Data Management

The Top 6 Data Extraction Software

Data extraction software enables the extraction of structured and unstructured data from various sources, supporting data integration, analysis, and reporting.

The Top 6 Data Extraction Software include:
  • 1. Apify
  • 2. Bright Data
  • 3. Browse AI
  • 4. Fivetran
  • 5. Hevo Pipeline
  • 6. Hexomatic

Data extraction software enables organizations to collect, process, and store structured and unstructured data from various sources such as websites, databases, and documents. Once the data has been extracted, the software pre-processes it ready for analysis. This includes processes such as normalization, de-duplication, and cleansing, all of which make the data more accurate and useful. 

By doing this, data extraction software simplifies and speeds up information gathering, enhances productivity, and helps organizations manage large volumes of data. It also enables organizations to make data-driven decisions to help inform their operations and improve their productivity outputs. 

The data extraction market is populated with a variety of software solutions, each offering different features and capabilities and catering to a range of business requirements and objectives. In this article, we’ll explore the top data extraction software designed to help you quickly and accurately collect and collate large volumes of data. We’ll highlight the key use cases and features of each solution, including supported integrations, data privacy features, data processing capabilities, and reporting.


Apify is a full-stack platform that allows developers to build, deploy, and monitor web scraping and browser automation tools, with a focus on headless browsers and infrastructure scaling. It offers various ready-made Actors in Apify Store, or developers can create and publish their own for web scraping and automation projects.

Apify’s Crawlee library, built in Node.js and TypeScript, offers several powerful features for building reliable scrapers. HTTP scraping is facilitated by mimicking browser headers and TLS fingerprints, in addition to using popular HTML parsers like Cheerio and JSDOM. Additionally, Crawlee enables developers to switch from HTTP scraping to headless browsers and provides automatic concurrency management based on system resources and rotating proxies.

Apify Actors are serverless cloud programs that run on the Apify platform to perform computing jobs. These Actors can be seamlessly connected to various web apps, cloud services, and storage solutions for improved workflow automation. The platform also offers smart IP rotation through their Proxy service and provides a command-line interface (CLI) for managing and running Apify Actors from the terminal or shell scripts.


BrightData is a comprehensive data platform that offers a variety of solutions to obtain structured and accurate datasets from public websites. The platform specializes in producing custom datasets if the required dataset is not available in their marketplace. It eliminates the need for maintaining scrapers or bypassing blocks, resulting in reliable and accurate data collection.

BrightData leverages its patented unblocking proxy technology for high-volume data collection, automated schema detection, and HTML parsing. The platform emphasizes rigorous validation methods to ensure accurate, timely, and reliable data delivery while reducing errors and ensuring data quality. BrightData’s personalized subscription plans offer various data formats such as JSON, ndJSON, and CSV, delivered through multiple platforms including Snowflake, Google Cloud, PubSub, S3, or Azure. They also comply with data protection laws, including the EU data protection regulatory framework, GDPR, and CCPA.

In addition to datasets, BrightData offers scraping solutions like the Web Scraper IDE, Scraping Browser, Web Unlocker, and SERP API, which cater to different scraping and data extraction requirements. The platform also provides access to various proxy networks including residential proxies, ISP proxies, datacenter proxies, and mobile proxies, which cover millions of IPs worldwide.


Browse AI is a web data extraction tool designed to collect information from various websites and convert it into a spreadsheet format, without requiring any coding skills. Users can easily train a robot to gather necessary data, allowing for real-time updates in spreadsheets or other tools on an hourly or daily basis.

Browse AI is compatible with both public and login-protected websites, allowing robots to access data behind login screens using user credentials or session cookies. The platform also supports bulk data extraction and integration with over 5,000 apps, including Google Sheets and Airtable, via its public API.

Browse AI is adept at handling pagination types such as numbered pages, load more, and infinite scrolling, while also offering captcha solving solutions. If location-based data is required, users can set robots to gather information specific to certain countries. This versatile tool allows for seamless data extraction and integration, catering to a variety of user needs.


Fivetran is an automated data movement platform that focuses on moving data to and from various cloud data platforms. The platform’s primary goal is to eliminate time-consuming elements of the ELT process so data engineers can concentrate on more impactful projects with confidence in their data pipeline.

The platform offers automation capabilities, including automated schema drift handling, normalization, deduplication, and data transformation, orchestration, and management.
Fivetran enables businesses to grow without hindrance by offering scale through 400+ no-code connectors with five-minute setup time, real-time change data capture (CDC) for low-impact data movement, as well as extensibility and configurability with existing data stacks.

The platform supports real-time database replication for large workloads and can be run in the cloud, on-premises, or via a hybrid model to meet various data security requirements. Fivetran caters to ingesting and moving essential data from popular SaaS applications, as well as managing operational and analytic workloads from databases, data warehouses, and data lakes.

Hevo Logo

Hevo Pipeline is a data integration platform that enables users to consolidate data from over 150 sources through a user-friendly, no-code interface. The platform ensures data is ready for analytics by utilizing models and workflows and is designed to require minimal maintenance due to its reliability and automation capabilities.

Hevo Pipeline benefits various data users, from data engineers to analysts and business users, by allowing them to access the data they need in a timely and efficient manner. The platform facilitates data extraction from a wide variety of sources, including SaaS apps and databases, while offering granular control over pipeline schedules. Additionally, users can load data into their warehouse in near real-time and optimize it for analytics by applying preloaded transformations, automated schema mapping, and change data capture (CDC) techniques.

Hevo Pipeline’s fault-tolerant architecture ensures minimal latency and no data loss while maintaining 100% data accuracy and 99.9% uptime. Users receive timely system alerts and can rely on 24/7 customer support if needed. The platform prioritizes data security with end-to-end encryption, multiple secure connection options, and compliance with HIPAA, SOC 2, and GDPR standards.

Hevo Logo

Hexomatic is a versatile, no-code web scraping and automation tool designed for various sales, marketing, and research tasks. It allows users to easily extract data from popular websites without any coding skills required, and also offers custom web scraping recipes for more specific needs. With its user-friendly interface and integrated AI capabilities, Hexomatic helps businesses automate data collection tasks and enhance their productivity.

Hexomatic includes more than 100 built-in automations for performing tasks on extracted data, such as capturing contact information, validating email addresses, and executing AI-powered tasks at scale. Users can create powerful workflows combining scraping recipes and ready-made automations to save time and enhance productivity.

Hexomatic is equipped with native ChatGPT and Google Bard automations, allowing for AI-enhanced tasks such as writing, summarization, and analysis. This gives users the ability to not only scrape data from complex websites but also perform human-like tasks on the gathered information. Additionally, the platform supports web scraping for eCommerce websites and search engines with pagination, making it possible to improve or rewrite product listings and articles using AI.

The Top Data Extraction Software