Asset Management

The Top 10 Enterprise Asset Management Software

Discover the Top Enterprise Asset Management Software designed to help you manage your organization’s assets. Explore features such as asset lifecycle tracking, maintenance planning, inventory management, reporting, and analytics.

The Top 10 Enterprise Asset Management Software include:
  • 1. Accruent Maintenance Connection
  • 2. Brightly Asset Essentials
  • 3. eMaint CMMS
  • 4. Fiix CMMS
  • 5. HxGN EAM
  • 6. IBM Maximo Manage
  • 7. IFS Cloud Enterprise Asset Management (EAM)
  • 8. MaintainX
  • 9. Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance
  • 10. UpKeep Enterprise Asset Management

Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) software makes it easier for organizations to manage and control their physical and digital assets. With an EAM solution, businesses can streamline maintenance processes, optimize asset usage and performance, extend the asset lifecycle, reduce costs, and enhance operational efficiency. Unlike traditional tools that typically focused on asset maintenance, EAM software is designed to manage assets throughout their entire lifecycle—from procurement to disposal.

EAM software serves as a central hub for tracking all asset activity, including procurement, inventory, maintenance, compliance, and costs. By automatically monitoring assets in real-time, EAM tools eliminate the need for manual data recording and reporting—significantly reducing administrative overhead and potential for human error. This allows businesses to have a clear vision of their assets and be able to make data-driven decisions regarding the usage, maintenance, replacement, and disposal of their assets. 

In this article, we’ll explore the top enterprise asset management software designed to help you manage and control your organization’s physical and digital assets. We’ll highlight the key use cases and features of each solution, including asset lifecycle tracking, inventory management, work order management, predictive maintenance, and reporting.

Accruent Logo

Accruent Maintenance Connection is a web-based computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) that aims to streamline operations, minimize downtime, and prevent maintenance issues before they occur. To achieve this, it provides robust work order management, preventive maintenance scheduling, and parts inventory control capabilities.

Accruent Maintenance Connection ensures efficient work order management with centralized tracking and inventory management capabilities, among other features. The platform also equips businesses with both preventive and predictive maintenance abilities, with interactive dashboards for smarter decision-making and streamlined maintenance schedules. Its maintenance scheduling capabilities include automated notifications and customizable triggers based on condition, usage, or time variables. Accruent also places a firm emphasis on compliance and audit preparedness, with automated audit logs, searchable work records, and centralized documentation to help keep businesses in line with regulatory compliance.

Accruent Maintenance Connection accommodates deployment as-a-Service (SaaS) or on an on-premises model to meet differing business needs. It’s a highly flexible tool, supporting mobile and multi-site asset management and allowing users to access necessary procedures and documents conveniently from any location. This accessibility proves particularly handy for reading meters, updating work orders, and finding inventory.

Accruent Logo
Brightly Logo

Brightly Asset Essentials enables organizations to manage, maintain, and track all their assets and facilities from one centralized location. It enhances visibility within organizations and streamlines the execution of work orders and tasks, leading to a reduced maintenance backlog.

Asset Essentials helps businesses plan and schedule preventative maintenance. By doing so, it extends overall asset life, maintains operational efficiency, and helps companies cut costs. Brightly also offers resource optimization and communication features. It prioritizes critical work and keeps technicians informed about changing priorities and new work orders. This helps enhance team agility and maximizes productivity. With Asset Essentials, organizations can identify problematic assets swiftly, resulting in more pragmatic “repair versus replace” decisions, and a significant reduction in operational waste. Asset Essentials also offers mobile work order software, inventory software, IoT remote monitoring for real-time asset health updates, GIS Mapping integration for easy work order tracking, and comprehensive reporting and analytics tools.

Overall, Brightly Asset Essentials encourages proactive maintenance practices, extends asset life, reduces downtime, optimizes labor resources, and effectively manages maintenance inventory.

