Enterprise Communications

The Top 10 Employee Communication Solutions

Explore employee communication solutions offering features like internal messaging, collaboration tools, and engagement analytics to enhance communication and connectivity within organizations.

The Top 10 Employee Communication Solutions Include:
  • 1. Axonify
  • 2. Blink
  • 3. Empuls
  • 4. Jostle
  • 5. LumApps
  • 6. Slack
  • 7. Staffbase
  • 8. Workplace by Meta
  • 9. Workvivo by Zoom
  • 10. Zoho Workplace

Effective and streamlined employee communication is integral to the success of any business as it helps to ensure that all members understand their roles, responsibilities, and the context in which they’re operating. This fosters a cooperative environment and helps build stronger teams. 

For administrators, employee communication solutions allow easy message distribution and facilitates receiving feedback in real-time. They can track information reach and engagement, issue important updates quickly, and ensure every member remains well informed. These solutions can also be customized to the specific needs of the organization and are flexible enough to support a diverse workforce. 

The employee communication tools market is rapidly expanding, with numerous providers offering innovative solutions. These include features like integration with other digital tools, instant messaging, and file sharing. This guide will delve into the top employee communication solutions, considering their unique features, ease-of-use, and scalability.

Axonify Logo

Axonify is an employee enablement platform designed to boost productivity, improve customer experience, and reduce staff turnover. This platform is used by businesses globally to provide a thoroughly interactive and engaging learning environment.

Axonify facilitates effective two-way communication, incorporating social media-style timelines and pulse surveys for immediate feedback. It fosters a collaborative work culture through team-based communication channels. It also offers staff the opportunity to provide customer feedback and share their innovative ideas and, to streamline information flow, Axonify displays critical data in digestible fragments on a central homepage timeline. Announcements can be conveyed to selected groups for efficient communication, and the platform also includes tools to track campaign effectiveness and gauge employee engagement. Outcome-based campaigns are designed to avoid information saturation while amplifying attention to crucial data and behaviors.

This platform encourages direct communication with frontline staff, attributing to their increased sense of value within the organization. In conclusion, Axonify provides a comprehensive solution for businesses seeking to yield higher productivity, greater customer satisfaction, and improved workplace safety.

Axonify Logo
Empuls Logo

Empuls is an integrated platform designed to streamline employee engagement activities. It provides resources for HR leaders to manage initiatives such as recognition & rewards, perks & benefits, surveys & feedback, and social intranet & communities from one centralized location. With a focus on employee connection, listening, motivation, and well-being, Empuls provides a comprehensive solution for engaging the workforce.

The platform encourages employees to recognize achievements and keep morale high through meaningful rewards, with comprehensive perks and benefits available that can be tailored to appeal to a wide demographic, and are designed to enhance well-being and work-life balance. The provision for surveys and feedback supports proactive employee engagement and the use of people analytics helps identify and address the root cause of disengagement. The platform also includes a social intranet designed for remote teams to build trust through consistent and transparent communication and display company culture. Another notable aspect is Empuls’ AI-powered engagement bot called ‘Em’. This bot actively stimulates employee participation and helps automate routine HR tasks.

Empuls is easy to launch, with setup completed in 60 minutes, and provides single-platform convenience for all sizes of teams, regardless of location. The modern interface promotes user-friendliness and smooth integration.

Empuls Logo
Jostle Logo

Jostle is a communication hub geared towards enhancing employee engagement by facilitating straightforward and effective internal communication. As an immersive platform, Jostle is a central point where employees can converse, share essential content, stay updated on all internal developments, and circumvent communication barriers across various departments and locations.

Jostle resolves the common frustration of having irrelevant, scattered, and noisy communication spread over multiple platforms. Its primary intention is to reduce communication overload, ensuring that all shared information is appropriately organized, relevant, and effectively noise-free. Jostle also promotes efficient collaboration on crucial tasks. It enables communication on progress, assignment of clear deadlines, record-keeping for task completion, whilst also facilitating personal to-do lists. With Jostle, content ownership is correctly delegated to the most appropriate candidate, thereby assisting leaders, departments, and locations to break from the limitations of working in silos.

Jostle provides a welcoming space for employees to connect, be in sync, and celebrate their achievements, regardless of their physical location: in-office, remote, or hybrid. The platform is versatile and accessible on multiple devices, including phones, tablets, and desktop computers, ensuring all employees can use the platform conveniently.

Jostle Logo
LumApps Logo

LumApps offers a unified platform for improved communication and engagement within organizations. LumApps integrates effortlessly with Google Workspace and Microsoft 365, providing employees with easy access to vital information, fostering an empowered and productive work environment.

As a scalable SaaS platform, LumApps caters to large enterprises and ensures accessibility across all devices and languages. It stands out as an intranet solution allowing employees, irrespective of their location, to stay connected and engaged. Primarily assisting with internal communications, LumApps facilitates effective communication within globally distributed teams, keeping everyone on the same page. The platform drives employee engagement in today’s hybrid work environment and utilizes modern digital tools to ensure optimal communication outcomes. LumApps is also recognized for its exceptional IT support. It helps secure easy access to corporate resources and enables enhanced productivity across the workforce, while simplifying the tasks for IT teams.

LumApps helps nurture a consistent company culture, regardless of where employees are based. It assists in creating an inviting environment for talent, ensuring their seamless integration into the company. LumApps places gives employees the tools and guidance necessary to support their preferred ways of working, leading to a smarter and more connected global workforce.

