IT Service Desk

The Top 10 Digital Experience Monitoring (DEM) Software

Digital Experience Monitoring (DEM) software monitors and analyzes user interactions with digital services, ensuring optimal performance, and user satisfaction across various platforms and devices.

The Top 10 Digital Experience Monitoring Software include:
  • 1. Cisco AppDynamics End User Monitoring
  • 2. Dynatrace Digital Experience Management
  • 3. Fortinet FortiMonitor
  • 4. Glassbox
  • 5. ManageEngine Applications Manager
  • 6. New Relic Digital Customer Experience
  • 7. Riverbed Alluvio Aternity Digital Experience Management
  • 8. SolarWinds Pingdom
  • 9. Splunk Real User Monitoring (RUM)
  • 10. ThousandEyes Digital Experience Monitoring

Digital Experience Monitoring (DEM) software provides organizations with insights into how their end users (including both employees and customers) interact and engage with their digital platforms, such as websites, mobile applications, and other online services. By monitoring user interactions in real-time and simulating interactions upon request, DEM tools can help organizations to quickly identify and rectify issues that may be affecting their end users. This, in turn, helps improve overall customer experience, enhance website performance, and ensure seamless user interactions for a better user experience overall. 

Improving the end user experience is something that all organizations should be focused on, be it for their employees or their customers. By improving your employees’ digital experience, you can help minimize downtime and boost productivity. By improving your customers’ digital experience, you can increase customer satisfaction and drive revenue growth. 

To achieve this, DEM software captures critical metrics such as application performance, response times, network connectivity, server availability, and user behavior analytics. The software then analyzes this data and presents valuable findings to ITOps teams, enabling them to resolve issues quickly and proactively. The data provided can also enable organizations to make longer-term, data-driven decisions in terms of infrastructure investment, with the aim of providing users with a seamless and satisfying digital experience. 

In this article, we’ll explore the top DEM software designed to help you improve your end users’ digital experiences. We’ll highlight the key use cases and features of each solution, including data collection capabilities, real-time analytics, reporting features, third-party integrations, ease of use, and scalability.

Cisco Logo

Cisco AppDynamics End User Monitoring is a comprehensive solution for tracking and evaluating user experience across various devices, browsers, and third-party services. By using experience journey mapping (ExJM), businesses can gain insights into the most frequented application paths and assess their performance, ensuring a seamless user interaction with their web and mobile applications.

Cisco AppDynamics End User Monitoring includes browser and mobile real user monitoring (RUM), enabling businesses to optimize customer journeys across different device types, operating systems, and browsers. RUM helps to rapidly identify application issues, glitches, crashes, and other performance metrics. Additionally, the platform utilizes synthetic monitoring to keep track of web applications and APIs’ availability and performance, identifying potential problems before users encounter them. Application dependency monitoring (APM) and advanced correlation with real user monitoring further enhance the troubleshooting process, offering a quicker resolution of issues.

Finally, Cisco AppDynamics also offers insights into the Internet of Things (IoT), providing businesses with valuable information on device and user behavior, as well as visibility into connected devices from end to end. This facilitates collaboration between operations and applications teams, reducing time spent resolving device issues and ultimately delivering a flawless user experience at every touchpoint.

Cisco Logo
Dynatrace Logo

Dynatrace Digital Experience Management is a comprehensive solution for monitoring and analyzing customer experiences across various platforms. The platform utilizes real user monitoring to optimize user satisfaction through real-time analytics and issue resolution. Additionally, it employs synthetic monitoring to enhance web application availability and performance by simulating customer journeys and providing competitive benchmarking data.

Powered by artificial intelligence, Dynatrace delivers insightful information about user behavior and can identify coding errors, providing exact line numbers and stack traces to help resolve issues. The platform also manages content delivery networks (CDNs) and third-party providers, ensuring that their performance meets the required standards. Dynatrace’s comprehensive monitoring gives users better control over their applications, helping to pinpoint any issues quickly and providing them with actionable insights to optimize the performance and user journey.

Dynatrace monitors applications 24/7, ensuring optimal availability and performance across the globe. By regularly checking crucial metrics, such as availability, outages, and downtime, the platform ensures that APIs, web pages, and mobile pages perform well for users worldwide. Using a variety of desktop and mobile browsers, Dynatrace can simulate customer journeys from thousands of locations, providing a complete overview of application performance and user experience.

