
The Top 10 File Auditing Solutions

Discover the top file auditing solutions with features like workflow automation, compliance integration, and risk management.

The Top 10 File Auditing Solutions Include:
  • 1. AuditBoard
  • 2. AutoAudit
  • 3. ManageEngine ADAudit Plus
  • 4. Cabinet EDMS
  • 5. Diligent Audit Management
  • 6. FileAudit
  • 7. Hyperproof
  • 8. Ideagen Pentana Audit
  • 9. Onspring Internal Audit
  • 10. SAP Audit Management

File Auditing is a way of identifying and indexing the documents on your network. While you can do this manually, it can be a time-consuming process, especially if your data is stored in multiple locations. File auditing solutions not only index your files, but also log when and how the file is used, making note of which users have access to the file, and details of any changes made to the file.

Having an effective file auding solution as part of your organization’s security strategy is mandated by many regulatory bodies – depending on your sector, failure to effectively audit files can lead to penalties, fines, and even suspension of your right to operate.

Many cybersecurity insurance providers will also expect you to have an efficient file auditing solution in place before they agree to extend cover to you. Their expectations will often be in-line with the recommendations of relevant regulatory bodies.

In this article, we’ll look at some of the best file auditing solutions currently available. We’ll assess each product’s key features, and note the type of organization that would benefit from their use. Not all of the solutions in this list are dedicated file auditing solutions – instead, some are comprehensive data management suites that offer file auditing as one of their features. 

AuditBoard Logo

AuditBoard is a California-based audit management and compliance company that is used by 35% of the Fortune 500. Their platform combines auditing, risk management, Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG), and compliance capabilities. This range of tools makes AuditBoard a comprehensive and complete solution that does more than just auditing.


  • Integration with AWS, Azure, Google Drive, etc., ensure comprehensive visibility, thereby improving risk management
  • Extend audit, risk, and compliance capabilities through ESG management
  • SOXHUB gives organizations control over compliance regulations
  • Single streamlined platform for audit planning, fieldwork, and reporting
  • Aligns with a range of regulatory frameworks – including SOC 2, ISO 2700x, CMMC, and PCI DSS

Pricing And Plans: For information on pricing and plans, contact AuditBoard directly.

Expert Insights’ Comments: AuditBoard’s platform offers effective tools to improve an organization’s visibility of their network and give greater control over auditing capabilities. The solution provides built-in workflows to centralize policy creation, review, approve access, and disseminate findings. This allows activities to be carried out across a network automatically, without needing granular oversight. We would recommend AuditBoard for organizations looking for a comprehensive auditing solution, that has the capacity for risk and ESG management.

Empowered Systems Logo

Empowered Systems have been innovating audit software for almost 30 years and now produce leading and trusted GRC products. AutoAudit is their audit software solution that streamlines and automates the auditing process, thereby saving time and resources. This also ensures that audits are carried out consistently, enabling you to identify anomalies and inconsistencies easily. AutoAudit allows you to manage risk and control material weaknesses, ensuring that your organization has extensive visibility over its assets.

AutoAudit Features:

  • Library of preconfigured and customizable reports
  • Run reports with automatic filtering to reduce noise
  • Real-time analytics
  • Ability to roll out branded templates to audit reports
  • Collaborate with auditees to manage issues
  • Customized notifications and prompts

Pricing And Plans: AutoAudit can be deployed via the Cloud or via the Desktop version. The Cloud version is quick to implement, can be deployed flexibly, and will scale as your organization grows. Desktop provides a low cost of overall ownership, with an easy-to-understand interface, and virtual training sessions when needed. For information on the pricing of these two plans, contact AutoAudit directly.

Expert Insights’ Comments: AutoAudit is a powerful and efficient tool that gives you enhanced visibility over the data that your organization uses. The solution also provides virtual training to ensure that you get the most out of the tool; therefore, it is an ideal solution for SMBs that may not have experience using auditing software before. With AutoAudit, upgrades are complimentary, which means you are always able to use the most up-to-date technology.

ManageEngine ADAudit Plus

ManageEngine offers a host of useful software solutions to help businesses manage and secure their virtual environments. ADAudit Plus is designed to monitor and ensure compliance in Windows servers and ecosystems utilizing UBA-driven risk management. This means that the solution will monitor user activity and behavior to assess risk and potential compliance infringements.

ManageEngine ADAudit Plus Features:

  • Real-time change notification – as soon as a user makes a change, you receive a notification detailing the changes and user information
  • Login monitoring – track user login activity, history, and even login failures
  • Lockout analysis – receive notifications to understand the reason why a user has not been granted access
  • File monitoring – keep a record of any changes made to a file, which users have accessed it, and any change in permissions
  • Security and compliance – UBA takes a proactive stance against suspicious behavior
  • Audit-ready reports aligned with GDPR and other regulatory frameworks

Plans And Pricing: Contact ManageEngine directly for more information on plans and pricing.

