
The Top 7 Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) Reporting Software

Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) Reporting Software facilitates the collection and reporting of environmental, social, and governance data for investors, stakeholders, and regulatory compliance.

The Top 7 Environmental, Social, And Governance (ESG) Reporting Software include:
  • 1. AuditBoard ESG & Sustainability Operationalized
  • 2. Diligent ESG & Diversity
  • 3. EcoVadis
  • 4. IBM Envizi ESG Suite
  • 5. Nasdaq Metrio
  • 6. Novisto ESG
  • 7. Workiva

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) reporting is used to track key metrics and ensure that organizations are operating in a sustainable and socially conscious way. This is becoming increasingly important to investors, ensuring that they get a good return on their investment, whilst improving the impact of an organization. ESG considerations have quickly become a key metric when making business decisions.

It is not only investors looking to make a return on their money who need to take ESG into account, but consumers and regulators are demanding increased transparency and accountability from organizations. ESG reporting entails quantifying and disclosing an organization’s impact on the environment, its social initiatives, and its governance structures. 

Effective ESG reporting software helps businesses streamline the process of collecting, managing, analyzing, and reporting ESG data from a variety of sources, guiding them to make informed decisions and practical improvements on their ESG performance. ESG reporting tools differ in terms of scope, ease of integration, analytics capabilities, and reporting formats. 

The best ESG reporting software offers user-friendly interfaces, extensive features such as automated data collection and customizable reports, integration with other systems, and a comprehensive approach to sustainability, risk management, and compliance. In this guide, we will explore the top ESG reporting software based on in-depth analysis, expert reviews, user feedback, and market presence to help you find the ideal ESG software solution for your organization.

AuditBoard Logo

ESG & Sustainability Operationalized is a comprehensive solution that extends audit, risk, and compliance capabilities to manage ESG programs efficiently. This system allows organizations to engage stakeholders effectively by leveraging ESG data for streamlined reporting and disclosures. It combines audit, risk, compliance, internal control, and ESG management into a single platform for a more unified approach to managing environmental, social, and governance factors.

The solution offers multiple features, including streamlined data collection, Materiality Assessments, simplified reporting, and ESG risk identification. By eliminating the need for spreadsheets and emails, data collection is made more efficient, and admins have greater visibility into the data gathering process. The Materiality Assessments feature aids in gathering and centralizing stakeholder feedback. This helps in setting ESG initiatives and goals. The platform also simplifies reporting and enables organizations to meet framework requirements, such as SASB, GRI, and CDP.

The solution integrates ESG data with the organization’s existing enterprise risk management program, allowing for better identification of risks and opportunities. In addition, the platform simplifies the auditing process by providing a centralized data set that can help track data verification, approvals, and other related information. This ensures audit-readiness and makes data assurance more efficient for both internal and external auditors.

AuditBoard Logo
Diligent Logo

ESG & Diversity offers a comprehensive platform for monitoring, measuring, and reporting on ESG and sustainability initiatives. By centralizing ESG data and providing a single platform for collaboration, businesses can clearly demonstrate the impact of their initiatives on essential outcomes and regulatory obligations. ESG & Diversity focuses on turning ESG goals into measurable outcomes through compelling data that appeals to key stakeholders and regulators.

The platform features Carbon Accounting, a robust solution that automatically gathers relevant data and generates over 80 pre-configured audit-ready reports, streamlining the process of creating accurate sustainability reports. Diligent is certified by various ESG-related organizations such as CDP, GRESB, GRI, SASB, and DJSI.

In addition to environmental factors, ESG & Diversity also offers tools to evaluate board diversity and build a more effective and diverse board of directors. This includes assessing current board and director effectiveness, as well as comparing diversity policies and progress. The platform also improves the nominations process by tapping into one of the largest and most diverse candidate pools available.

Overall, ESG & Diversity is designed to help businesses centralize their ESG data, promote board diversity, and improve upon their sustainability efforts, all while increasing efficiency and minimizing costs.

Diligent Logo
Ecovadis Logo

EcoVadis is a sustainability ratings and intelligence solution that assists companies in managing ESG risk, compliance, and corporate sustainability goals. It collaborates with several organizations to offer a common platform with universal scorecards, benchmarks, and performance improvement tools. EcoVadis IQ Plus provides intrinsic risk intelligence to screen over 1.6 million companies, helping to further enhance decision-making processes.

The solution enables businesses to manage sustainability risk and compliance efficiently, providing contactless risk scanning, robust due diligence, and evidence-based ratings. EcoVadis aids procurement teams in navigating various supply chain due diligence and climate disclosure regulations, ensuring enhanced visibility, risk prevention, and supplier improvement to achieve smart compliance. Additionally, the platform helps companies hit net-zero targets through hotspot mapping, benchmarks, e-learning, and improvement tools designed to calculate, report, and reduce GHG emissions across the value chain.