Dynatrace Logo
Fortinet Logo

Fortinet FortiMonitor is a SaaS digital experience monitoring platform offering organizations modernized performance-monitoring tools. It delivers visibility into endpoint application performance and digital experience, regardless of user location or application hosting.

The platform enables NetOps teams to observe, correlate, and respond to end-to-end network and application performance, improving customer and employee digital experiences.

FortiMonitor offers endpoint-to-application performance visibility and supports end-to-end vendor-agnostic monitoring for end-user devices, network, cloud, on-premises infrastructure, and applications. The platform also integrates advanced SD-WAN monitoring; it uses synthetic monitoring, running checks on applications from global public nodes, private networks, and employee devices, as well as application-specific synthetic checks, simulating application traffic over SD-WAN underlays for accurate real-time user experience measurement. This provides early insight into performance issues, allowing them to be addressed proactively before adversely affecting the business. In addition, it provides security fabric integration, granting insight into FortiGate and other Fortinet device health and performance metrics.

Finally, FortiMonitor employs incident response and automation features, utilizing automated runbooks to correlate performance data, respond to incidents, and remediate issues. This enables rapid troubleshooting of user-to-application issues, proactive identification of problems, and overall improvement of digital experiences.

Fortinet Logo
Glassbox Logo

Glassbox is a digital experience intelligence platform that provides comprehensive analytics for user behavior, technical performance, and real-time data analysis. By making 100% of digital session data accessible, Glassbox enables businesses to identify trends and improve overall customer experience.

Glassbox offers a suite of tools, including mobile app analytics, customer journey analysis, session replay, interaction maps, funnel analysis, performance analytics, struggle and error analysis, product analytics, voice of the customer, and digital record keeping. The platform makes it easy for different teams to collaborate, prioritize resources, and streamline their customer experience efforts with its built-in tools and functionalities.

Glassbox is designed with a strong focus on data privacy and security. Its configurable tools allow businesses to mask, omit, and restrict access to customer data, ensuring data protection. Glassbox can be deployed in a multi- or single-tenant cloud or on-premises, depending on a company’s security requirements. Consequently, the platform is trusted by many of the world’s largest banks for its high-standard privacy and security features.

Glassbox Logo
ManageEngine logo

ManageEngine Applications Manager is a digital experience monitoring solution that allows businesses to proactively monitor their applications and optimize them for maximum performance. By setting up threshold profiles, organizations can compare their application performance against industry benchmarks and pinpoint root causes of latency and performance issues quickly.

Using ManageEngine Applications Manager, organizations can gain valuable insights into real-user interactions with their websites and web applications, ensuring optimal end-user experiences. This includes monitoring front-end performance, AJAX calls, user sessions, web application transaction speed, and JavaScript errors. Additionally, the solution offers 24/7 website monitoring, enabling businesses to evaluate and track website availability and performance. This helps to quickly identify and resolve performance issues.

To provide a comprehensive view of application performance, ManageEngine Applications Manager offers synthetic transaction monitoring that simulates critical user paths to understand their web applications’ behavior, allowing businesses to eliminate bottlenecks before customers are affected. This is combined with the use of end-user monitoring agents and application performance monitoring capabilities, which provide businesses with visibility into the back end of web applications and network performance. This enables organizations to optimize their applications and improve the overall digital experience for their users.

ManageEngine logo
New Relic Logo

New Relic Digital Customer Experience, part of their all-in-one Observability Platform, provides proactive monitoring and alerts to ensure a reliable end user experience. The service constantly tests and simulates real user flows across multiple digital touchpoints, helping to catch errors before customers encounter them. This results in an error-free user experience that operates smoothly and effectively the first time and every time.

By monitoring, troubleshooting, and boosting performance across the application, infrastructure, frontend, and mobile touchpoints, New Relic helps businesses deliver fast, engaging digital experiences. The platform allows developers to quickly identify and fix errors, and continuously optimize their offerings with each new release. New Relic also supports continuous delivery and DevOps processes to facilitate effective collaboration and expedite recovery times when issues arise.

New Relic offers comprehensive usage analysis capabilities, allowing businesses to visualize their data easily and make smart, informed decisions. Non-technical team members can readily access these insights to evaluate new feature performance, promotional expansion, and overall customer experience optimization. Finally, the platform enables businesses to maintain consistency across all digital touchpoints by integrating performance data from the entire stack, encompassing applications, infrastructure, and customer experience. This comprehensive approach eliminates data silos and ensures seamless interaction between mobile and browser experiences.