Brightly Logo
eMaint Logo

eMaint is a computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) designed to support asset-intensive global businesses with condition monitoring, asset lifecycle management, and enterprise insight reporting. To do this, eMaint offers a robust suite of operation-critical features. Such as work order processing, preventative maintenance scheduling, and management of assets and spare parts inventory.

eMaint simplifies asset management by offering key information about an asset’s status and history and delivering asset lifecycle intelligence. eMaint users can efficiently generate custom dashboards that provide deep insights into asset utilization, condition monitoring, and failure trends. This helps inform asset profitability and production enhancement. eMaint’s platform and mobile app can be used to manage multiple sites from a single, centralized account, allowing for consistent display, setting, and permissions. This enables clients to easily standardize practices across sites.

eMaint supports global collaboration with localization support across 27+ languages, along with conversion features for time zones, currencies, and numerical formats. Overall, it helps businesses to efficiently manage and optimize their asset inventory, improve the mean repair time, and extend asset lifecycles.

eMaint Logo
Fiix Logo

Fiix CMMS is a software platform designed to streamline your maintenance management tasks, replacing outdated methods like spreadsheets or disconnected software. Its central component is an extensive asset management system which can track, manage, and optimize asset performance. This includes a comprehensive view of equipment data such as repair history, cost, hierarchy, and parts consumption.

Fiix CMMS’s dashboard presents an overview of all asset information in a digestible format. This overview includes vital stats like downtime status and maintenance metrics. The platform allows users to maintain a detailed record of assets, with capabilities to attach QR codes or barcodes to any asset for quick information retrieval. It facilitates the organization of assets with a drag-and-drop functionality, which can be used to create an asset tree or list that helps track maintenance across multiple sites. Users can also use Fiix CMMS to create meaningful workflows, such as assigning individuals to specific assets or tasks, scheduling maintenance based on custom meter readings, and automatically initiating work based on downtime events. The platform also features an alert system for equipment requiring higher-than-usual maintenance, helping avoid excessive maintenance costs or downtime.

Additionally, Fiix CMMS includes a work order management module, an inventory management feature for parts and supplies, broad analytics and reporting capabilities, integration options with other enterprise systems, a mobile app, and an AI feature for trend analysis and predictive maintenance.

Fiix Logo
Hexagon Logo

HxGN EAM is an asset management system designed to extend asset lifecycles and enhance productivity. The platform uses AI and machine learning technologies to provide precise data and strategic insights for improved decision-making, while ensuring compliance.

In terms of accessibility, HxGN EAM is cloud-native with device-independent work orders, and GIS or BIM capabilities, meaning organizations can access critical information as needed. The solution offers a broad range of industry-specific modules, including asset management, work management, materials management, procurement management, and budget management, among others. To optimize investment planning, HxGN EAM also offers asset investment planning capabilities. HxGN EAM ensures reliable uptime, flexibility, and scalability to grow along with an organization’s evolving requirements.

HxGN EAM also offers a Digital Work mobile app which allows field technicians to access real-time information about asset registry, work orders, and inventory management. The system is based on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) platform, which ensures high uptime reliability and the ability to interface with elastic demand. Overall, HxGN EAM allows organizations to make informed, strategic decisions that maximize the life of their assets, uphold safety, and enhance their profitability.

Hexagon Logo
IBM Logo

IBM’s Maximo Manage is an integral component of the IBM Maximo Application Suite, which provides actionable data to operations and asset management professionals. Maximo Manage is a comprehensive asset management solution, combining maintenance, monitoring, and reliability on one AI-powered platform. Add-ons and applications can be tailored to support numerous processes and use cases, delivering a solution that is hybrid cloud and mobile-friendly, and providing portability, extensibility and integration with enterprise systems and third-party data sources.

Maximo Manage’s intuitive user experience enables maintenance professionals and technicians to access asset data via any device, on or off-line. Its up-to-the-minute operational dashboard offers maintenance managers key performance indicators, rapid actions, and vital asset data like history trends, inspection records, and job plans. This intelligence ensures improved inspections, elevates productivity, and enhances fix rates.

Maximo Manage takes an industry-specific approach to the unique challenges of different sectors including aviation, civil infrastructure, manufacturing, oil and gas, transportation, and utilities. It offers bespoke adoption of workflows and processes according to specific needs. The platform includes popular EAM features like map functions aids work and asset planning, as well as offering optional add-on capabilities like Envizi ESG Suite and Configuration Management features, allowing for a more comprehensive, integrated management system.

