Email Security

The Top 10 Email Delivery Solutions

Explore the top email delivery solutions that optimize email campaigns, ensuring higher delivery rates, open rates, and click-through rates.

The Top 10 Email Delivery Solutions include:
  • 1. Allegrow
  • 2. Bouncer Deliverability Kit
  • 3. Brevo
  • 4. Constant Contact
  • 5. Folderly
  • 6. HubSpot Email Deliverability
  • 7. SendGrid
  • 8. SMTP2GO
  • 9. ZeroBounce
  • 10. Zoho Campaigns

Email delivery solutions enhance your email delivery rates, as well as managing sender reputation, and mitigating issues related to spam and email bounces. This benefits both you and your customer. You benefit as you can ensure that customers engage with the emails that you spend time crafting, and your customer benefit as they receive the content they need and want. These solutions provide businesses with the tools they need to create and send targeted, personalized email campaigns, track results, and analyze performance.

Email delivery solutions also offer features such as email scheduling, analytics, automation, and bounce management. This range of capabilities highlights how email delivery solutions are an essential tool for organizations looking to maximize their email engagement and return on investment. For many organizations, email is their number one way of communicating with their customer base. It is, therefore, essential that this is an effective and flexible means of communication. 

Email deliverability is affected by various factors including sender reputation, email authentication, content quality, and recipient engagement. Email delivery solutions work by assessing these ratings and streamlining the emailing process, ensuring your messages reach their intended audience. They work closely with ISPs, deliver dedicated IP allocation, as well as DKIM, DMARC, and SPF authentication mechanisms to create a robust path between the sender and recipient inboxes.

As a sender, using an email delivery solution helps you maintain your sender reputation, reduce email bounces, minimize spam complaints, and enhance customer experience. These solutions simplify email management for marketers, developers, and businesses alike, taking the guesswork out of reaching customers swiftly and efficiently.

The email delivery market has grown significantly in recent years, with numerous providers offering diverse features, pricing, and support. Finding the right provider can be overwhelming, but we’re here to help. This guide will explore the top email delivery solutions based on their features, performance, security, customer support, and pricing. We’ll consider their user interface, APIs, scalability, reporting capabilities, and third-party integrations, based on our own testing and customer reviews.

Allegrow Logo

Allegrow is a leading inbox placement solution that is designed to ensure your emails reach their intended recipients and don’t end up in spam folders. This comprehensive platform offers a proactive approach to outbound email deliverability by securing, recovering, and monitoring inbox placement rates.

Key features of Allegrow include spam rate analysis that allows users to gain insight into the percentage of email traffic on their domain being filtered into spam folders. With Allegrow’s Safety Net, emails that could adversely impact your company’s sender reputation are automatically halted within your Sales Engagement Platform.

Allegrow also assists in improving sender reputation through email warm-ups, utilizing a network of real mailboxes for complex interactions. In addition, the platform tests DKIM, SPF, and DMARC every hour, as well as ensuring content inbox placement and providing a deliverability leaderboard to rank senders based on spam rates.

By catering to sales operations teams, SDR teams, and leadership teams, Allegrow supports a variety of roles within an organization. Sales operations end users can effectively manage the risk associated with outbound email traffic, while SDR teams ensure their targeted contacts receive important communications. With Allegrow, leadership teams can relax knowing that risks to their company’s email infrastructure and domain are being managed effectively.

Allegrow Logo
Bouncer Logo

Bouncer Deliverability Kit offers a range of services to ensure messages are successfully delivered to the inbox. Their services include inbox placement, email server setup, authentication verification, and monitoring blocklists to maintain domain and IP reputation.

By utilizing Deliverability Tools, businesses can identify how many emails will reach recipient inboxes and how many will end up in spam folders. To achieve this, users can set up tests for specific email providers, send emails to automatically generated email addresses, and then view inbox placement results.

With Deliverability Kit, businesses can monitor their domain and IP reputation, receiving alerts if an IP or domain is listed on a blocklist. Additionally, the platform offers a variety of tests including inbox placement, SPF, DKIM, DMARC, SpamAssassin, IP & domain blocklist, and multi-organizational setup. Customized agreements and dedicated account managers are also available for a comprehensive email deliverability strategy. The platform aims to streamline the process of managing email deliverability for businesses of all sizes.

