks.

Adstra Conexa enables organizations to create an Identity Spine for more unified, personalized, and measured data across various channels. The system fosters transparency and configurability, allowing users to design and determine the level of match confidence that best suit their needs via its cloud-based identity graph. In addition, Conexa delivers the capacity to interact with multiple types of identities across multiple channels, making it a versatile solution.

Additional highlights of Adstra Conexa include the provision of value-based economics. Unlike traditional models that bill based on usage, Adstra opts for a predictable SaaS model that promotes full-scale application of your data assets, without fear of being penalized for extensive usage. Other capabilities include data hygiene, profile management, anonymous visitor ID, and media campaign measurement enhance the system’s overall functionality.

In summary, Adstra Conexa offers a solution that keeps brands in control of their data, facilitating seamless data operation, identity resolution, and data aggregation. Its transparent, flexible, and cross-channel functionalities, paired with its predictable pricing model, make it a user-friendly and cost-effective solution for managing and using data.

Adstra Logo
Amperity Logo

Amperity’s AmpID is an AI-powered solution that resolves customer identities effectively, providing brands with accurate individual and household profiles. The comprehensive software is designed to handle fragmented customer identities, producing a stable and reliable identity foundation.

AmpID implements AI/ML technology to methodically resolve customer identifiers, despite data inconsistencies. This helps brands to create rich, accurate individual identities, and household graphs that remain consistent across various platforms and changes in customer information. The system eliminates manual rule writing, allowing identity data incorporation any time, thereby improving user data-tracking and flexibility.

Other key features include AmpID’s configurable merge rules, which bolster profile accuracy, and its customizable householding, that uncovers complex relationships. The platform also offers transparency in merging data, enabling brands to maintain trust in large and complex datasets. Additional data enrichment allows the injection of third-party data or user’s data science models that integrate with pre-built pipelines.

Overall, AmpID offers an efficient system that resolves customer identities with AI, builds accurate profiles, and enhances data confidence. It provides businesses with a stable and reliable identity platform that understands and maintains user identities, thereby improving personalized customer interaction and overall user experience.

Amperity Logo
Experian Logo

Experian’s Identity Resolution Solutions offer a comprehensive approach to building holistic customer profiles. These tools allow you to better understand your consumers by unifying digital identifiers across multiple touchpoints and devices.

At the core of Experian’s offering are two primary functions. Firstly, graphs link different digital devices (such as phones and laptops) to unique digital IDs. This gives marketers a comprehensive view of their audiences and helps deliver precise campaigns. Secondly, the platform facilitates the linking of disparate identifiers to a single Experian ID, providing a more complete understanding of consumer behavior across a range of activities and channels.

Experian’s service delivers several additional benefits. They offer identity resolution that aims to increase your understanding of consumers and foster deeper connections. This is achieved by transforming fragmented data into unified customer profiles and creating persistent IDs, giving you a full view of the customer journey. Additionally, they offer cutting-edge analytics services for deeper consumer insights and optimized marketing strategies.

Overall, Experian’s Identity Resolution Solution transforms disjointed customer data into detailed profiles, giving marketers more reliable, actionable insights. This results in a deeper understanding of consumer behavior, superior accuracy in targeted marketing, and an overall improvement in campaign effectiveness.

Experian Logo
FullContact Logo

FullContact is an identity resolution provider that optimizes customer experiences by enabling businesses to accurately identify and understand people across multiple platforms, without jeopardizing privacy and security.

FullContact offers real-time identity resolution, enabling businesses to map fragmented first-party data to a real person, unify siloed customer data, create consistent customer experiences across various platforms, and comply with privacy regulations. In addition, it provides a persistent, portable, privacy-safe PersonID for each identified person, allowing businesses to track and optimize their marketing campaigns effectively.

FullContact allows businesses to retain full data control and provides access to an extensive identity graph without revealing any sensitive customer data. It also offers highly accurate consumer authentication, model optimization with incremental data points, differentiated fraud detection through terrestrial and digital identifiers, and provision of customer insights from high-quality sources.

Overall, FullContact is a comprehensive solution for businesses looking for a more efficient way to resolve customer identities, enhance personalization, measure campaign effectiveness accurately across channels, and adhere to privacy regulations, all while maintaining optimum data security.

FullContact Logo
LiveRamp Logo

LiveRamp Identity Resolution is a state-of-the-art system that facilitates the collection of customer data from various sources to create comprehensive customer profiles. The solution assists in resolving challenges associated with segmented data by bringing together identity-centric information for marketing and analytics teams.

Key capabilities include access improvement, data ingestion, and unification capabilities for first-party data strategies. The system allows secure reconciliation of data from any source as well as the aggregation of data to enhance analytics, whilst maintaining control over customer identity processes. It also offers the ability to resolve data down to the user or household level, allowing specific and personalized insights.

