Business Operations

The Top 10 Emergency Mass Notification Software

Evaluate emergency mass notification software known for its rapid alerting, multi-channel communication, and real-time reporting to enhance emergency response and crisis management.

The Top Emergency Mass Notification Software include:
  • 1. AlertMedia
  • 2. Crises Control
  • 3. Everbridge
  • 4. InformaCast
  • 5. Netpresenter
  • 6. OnPage BlastIT
  • 7. OnSolve
  • 8. Rave Alert
  • 9. RedFlag
  • 10. Text-Em-All

Emergency mass notification software provides a way for organizations to communicate quickly and effectively with their personnel, customers, or any large group during a crisis. These software systems allow for real-time information distribution, promoting safe and timely response in emergency situations. They are efficient tools in business continuity planning, disaster recovery, security breach communication. 

Emergency mass notification solutions are provided by various vendors, and work by pushing out alerts via SMS, email, voice call, mobile app, social media, and other communication channels. They can be used to alert people about everything from natural disasters to cyber-attacks. The alerts can be predefined and automated and, in many systems, can be targeted to specific groups or geographic regions. 

As a company, having an emergency mass notification system means you can quickly spread accurate information to all your stakeholders in a crisis, helping to mitigate any confusion or panic. It ensures preparedness, increases the efficiency of response times, and maintains business continuity. 

The emergency mass notification software market is competitive, with many vendors providing robust solutions. Most of these are cloud-based, ensuring high availability and quick scalability. They typically integrate with other platforms and systems, while offering features such as multi-channel notification, message templates, dedicated mobile applications, and robust analytics. This guide will explore the top emergency mass notification software providers by considering their features, integrations, usability, and customer feedback. 

AlertMedia Logo

AlertMedia is a company that specializes in emergency communication solutions, offering a robust platform that integrates threat intelligence and employee safety monitoring. With a responsive alert system, the software is designed to assist organizations of all sizes, including those in the Fortune 500, in ensuring their employees are safe, informed and connected during critical events.

AlertMedia’s software offers the ability to send notifications quickly from any device or location. Its dynamic group function allows businesses to identify and reach the appropriate recipients immediately. The automation of threat warnings and the availability of a dedicated monitoring team round-the-clock provides an extra layer of safety support, as does the 24/7 threat intelligence feature that delivers validated intelligence on emerging threats globally. It also has the backing of expert analysts who assist in providing timely and actionable insights. This feature is designed to notify affected employees promptly and ensure the dissemination of critical information when necessary.

Another unique feature of AlertMedia’s software is its integrated travel risk management solution. This provides a comprehensive view of employees’ ongoing and planned travels along with real-time location monitoring. This helps in assessing proximity to potential threats, preparation of travelers with briefs by analysts, and synchronization of traveler and trip information from any data source.

AlertMedia Logo
Crises Control Logo

Crises Control is a solution that provides real-time notifications in various formats to help ensure the safety of people and organizations. With this tool, both pre-defined and custom-made notifications can be sent out globally across a range of networks. This multilingual and multichannel SaaS based solution ensures that critical messages reach the intended recipient or group in urgent situations.

The product features Critical Incident Management which allows for tracking the progress of incident response plans and task assignments. The Mass Notification feature permits the dispatch of alerts and updates on a global scale to employees, partners, and stakeholders. Emergency Notification feature provides instant alerts via various mediums like SMS, emails, voice calls, mobile apps, and social media platforms. It comes with real-time geo-location tagging and acknowledgement tracking. The software also facilitates incident audits by comparing real-time data with Recovery Time Objective (RTO) and Recovery Point Objectives (RPOs). The Fast Business Recovery feature is equipped to send instant notifications, track message receipt and acknowledgement, and provide an understanding of user geo-location. Incident Templates allows for efficient message dissemination across platforms.

Incident Management enables the creation and export of incident reports, setting task priorities, and tracking incidents in real-time. By using the Response feature, organizations can improve their emergency procedures and have easy global access to their SOPs.

Crises Control Logo
Everbridge Logo

Everbridge is a US-based software company that creates applications to assist with personal safety and ensure business continuity during critical situations. Everbridge’s pioneering product enables targeted broadcast, allowing information to be sent swiftly and directly to selected recipients through a range of communication devices and channels. The service supports diverse message formats including audio, text, and mobile, making it a versatile tool for emergency communication.