Bouncer Logo
Brevo Logo

Brevo’s Email Deliverability Services offers specialized support and a dedicated infrastructure for businesses seeking to improve their email deliverability rates. The platform ensures optimal email deliverability by actively managing sender reputation and providing assistance during the IP warming process.

Clients have access to 2 hours of consulting per month with a deliverability expert, alongside a complete analysis of their results to help adapt to evolving needs. The company’s real-time data and statistics are available via a user-friendly UI, with customizable data storage according to clients’ retention policies.

Brevo’s powerful infrastructure supports high volume sending, and the company maintains a strong relationship with email infrastructure providers for optimal deliverability service. They offer SPF, DKIM, and DMARC support, along with IP/domain reputation dashboard and advanced IP pool management options.

The solution integrates seamlessly with multiple marketing tools through a comprehensive API library and custom webhooks. It delivers a range of setup options, such as API, SMTP Relay, plugins, and automation, ensuring that it can cater to individual business needs. The company’s transactional email services are designed to increase email performance and deliverability, without compromising on speed or capability.

Brevo Logo
Constant Contact Logo

Constant Contact includes email delivery capabilities as part of its Marketing platform. It focuses on email deliverability, proactive monitoring, feedback analysis, authentication, and blocklist management. It can ensure optimal email deliverability by proactively monitoring new contact signups, list uploads, and content for suspicious activity. The platform is registered with all major Internet Service Providers (ISPs), enabling the receipt of reports from feedback loops and whitelists. The system automatically authenticates mail using DKIM, SPF, and SenderID, with an option to set up DMARC authentication if needed.

Compliance and Personalized Content is another module included in the marketing platform. This is comprised of a dedicated team that is responsible for monitoring compliance and account reviews, preventing fraudulent activity and spam-related abuse. With a flexible centralized CRM and customizable automations, tasks such as nurturing leads and sales follow-ups become simpler. This allows for personalized content delivery, ensuring the right message reaches the right people at the ideal time.

Constant Contact Logo
Folderly Logo

Folderly is an email deliverability solution that is designed to help businesses achieve a 99.9% inbox placement rate, ensuring that their emails reach the intended recipients and do not end up in spam or promotional folders. The platform allows users to track their email deliverability, providing a comprehensive picture of where emails are landing, be it inbox, spam, or promotional folders.

Folderly’s email deliverability tools help to improve domain reputation, leading to a higher proportion of emails landing in recipients’ inboxes and providing more predictable results. The platform also offers an email templates dashboard for users to easily create, fix, and manage email content and minimize deliverability issues. Folderly also identifies spam triggers, providing targeted solutions and best practices from their expert email deliverability team, which sends over 5 million emails daily.

Through bypassing spam and promotional folders, Folderly can increase outbound leads and elevate email channel ROI, helping achieve a 38:1 return on investment for campaigns. With Folderly, businesses can experience increased open and engagement rates by up to 60%, an average inbox placement rate of 99%, and a 30% increase in email reply rates.

Folderly Logo

HubSpot is a leading inbound marketing platform that understands the importance of email deliverability in growing businesses. The company ensures that its customers’ valuable emails reach their intended inboxes by prioritizing trust and providing exceptional email features. HubSpot’s email deliverability services handle over 1 billion emails every month.

HubSpot offers a range of features that make it easy for businesses to manage their email deliverability. Users can filter out unengaged contacts, set send frequency caps, and access deliverability reports effortlessly. The platform also employs redundant systems that automatically expand to handle high sending volumes during peak times.

A dedicated email deliverability team at HubSpot supports and advises on best practices for users. This team constantly monitors email performance and stays up-to-date with industry trends through participation in industry groups like M3AAWG and ESPC. HubSpot also embeds email best practices into its company culture, ensuring a strong focus on deliverability at all levels.

HubSpot’s system identifies specific reasons for undeliverable emails and updates lists, giving you vital intelligence and allowing you to adapt your strategy accordingly. This adaptive system uses machine learning to optimize performance and can even pause problematic email campaigns, notifying consultants to assist users in resolving potential issues.

SendGrid Logo

SendGrid is a prominent cloud-based email delivery platform, that currently caters to the needs of over 58,000 customers, facilitating seamless transactional and marketing email services. By focusing on email infrastructure, SendGrid enables clients to concentrate on their core business activities.