LumApps Logo
Slack Logo

Slack is a cloud-based team collaboration platform. Available through freemium and premium subscriptions, Slack is designed to facilitate team communication using features such as text messaging, voice and video calls, file sharing, and group chats.

A central feature of Slack is its focus on communication facilitated through direct messaging and channel chat. It empowers users to collaborate via its integration with a wide variety of external tools used for day-to-day work. The platform’s huddle feature enables voice or video connection with anyone in a given Slack network. The video conferencing is suitable for up to 50 participants.

Sharing files or documents in Slack is a straightforward process, as by either dragging and dropping files into messages or integrating with services such as Google Workspace, users can easily collaborate. One of Slack’s newest features, Canvas, allows users to collaborate and brainstorm ideas in a whiteboard-style format.

Slack showcases an advanced search function, making it easy to locate past conversations or files. Users can refine their searches through various parameters, such as direct messages, usernames, or channel names.

Slack Logo
Staffbase Logo

Staffbase is a service provider dedicated to facilitating mobile-first employee communication. They offer a platform that allows clients to launch their own uniquely branded application, tailored for corporate communication and mobile processes. Delivering enterprise-grade capabilities, the Staffbase platform aims to help companies lead and optimize internal communications.

This platform ensures that employees have easy and direct access to all necessary information and applications. Staffbase’s platform includes a host of features such as planning and strategy tools for communication, multi-experience publishing, and automated employee journeys, amongst others. The tool also offers audience intelligence, aiding companies in building engaging content and ensuring it reaches the right audience. Staffbase Companion, an AI-supported content creation tool, simplifies the content production process adhering to communication best practices. The platform also promotes personalized experiences that are scalable, adjusting content per employee milestones including onboarding, role changes, and more.

Staffbase’s platform can be accessed via several mediums including intranet, mobile application, email, and Microsoft 365, promising comprehensive coverage for SharePoint and Teams communications. This accessibility enables employees to have the information they need at their fingertips, regardless of their location.

Staffbase Logo
Workplace Logo

Meta has developed an online collaborative software tool known as Workplace. This all-in-one business communication platform features instant messaging, file sharing, video and audio conferencing. Users will find the interface familiar and easy to use, as it is based on the same technology as Facebook.

Workplace facilitates company-wide virtual events through Live Video, complete with interactive features like Q&As and auto-translations. The Knowledge Library serves as a centralized repository for important information and files, acting much like an intranet. Workplace Groups enable project collaborations and cultivate company culture, while the Safety Center ensures the safety of your community and keeps members informed. Workplace also supports integrations, bringing all your preferred apps and tools together. Users can gain insights into employee usage of Workplace through key data analytics. The News Feed feature lets users prioritize information according to their needs. Workplace assures security for all user data, and its design caters to mobile usage for any time, any place accessibility.

This solution seamlessly integrates with other platforms such as Google Drive and Office 365, thereby enhancing functionality. Workplace aims to connect all employees, regardless of their role or location.

Workplace Logo
Workvivo Logo

Workvivo, an employee experience platform, simplifies the internal communication process and enhances employee unity across workplaces. The platform effectively integrates employee communications, engagement, an intranet, and performance measurement tools into an employee-friendly app that reflects the company’s culture.

Workvivo’s platform is more than just a communication tool, it is also designed to amplify company culture, creating a digital environment that feels safe, inclusive, and connected. Its community Spaces feature allows for small groups to be formed to foster meaningful connections among employees. Workvivo also offers seamless access at any time and from any place, encouraging active company-wide participation. It is equipped to handle all forms of internal communication and is capable of reaching every employee, whether they’re on the frontline or in an office. This allows for prompt critical notifications, establishment of two-way communication flows, ensuring inclusivity in all communication aspects.

Wokvivo offers auto-translations, an org chart, an employee directory, as well as top-notch security for sensitive discussions. For the administration side, Workvivo provides a campaign manager, a content calendar, analytics, and built-in features for podcasting and live-streaming. It promises a mobile-first experience, accommodating desk-based and remote employees equally.

Workvivo Logo
Zoho Logo

Zoho Corporation is a renowned software and technology enterprise specializing in computer software and online business tools. Zoho Workplace is an integrated suite designed to enhance and streamline team communication. It provides an organized UI with crucial applications including Calendar, Tasks, Notes, Contacts, and Bookmarks, for a comprehensive digital workspace.

Zoho Mail, a part of Zoho Workplace, is particularly noteworthy for its comprehensive features including flags, filters, and a ‘Scrub’ function for mass deletion or archiving of emails. It also provides secure emailing and ensures data privacy compliance. Mails can be shared with teammates for review before sending, facilitating improved communication. Another key feature, Zoho Cliq, works to enhance internal communication via instant messaging, task assignment, and event creation. Users can also make audio, video, and group calls, share screens, and even automate tasks with chatbots. Zoho Connect, another facet of Zoho Corporation, operates as an advanced intranet solution to boost team engagement. Users can broadcast updates, create a knowledge base, establish groups, engage in real-time collaboration, and manage tasks across Zoho apps.

Zoho provides SecurePass Email encryption for security, confidential communication, GDPR compliance, and continual data encryption. In essence, Zoho Workplace offers comprehensive, secure, and user-friendly software solutions to enhance business communications and operations.

Zoho Logo
The Top 10 Employee Communication Solutions