Additional strengths include the system’s ability to connect data to a first-party identity graph. It resolves identities efficiently, enriching data sets and improving data translation between existing systems. Users can leverage first-party data to create and reach high-value audiences across different platforms, enhancing performance both in and outside of walled gardens.

In summary, LiveRamp Identity Resolution provides an effective blend of data unification, user profiling, and personalization capabilities in a privacy-conscious environment. Not only does it help in managing and enriching customer identity, but it also ensures compliance with major privacy legislation, ensuring you remain compliant. Developers have the advantage of using identity APIs for integration into new or existing products, tailoring services to their specific business needs.

LiveRamp Logo
Tealium Logo

Tealium is a first-party data collection solution that prioritizes privacy and consent, essential for building customer trust. It empowers businesses to establish a privacy-centric data foundation with efficient operational efficiency, thereby ensuring compliance with global regulatory standards.

Key features of Tealium include consent management, enterprise security, and reduction of integration time. The solution provides mechanisms for organizations to express customer choice and comply with their preferences. Additionally, it offers tools for careful management of sensitive customer data, reducing long term business risk.

Tealium uses a tag management system for successful first-party data collection, eliminating the reliance on third-party data strategies. It also maintains high-security standards to safeguard customer data. This is useful for ensuring compliance with regulations like HIPAA, GDPR, and standards like ISO 27001.

Overall, Tealium is a dependable tool for businesses seeking to streamline data operations and data-layer approach to data collection, while observing privacy-centric standards. It also assists in reducing overall integration time and ETL requirements, producing a quick time-to-value ratio with new systems. This unique approach to data collection adds significant value for businesses, while maintaining customer trust and regulatory compliance.

Tealium Logo
Treasure Data Logo

Treasure Data’s Customer Data Cloud is an AI-powered Customer Data Platform (CDP) aimed at optimizing customer experiences, ensuring data compliance, and bolstering security. The solution grants businesses a more personalized and efficient way to interact with their customers.

The system is built around AI algorithms that predict and anticipate consumer behaviour, allowing businesses to design and deliver targeted campaigns and experiences. Treasure Data facilitates real-time insights that can be viewed across the enterprise, enhancing team and technology utilization. In addition, Treasure Data drives cost reduction and operational efficiency.

A distinct feature of Treasure Data’s platform is its robust approach to data compliance and security. Unlike other CDPs, it ensures data safety and regulatory compliance regardless of region. This is a clear benefit for global brands operating in multiple territories. The solution also connects the entire enterprise, with every department accessing the same analyzed data for coordinated action.

In summary, Treasure Data’s Customer Data Cloud presents an effective and secure solution to managing customer experiences across different touchpoints. It delivers personalized customer interactions based on intelligent prediction, ensures data safety and compliance, and enhances operational efficiency across the entire business.

Treasure Data Logo
Vericast Logo

Vericast Consumer Graph is a customer onboarding solution that is designed to enhance customer engagement through a comprehensive understanding of consumer behavior. It allows businesses to utilize their current customer lists to reach larger audiences across various channels, thereby improving campaign engagement.

Key features of Vericast Consumer Graph include providing the ability to carry out targeted campaigns, tailored to a specific customer group. It can also identify look-alike audiences that mirror existing customers’ behaviors. Vericast offers an efficient way to upload a customer list to a secure server, match information for targeting, and use look-alike modeling to pinpoint top prospects.

Vericast Consumer Graph provides industry-leading identity resolution, offering a complete view of customers and prospects through accurate intelligence. With its proprietary data on consumer interests, purchase intent, and location activity, businesses can enhance their targeting and consumer engagement efforts.

In summary, Vericast Consumer Graph is a versatile tool for enhancing customer engagement and expanding the prospect pool. With an 80%+ match rate, unmatched targeting capabilities, and measurable results, it’s a powerful solution for businesses looking to optimize their marketing efforts and drive customer engagement.

Vericast Logo
Zeta Logo

Zeta CDP+ is an innovative marketing solution that centralizes first-party customer data, maintaining data integrity while activating it for real-time market use. The software’s primary function is to gather and analyze customer trends and behaviors, with the goal of aligning marketing strategies and achieving improved decision making.

Key features of the product include real-time data processing, scalability, and support for integration. Zeta CDP+ delivers a single, actionable view of customers, ensuring that there is a single source of truth. It also brings marketing execution to the forefront, directly linking its insightful capabilities to its system of engagement.

In addition, the system’s design allows for flexible growth, augmenting existing tech stacks and providing a modern marketing infrastructure. This capability positions Zeta CDP+ as a prime solution for businesses wanting to expand their identity resolution capabilities and integrate proprietary datasets.

Overall, Zeta CDP+ offers a broad range of benefits beyond basic customer data management, including top-line profitable growth and the ability to strengthen existing technology. Its data analysis capabilities centralize enterprise insights and enable businesses to learn and grow. The tool is ideal for organizations seeking to improve their consumer experiences, enhance digital growth, and drive brand awareness.

Zeta Logo
The Top 10 Identity Resolution Software