This solution provides a function for two-way communication, facilitating immediate feedback and confirmation that the transmitted message has been received and understood. All Everbridge’s functionalities are accessible via a single platform that is user-friendly and seamlessly integrated, designed to manage everything in a straightforward, automated way. It is compatible with HR and BC planning systems, further simplifying the process. It also offers preconfigured templates and guided workflows that give the platform an edge by reducing the chances of error in urgent situations.

Everbridge’s system provides real-time instructions and warnings via multiple channels such as SMS, email, desktop alerts, and voice to ensure widespread coverage. The easy-to-use administrative interface aids users in managing settings, organizing contact data, defining role-based access controls, and customizing portals to provide a more customized and efficient emergency communication system.

Everbridge Logo
Singlewire Logo

Singlewire provides InformaCast, a robust emergency alert software that has the capability to coordinate and distribute mass crisis alerts to both mobile and on-site devices. InformaCast’s software is a comprehensive platform for both daily and emergency-based communication needs, offering a mass notification system that effectively distributes attention-demanding audio, text, and visual alerts across your facility and to individual mobile devices.

This solution is geared to ensure rapid response to emergencies by utilizing its strong incident management capabilities and streamlining daily communications through scheduled broadcasts. The key advantage of InformaCast’s platform is the consolidation of multiple channels into a single system. This approach aids in saving time and resources while ensuring consistent messaging. Once an alert has been initiated, it spans every channel to reach individuals wherever they might be. This ensures that everyone is aware of the ongoing situation and the next steps that should be taken. One of the standout features of InformaCast’s software is its ability to initiate an alert from various points, providing users the essential flexibility needed to rapidly respond to any situation.

InformaCast also eliminates miscommunication during distressing situations by enabling users to create a virtual response plan. This provides access to critical resources from any location, allowing users the capability to assess situations as they progress and determine the optimal course of action.

Singlewire Logo
Netpresenter Logo

Netpresenter is a leading player in the sphere of employee and emergency communication, assisting global organizations in meeting their goals through effective strategic communication. A key feature of Netpresenter’s offering is its noteworthy alerting platform, designed to facilitate efficient communication in emergency situations.

This platform can commandeer all screens within a company, providing clear alerts that can reach the entire workforce, thereby enhancing safety measures within the organization. The alerting platform serves to rapidly deploy emergency notifications, reaching even the most difficult to reach employees. It also provides the ability to track who has received the alert, thereby providing valuable data to better manage emergency responses, which is made possible by a unique acknowledgment feature that tracks alert dissemination. Netpresenter’s platform simplifies swift alert action by allowing the pre-setting of alert scenarios to match most probable emergencies for a specific organization. With just a click, these scenarios can be deployed, amplifying the ability to alert everyone at a moment’s notice.

With a proven track record in the field, Netpresenter’s robust platform stands as a trusted tool for many organizations.

Netpresenter Logo
OnPage Logo

OnPage Corporation offers SaaS-based Incident Management systems and Clinical Communication platforms, including its efficient mass notification system, OnPage BlastIT. As a crucial tool for improving communication in emergency situations, BlastTI allows organizations to swiftly communicate with emergency responders and other necessary message recipients.

OnePage BlastIT doesn’t require any specialized hardware or software, with only a mobile phone needed to receive messages. Offering notification speeds that are faster than traditional methods, it’s an optimized solution for getting messages across swiftly. From crafting messages and distributing them across multiple channels, to sending real-time messages to an unlimited number of contacts within minutes, BlastIT is a comprehensive communication solution. Advanced features offered by BlastIT include pre-made editable templates for expedited crisis communication, as well as a free text option for composing messages. System administrators can view and manage all recipient lists and information, with an intuitive upload wizard that categorizes individuals by their department, aiding in the quick identification and notification of specific groups or departments.

To ensure message validity, BlastIT reporting confirms sent notifications and their subsequent acknowledgments, with the capacity for recipients to indicate receipt of their message.

OnPage Logo
OnSolve Logo

OnSolve is a critical communications provider that specializes in offering time-sensitive alerts with its award-winning products. The company’s major goal is to assist organizations in maintaining safety and ensuring information is distributed efficiently during critical moments.