New Relic Logo
Riverbed Logo

Alluvio Aternity by Riverbed is a digital experience management platform that provides insights into the end-user experience for various applications and devices. It isolates the causes of delays in networks, devices, or app backends, allowing for quick diagnosis and resolution of issues with the overall aims of improving customer satisfaction and optimizing productivity for businesses with a technology-dependent workforce.

Alluvio Aternity automatically discovers every application in the enterprise, monitors usage, and provides a performance score based on factors such as crashes, hangs, errors, page load time, and wait time. The platform also tracks users’ actual experiences, while interacting with applications in a business workflow, displaying response time breakdowns between client devices, networks, and application backends for fast issue resolution.

In addition to monitoring application and device performance, Alluvio Aternity also correlates employee feedback with performance data to identify unmet expectations. The platform also allows for the creation, modification, and expansion of an automation scripts library to automatically resolve common device or user issues. With these comprehensive insights and automation capabilities, Alluvio Aternity aims to streamline the management and improvement of digital experiences in the workplace.

Riverbed Logo
SolarWinds Logo

SolarWinds Pingdom is a digital experience monitoring platform that allows businesses to analyze and optimize user experiences on their websites. By monitoring each step of the user journey, Pingdom provides essential insights into how website performance can impact the customer experience, presenting data through easy-to-understand charts and reports.

Through its performance monitoring features, Pingdom aids businesses in preventing potential impacts on their bottom line by understanding how website performance might affect customer experiences. Meanwhile, uptime monitoring helps protect brand reputation by ensuring the availability of websites, servers, and applications through continuous checks from servers located around the world. Pingdom also offers transaction monitoring, which allows businesses to ascertain if every aspect of their digital service is performing to customer satisfaction, including search forms, sign-up buttons, and downloadable assets.

This comprehensive combination of monitoring approaches allows businesses to track web performance and availability on a global scale, providing data filtered by geography, device, and browser. By offering insights into various website interactions, such as search forms, logins, and shopping carts, businesses can better understand and improve these user interactions, identifying and resolving issues promptly to maximize positive user experiences.

SolarWinds Logo
Splunk Logo

Splunk Real User Monitoring (RUM) is a solution designed to offer end-to-end visibility, reducing mean time to resolution by utilizing full-fidelity, OpenTelemetry standardized data collected from web browsers to backend services. The platform is compatible with iOS, Android, and hybrid apps.

Splunk RUM automatically captures common client attributes, app lifecycle events, network requests, errors, and crashes for both native and hybrid mobile applications, regardless of the framework used. It offers detailed user session analysis by measuring the customer impact of every resource, image, route change, and API call, covering every user session, and browser session replay capabilities for efficient issue reproduction. The high cardinality feature enables faster issue correlation by allowing the root cause analysis across complex distributed systems and dependencies.

Splunk RUM aims to isolate latency and errors by identifying performance issues with each code change and deployment. This includes measuring the impact of content, images, and third-party dependencies on your customers. The platform also incorporates AI-driven troubleshooting to prioritize the most pressing issues and provides recommendations on problem resolution. Finally, it helps businesses benchmark and enhance customer experience focusing on core web vitals as the standard for evaluating page load, interactivity, and visual stability.

Splunk Logo
ThousandEyes Logo

Cisco ThousandEyes is a comprehensive Digital Experience Monitoring (DEM) solution designed to improve user experience across various service and application platforms. The platform combines network and app synthetic monitoring, end-user experience monitoring, internet outage detection, and BGP route feeds to enhance overall digital performance. ThousandEyes DEM aims to aid IT teams in optimizing operational experiences and mitigating downtime or performance issues.

ThousandEyes offers an extensive range of monitoring techniques, providing valuable insight into user experiences across different applications and services. The platform also features real-time internet outage detection, facilitated by its extensive data set and collective intelligence. ThousandEyes presents all relevant service delivery data within a unified interface, making it simpler to isolate, address, and resolve issues quickly.

The platform offers different types of vantage points: Cloud Agents are available from nearly 200 cities worldwide, and monitor connectivity, availability, and performance of APIs and services; Enterprise Agents, deployed within the enterprise network, provide visibility into SD-WAN deployments and SaaS application experiences; Endpoint Agents, installed as browser-based plugins on end-user devices, monitor employee experiences with SaaS applications and Wi-Fi network performance. Collectively, these vantage points enable a more comprehensive analysis of service delivery and user experience.

ThousandEyes Logo
The Top 10 Digital Experience Monitoring (DEM) Software