Expert Insights’ Comments: ManageEngine ADAudit Plus provides extensive visibility across your network – specifically Azure AD, file servers, workstations, and Windows servers. You can gain granular information on user activity, ensuring that nothing is unaccounted for. By taking a proactive approach, ADAudit Plus can identify issues before they develop into a problem. We would recommend this solution for organizations of all sizes, looking for a solution that will easily integrate with Microsoft infrastructure.

ManageEngine ADAudit Plus
Aqubix Logo

Aqubix focus on bringing modular and trusted solutions to the consumers who need them. As well as auditing software, the organization distributes effective client and GDPR management solutions. Cabinet EDMS (Electronic Document Management System) is Aqubix’s auditing and management solution that focuses on logging documents and files. The solution offers management of all records, version control, and an effective search function based on a range of criteria. Flexibility is at the heart of this solution, with the ability to manage audits from smart phones and tablets, as well as laptops and PCs.

Cabinet EDMS Features:

  • Effective user management – allocate access rights to specific users and groups
  • Extensive search functionality – identify key words or phrases to use across your whole database
  • Granular audit trail of all data on a user-by-user basis – admins can identify time, identity, and action in relation to each file or document
  • Automatic offsite backup with servers based on both east and west coasts of the US
  • Ability to fully brand and customize client reports

Plans And Pricing: Cabinet EDMS offers three pricing plans: Lite, Pro, and Enterprise. Lite provides 100 user licences, offsite backups, and is deployed via the cloud with 100GB of storage. This plan costs €3,600/year. The Pro plan sits at €9,500/year, is deployed locally, allows for 100 users, and offers custom integrations. The Enterprise plan builds on the Pro framework but allows for an unlimited number of concurrent user licences. This plan is €14,800/year.

Expert Insights’ Comments: Cabinet EDMS is an effective tool with a wide range of features. One of their newest features is an automated OCR tool. This allows content from scanned physical files to be assessed and added to the audit. Overall, Cabinet EDMS is a very usable and efficient solution for organizations who need a flexible and adaptable approach to auditing, and particularly those that need to audit both digital and physical files.

Diligent Logo

Diligent utilizes automated workflows to carry out effective, repeatable, and timely audits. The company serves 25,000 organizations, covering one million users worldwide. Diligent makes audit planning easy, with risk-based audit plans and the ability to prioritize tasks – this ensures that you have access to the most relevant data when you need it.

Diligent Features:

  • Customizable dashboards allow visibility across audits with ability to drilldown into findings
  • Track identified issues and subsequent remediation efforts with follow-ups and notifications
  • In-built record of audit process increases confidence in—and the integrity of—the audit process
  • Works offline and off-site with offline modes and mobile applications
  • Central library of audits to reduce audit duplication

Pricing And Plans: For information on pricing or to request a demo of the solution, contact Diligent directly.

Expert Insights’ Comments: Diligent is an effective and flexible solution that will connect to sources across your network. This enables the solution to scale as your organization grows, without the risk of areas being overlooked. You can utilize ML capabilities to ensure that you are getting the most out of the solution. Overall, we would recommend Diligent for enterprise organizations who operate in a highly regulated sectors and need to evidence their compliance.

IsDecisions Logo

FileAudit by IsDecisions is designed to monitor file access on Windows devices. The French company has been recognized by Microsoft as a Gold Partner, which illustrates how closely their solution integrates with Microsoft platforms. Their auditing solution provides accurate and relevant information across a wide range of data points.

FileAudit Features:

  • Custom alerts for predetermined events – access denial, file deletion, particular user, irregular time, mass access, or movement of files can trigger customized alerts
  • Hybrid environment compatible – audits files in the cloud and stored locally
  • NTFS permissions and property reporting
  • Cloud data access monitoring
  • Agentless, remote, and non-intrusive delivery
  • Compatible with OneDrive, SharePoint, Google Drive, Dropbox, and Box

Pricing And Plans: FileAudit offers several options depending on the size of your organization and your needs. Team costs €35/month which allows for 1 server for 100 users. For €60/month the Small plan offers 3 servers providing access for 500 users. Their Medium plan sits at €100/month, allows for 1,000 users and 5 servers. For organizations needing a larger plans, contact IsDecisions directly.

Expert Insights’ Comments: The dashboard mimics the style of Windows 8, making it feel like an extension of your OS so that admin don’t have to learn a new interface. Data is comprehensive, sortable, and relayed to you in real-time. FileAudit cuts the workload associated with managing and moderating file access, allowing that time to be better spent. We would recommend FileAudit for SMBs in need of a simple and effective solution for Microsoft work environments.