OnSolve’s services facilitate the delivery of urgent messages in more than 190 countries and in over 29 languages. OnSolve offers a targeted approach for sending alerts by utilizing geo-targeted alerts, ensuring that only those potentially impacted by a critical event are informed. Their service is versatile, allowing alerts to be sent through various mediums such as phone, email, SMS, desktop alerts, IPAWS, and voice. The platform features an intuitive dashboard and a user-friendly interface designed to simplify the alert-send process and increase efficiency. The company utilizes a significant amount of experience, built upon more than 60 years of operation within both public and private sectors. OnSolve provides 24/7/365 support to assist clients during crisis situations. They are renowned in the mass notifications industry and have delivered a range of successful implementations across their history.

OnSolve’s technology merges seamlessly with other critical systems to update contact information automatically and supports a mobile-centric world, allowing stakeholders to create, edit, and send notifications directly from their mobile device.

OnSolve Logo
Rave Alert Logo

Rave Alert is a renowned mass notification system that is FedRAMP-authorized. It’s utilized by numerous institutions such as schools, organizations, and government bodies to send messages quickly and efficiently. Messages can be sent via desktop notifications using a simple interface, requiring just three clicks.

Rave Alert provides automatic updates by syncing with existing databases and conducting regular checks. The service provides superior reliability, operating on a public safety grade infrastructure, and enabling the delivery of over 1.2 billion notifications each year including more than 4,000 SMS messages per second. Rave Alert is also equipped with a user-friendly interface and allows users to send notifications from any location using any device with internet connectivity. Multimodal messages can be sent simultaneously from one single point. The system has communication scalability, allowing for an unlimited number of messages to be sent in over 60 languages.

Rave Alert includes Rave Notifier for Desktop, Text to Opt-In, and an Automatic Polling module. The desktop notifier allows for instant delivery of messages via multiple platforms, while the Text-to-Opt-In feature allows temporary guests to receive alerts for certain durations. The polling module lets you gather and analyze responses in real time through various channels.

Rave Alert Logo
RedFlag Logo

Red Flag Alert is a real-time data provider that assists businesses in making informed decisions, predicting growth, and managing risk. The platform offers a user-friendly interface, recognized as ‘Easiest to Use’ by G2 for four consecutive years.

Businesses get to enjoy unlimited messaging with no outages through a multi-channel communication system encompassing text, email, app notifications, voice, and Microsoft Teams, ensuring reliable delivery. On signing up for Red Flag Alert, businesses receive a dedicated account manager, providing world-class customer support. The software is easy to set up and use, making it ideal for non-tech users. The IT department is left free of the management duties, making the solution efficient even in the direst situations. Red Flag’s price is scalable with flexible terms. Businesses can choose from a monthly or annual plan. The security measures are enterprise-level, with a SOC 2 ready system hosted on Microsoft Azure, promising security as businesses grow.

Red Flag affords businesses real-time analytics facilitating data-based decision-making in crucial times. In addition, the location-based alerts allow businesses to send targeted messages based on real-time GPS location, providing a visual and customizable geofencing.

RedFlag Logo
Text-em-al Logo

Text-Em-All is a system designed for swift communication during emergency situations such as natural disasters or workplace incidents. Using this platform, you can send prompt text alerts to your contact list, briefing them on the situation and any necessary actions. Reliability and speed are crucial components of the system, ensuring messages are dispatched swiftly for timely receipt.

The service provides automated messaging, customizable templates, built-in surveys, and schedulable alerts. Also available are keywords, API access, and miscellany integrations to boost usability. Users can select a voice or text message, define its type—such as surveys or announcement—design the content, and decide on immediate or delayed dispatch. Adding contacts to your account with Text-Em-All is efficient and flexible, whether for individual broadcasts or bulk upload for future use. The system can automatically identify textable numbers and flag those that cannot receive texts. Text-Em-All also offers two-way texting for continued interaction, letting you respond to replies and provide more details to improve customer satisfaction.

After communication, Text-Em-All provides a detailed summary of the broadcast’s performance. You can view who answered, whose numbers failed, and who received voicemails. Any completed surveys are translated into digestible graphs, and detailed reports cover billing history, usage, opt-outs, phone number history, credit balance, and text activity.

Text-em-al Logo
The Top 10 Emergency Mass Notification Software