IBM Logo
IFS Logo

IFS Cloud EAM is an AI-embedded asset management solution that caters to the complex demands and ESG goals of industrial businesses. The platform’s flexibility allows it to be easily integrated with other ERP and Service Management systems, such as project and financial management, supply chain, and field service management tools.

IFS Cloud EAM enables end-to-end project and asset lifecycle management, starting from planning and operational design to maintenance, refurbishment, recycling, or decommissioning. Through structured asset planning, maintenance, and scheduling, IFS Cloud EAM helps enhance productivity by reducing the number of systems utilized for asset tracking and management. The platform grants visibility across the health, status, and condition of assets and offers standardized processes to efficiently plan, schedule, and execute maintenance activities, thereby ensuring optimal asset performance.

In addition to the platform’s core enterprise asset management capabilities, IFS Cloud EAM offers a series of add-on features that support supply chain, procurement, project, and finance management to cater to multifaceted asset management needs.

IFS Logo
MaintainX Logo

MaintainX is an EAM platform that helps increase asset uptime by monitoring downtime, highlighting active and inactive assets, tracking mean time between failures, and swiftly generating work orders to restart stalled assets.

MaintainX offers lots of powerful automations throughout the platform: an automated, preventive maintenance system schedules servicing and maintenance in advance to avoid equipment breakdown; and an automatic work order generation system based on incoming maintenance requests helps minimize equipment downtime. Additionally, users can stay informed about any new issues with automated notification alerts, preventing overlooked assets. MaintainX also offers a system for tracking downtime records, enabling users to readily document when equipment goes offline and online with automated workflows. The platform helps businesses to identify their costliest assets by providing insights into planned and unplanned downtime, labor and parts costs, and other budget-related information.

In addition to these features, MaintainX offers detailed root cause analysis to enhance the reliability of your preventive maintenance plan, enabling users to act on the most common causes of downtime for each asset or location. It also offers meter-based maintenance for assets and provides time and cost-tracking features for comprehensive operational oversight. Finally, the platform includes a feature to track equipment in real-time and maintain detailed maintenance logs for each asset.

MaintainX Logo
Oracle Logo

Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance is a comprehensive solution for managing asset maintenance activities. It offers continuous monitoring and predictive maintenance capabilities to augment asset reliability and reduce costs.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance focuses on conditioned-based maintenance. It helps businesses manage infrastructure costs effectively by ensuring the availability of spare parts and labor resources. To increase operational efficiency and cost-effectiveness, Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance offers smart machine integration, predictive maintenance programs, parts inventory management, and maintenance planning and execution. Built on a modern cloud platform, it utilizes artificial intelligence and machine learning to improve decision making and operational execution.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance also integrates supply chain materials management, costing, and analytics to ensure comprehensive visibility into maintenance operations. This helps businesses to efficiently plan and execute maintenance work in line with their budget.

Oracle Logo
UpKeep Logo

UpKeep Enterprise Asset Management consolidates maintenance, operations, and reliability data in a single asset management platform. In essence, it is a fusion of a CMMS, EAM, and APM solution. This approach provides seamless visibility across maintenance, asset management, and operations mediums, which in turn removes siloes and facilitates informed decision-making.

UpKeep’s platform helps businesses identify underlying issues and avoid unplanned downtime, extending the life of your equipment and reducing operational costs. The platform creates a comprehensive inventory of all your assets, then monitors asset health and applies analytics capabilities to identify cost-saving opportunities. Its preventive maintenance feature—which can be accessed through a mobile device—automates routine maintenance tasks, helping reduce downtime and ensure smooth operations. Additionally, with its mobile work orders, UpKeep Enterprise Asset Management enhances productivity on-the-go, while providing robust insights for efficient asset life cycle management.

UpKeep Enterprise Asset Management also offers enterprise reporting, offering facility comparisons and high-level insights for business decision-making, as well as detailed insights to control parts consumption, purchasing, and more to boost cash flow and resource optimization.

UpKeep Logo
The Top 10 Enterprise Asset Management Software