EcoVadis aims to create sustainable value and impact for organizations worldwide. The company’s trusted scorecards, ecosystem, and improvement platform promote mutual value creation and enable businesses to achieve their sustainability goals on a larger scale.

Ecovadis Logo
IBM logo

IBM Envizi ESG Suite is a collection of cloud-based software products designed to facilitate the management, analysis, and reporting of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) data. The suite aims to alleviate the complexities of ESG data collection and reporting, allowing organizations to focus on making data-driven decisions for sustainable growth. It consists of three main components: a data foundation, streamlined reporting, and decarbonization tools.

The core of IBM Envizi is its robust data management system that is designed to provide a single, trusted source for all ESG reporting and opportunity identification. It accomplishes this by automatically capturing data from various sources such as ERP, finance systems, property management databases, supplier data files, and other business platforms. The suite is integrated with IBM Maximo, Tririga, and Turbonomic for a comprehensive view of sustainability performance and is available in seven languages.

Additionally, the suite offers data normalization and harmonization, converting multi-metric and multi-currency cost data into comparable units and time periods. IBM Envizi’s data structuring and hierarchy management allows for advanced data tagging, ensuring easy retrieval and reporting across multiple ESG frameworks using a single source. The platform also delivers data audits and health checks that can trace data back to source files and provide an audit record of any changes made, as well as visualizing data quality on dashboards.

IBM logo
Nasdaq Logo

Nasdaq Metrio is a comprehensive sustainability reporting software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform that can scale to fit with an organization’s needs. The platform offers a variety of effective tools for collecting, measuring, and sharing corporate, environmental, social, and governance (ESG) data across multiple locations, departments, and sites. With Nasdaq Metrio, companies can automate survey workflows, calculate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, mitigate greenwashing risks, and ensure compliance with multinational regulatory taxonomies on ESG data.

The platform accounts for various aspects of sustainability data management, including framework and disclosure management, carbon accounting and management, and corporate social responsibility (CSR) communications. Nasdaq Metrio enables simplified survey workflows and offers fast-implementation options for a quick startup. The platform can also be used to create dynamic and branded CSR and sustainability reports that communicate corporate priorities and performance.

Nasdaq Metrio provides a single source of truth for all corporate sustainability data, allowing for custom data collection campaigns with multiple layers of verification and approval. It also helps track and manage enterprise GHG emissions, offering implementation and training by a team of experts. The platform includes features for managing granular data workflows and data accuracy with role-based permissions, crafting and sharing PDF reports, and providing auditor access permissions for a streamlined audit process.

Nasdaq Logo
Novisto Logo

The ESG Data Management and Reporting Software consolidates sustainability efforts by offering a single platform for data and reporting. This system leverages automation and AI-driven insights to provide better decision-making and value creation. The software is designed to help businesses control their ESG narratives, meet investor expectations, fill out third-party questionnaires, and conduct competitive analysis with ease.

The platform focuses on trust, efficiency, and insight. It ensures that ESG data is traceable, auditable, and consolidated, resulting in improved data quality. The software also simplifies data collection and management by automating processes and centralizing resources, allowing users to focus on their core ESG programs. Additionally, the platform provides a holistic view of a company’s ESG performance, highlighting the link between sustainability and financial performance.

The platform’s key features include centralized data storage, streamlined reporting, AI-driven analytics, and actionable insights. The platform enables seamless access to ESG assets, offers a robust quality assurance environment, and eliminates spreadsheet and email fatigue during reporting season. Users can also benchmark their performance against comparable companies and gain insight into best practices by using AI-driven recommendations. With a customized dashboard for all levels of management, the ESG Data Management and Reporting Software equips organizations with the tools necessary for continuous, sustainable growth.

Novisto Logo
Workiva Logo

Workiva offers an ESG solution to help businesses make progress toward their ESG goals in a transparent and efficient manner. With their ESG Explorer, users can select from pre-built frameworks and standards to measure their performance in a sustainable manner. By digitizing ESG planning, materiality assessments, and disclosures, Workiva enables companies to quickly adapt to changing regulatory and stakeholder expectations.

With Workiva’s platform, businesses can synchronize a full range of ESG data via APIs, enhance automation to minimize errors, and establish a connected ESG hub for benchmarking and interoperability. The solution allows global teams to collaborate on ESG reporting simultaneously on a single platform, providing clear oversight and in-depth permission management. The platform also enables on-demand reporting, allowing you to share progress on ESG goals in a timely manner with traceable and verifiable data.

By capturing ESG audit history, Workiva helps streamline external assurance and ensures trust in the reporting process. ESG data can be validated in an SEC-ready, XBRL format for investor, board, and auditing purposes. This enhances overall reliability and transparency.

Workiva Logo
The Top Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) Reporting Software