The company offers features including clean IP streams, reputation management, and a team of deliverability specialists. SendGrid’s MTA infrastructure is custom-built for the cloud and backed by a dependable, self-hosted data center framework, ensuring scalability and a 99.999% uptime.

Clients can leverage SendGrid’s customizable, real-time analytics to generate reports based on factors such as email category, device type, ISP, geography, and timeframe. SendGrid’s customer success and support teams are available 24/7 to provide timely assistance and valuable insights as needed.

SendGrid offers domain authentication, compliance, deliverability coaching, and even proactive ISP outreach, ensuring optimal inbox delivery rates. The platform also provides various tools for delivery optimization, dynamic template designing and testing, insightful analytics, prioritized support, email validations, and dedicated IP management.

SendGrid Logo
SMTP2Go Logo

SMTP2GO is an email deliverability service that helps manage your email reputation through blacklist monitoring, bounce, and spam tracking. In addition to this, SMTP2GO carries out spam-trap detection and has DKIM/SPF technology inbuilt. The setup process for SMTP2GO is simple and straightforward, providing support and set-up assistance via ticket, phone, and live chat. The platform includes a real-time performance dashboard, featuring bounce and spam tracking, customizable weekly reporting, and it has the capability to process over 3 million emails per month. In addition, SMTP2GO offers subaccount management, dedicated IP addresses, email testing tools and SMS messaging.

One of the key features of SMTP2GO is its easy-to-use API, designed to minimize developer effort. Full examples of code in multiple languages are provided in the API documentation. This service allows for sending various types of emails, including transactional, general, and marketing emails, with built-in unsubscribe links. SMTP2GO helps users maintain correct SPF and DKIM records for their domain names and offers proactive alerts to prevent potential problems before they occur, promoting improved email deliverability and keeping messages out of spam folders.

SMTP2Go Logo
ZeroBounce Logo

ZeroBounce is an email validation service that ensures accuracy, speed, and security for businesses’ email campaigns. It offers 99% accurate email validation, AI-driven scoring, Email Finder, and email deliverability tools to help maintain and improve your sender reputation.

The service addresses various email issues by cleaning up your email list and removing email typos, nonexistent email accounts, email accounts likely to mark your messages as spam, spam traps, and other risky email addresses. ZeroBounce’s Email Finder locates valid email contacts in real-time using a person’s name and domain. The bulk email verifier removes low-quality contacts, improving your email deliverability.

In addition to validating email addresses, ZeroBounce Score evaluates the reachability and engagement of your email contacts, providing a quality score for each. This allows you to focus on high-activity accounts with a higher likelihood of engaging with your emails. The service’s email deliverability testing checks where your email lands with popular providers, enabling you to adjust your campaigns for optimal inbox delivery. ZeroBounce Blacklist Monitoring alerts you if your domain or IP address has been blacklisted, giving you the opportunity to address issues before they impact your email marketing success.

With Email Finder, ZeroBounce helps you discover new business leads by searching for valid business email addresses based on a name and domain. This feature is beneficial for various industries, including marketing, sales, journalism, and real estate.

ZeroBounce Logo
Zoho Logo

Zoho Campaigns is an email marketing platform designed to help businesses improve their email deliverability, manage contacts, design visually appealing newsletters, and personalize content for better engagement. The platform is compliant with Canadian Anti-Spam Law (CASL) and CAN-SPAM act and ensures your emails only reach subscribers, helping to build and maintain brand trust and equity.

Designed to enhance contact management, Zoho Campaigns enables users to import contacts from multiple sources, then segment and group them, as well as send targeted emails based on their interests and preferences. The platform offers a wide variety of templates and carries a customizable email template editor to create engaging newsletters.

Zoho Campaigns focuses on personalization through features like dynamic content and merge tags, allowing businesses to achieve better open rates and conversions. The platform also offers optimization through A/B testing and send-time customization to maximize engagement. Zoho Campaigns’ automation capabilities help trigger messages based on recipient interactions, catering to various types of campaigns, such as onboarding, lead nurturing, or customer engagement. Additionally, the platform supports ecommerce businesses with automated sales and promotional emails, purchase follow-ups, and abandoned cart triggers.

Zoho Logo
The Top 10 Email Delivery Solutions