Hyperproof Logo

Hyperproof is an auditing solution that is focused on enforcing compliance across an organization’s network. The tool can be configured for a wide range of compliance frameworks, including SOC 2, NIST CSF, and HIPAA. You can schedule the solution to run automated compliance audits, ensuring that nothing is overlooked.

Hyperproof Features:

  • Over 70 supported compliance frameworks
  • Gauge audit posture in real-time
  • Ability to upload custom frameworks and enforce policies across your network
  • Minimize duplicative efforts when complying with multiple frameworks
  • Compliance forecasting – suggests what infrastructure needs to be in-place when entering a new market
  • Filterable dashboards and drill-down reports to monitor compliance effectiveness

Pricing And Plans: To find out information on Hyperproof’s pricing structure or to book in a demo, contact Hyperproof directly.

Expert Insights’ Comments: Thanks to the wide number of preconfigured integrations, Hyperproof is an ideal solution for organizations who must ensure and prove compliance, but don’t necessarily have the time to dedicate to enforcing this manually. The solution is easy to deploy, giving you robust assurance quickly.

Ideagen Logo

Ideagen is a British-based software provider that specializes in solutions for highly regulated industries. Pentana Audit allows you to assess your digital assets to ensure that you are operating within compliance rules. With Pentana, audit workflows can be standardized and automated, to give reliable and on-demand updates.

Pentana Audit Features:

  • Provide insights and intelligence on business-critical decisions
  • Streamline and improve services through effective intelligence gathered
  • Real-time and comprehensive access to accurate audit data
  • Automatic flagging of data breaches
  • Evidence compliance for regulatory purposes
  • Automate (multiple) audit delivery cycles and extend planning capabilities
  • Integrate issue tracking tools to carry out remediation

Pricing And Plans: Contact Ideagen for more information on pricing and plans.

Expert Insights’ Comments: Ideagen Pentana is a robust and comprehensive solution that provides an in-depth level of data across your audited material. Some users comment that configuring the solution can be complex but praise it for its comprehensive workload management. We would recommend Pentana for SMBs and enterprise organizations who have the technical knowledge needed to configure the solution and need an auditing tool with a varied feature set.

Onspring Logo

Onspring is a Kansas-based GRC workflow automation platform. Their software solution streamlines the internal auditing process to provide real-time analytics, increasing transparency and organizational efficiency. The platform is no-code, meaning that even organizations without extensive technical knowledge can benefit from Onspring’s capabilities.

Onspring Features:

  • Automate repeatable workflows to improve response rates
  • Schedule audits with transparent project staffing, fieldwork, and reporting
  • Connect audit findings to controls and policy implementation tools
  • Carry out internal and external audits through collaboration with external auditors
  • HIPAA, HUTRUST, and NIST compliant
  • Produce presentation-ready audit reports with illustrative charts and maps

Pricing And Plans: Onspring licence their software based on users and solutions needed. The company offers three levels of service. Bronze covers the essential modules, with storage to back this up. In addition to these features, Silver offers a development environment to create custom workflows. Their top-end plan, Gold, offers all the features of Bronze and Silver, but adds more modules, more storage, custom support, and testing capabilities for the dev environment. Contact Onspring directly for information on the pricing of these plans.

Expert Insights’ Comments: Onspring is an intuitive and easy to use solution that allows teams of all sizes and experience levels to get the most of their auditing software. Beyond its effective auditing capabilities, the Onspring platform has tools for ESG management, risk management, and business continuity and disaster recovery (BCDR).

SAP Logo

SAP is a German software company that provides several enterprise solutions to improve your visibility and increase your management capabilities. SAP Audit Management allows you to automate and streamline your internal auditing procedures and ensure that they are as effective and comprehensive as possible. The solution integrates with other SAP software to enhance your capabilities – SAP Lumira, for example, is a tool for designing business information graphics and enhances reporting capabilities when used in conjunction with SAP Audit Management.

SAP Audit Management Features:

  • On-premises or cloud deployment
  • Customizable features with drag-and-drop workflow creation
  • Integration with analytics for enhanced insights
  • Resource, time, and expense management
  • Reduce noise of repeat findings, allowing you to focus on the most significant changes
  • Standardize reports using pre-established templates
  • Automatically track and log known issues

Pricing And Plans: For information on pricing or to begin a trial of SAP Audit Management, contact SAP directly.

Expert Insights’ Comments: SAP Audit Management helps reduce auditing costs by ensuring that the process is quick, effective, and actionable. This allows you improve workflow and productivity by making operational decisions promptly, and with confidence. This also saves time when you need to prove compliance to regulatory or insurance bodies. We would recommend SAP Audit Management for both SMBs and enterprise organizations, particularly those that are already using SAP infrastructure.

The Top 10 File Auditing Solutions