
The Top 10 Compliance Software

Discover the top compliance software. Explore features such as regulatory mapping, audit tracking, and risk management.

The Top 10 Compliance Software include:
  • 1. AuditBoard
  • 2. Diligent
  • 3. Drata Platform
  • 4. IBM OpenPages
  • 5. LogicGate
  • 6. Oracle Risk Management and Compliance
  • 7. Resolver Compliance & Regulation Management
  • 8. Satori Automated Governance, Risk & Compliance
  • 9. SureCloud Compliance Management
  • 10. Vanta

Compliance software solutions support organizations in managing and tracking their operations to ensure they are continually meeting all legal and regulatory standards required of them. These platforms typically have key features including policy management, risk assessment, reporting, audit trails, and automated reminders.

Organizations operating in highly regulated business environments – such as medicine or finance – are faced with the often-overwhelming task of ensuring and proving their adherence within increasingly complex and strict compliance frameworks. The kind of requirements they must meet could be industry specific mandates or for general data protection and privacy laws. Navigating this often-complex terrain of restrictions and requirements is a much more daunting task without a dedicated compliance software.

This is where compliance software comes in. There are a broad range of solutions that are available and it can be difficult to select the most appropriate solution. To make that process a little easier, we have put together a list of some of the best compliance software for businesses, providing some background information for each vendor on our list and highlighting their key capabilities and features.

AuditBoard Logo

Auditboard is a centralized platform that integrates audit, risk, ESG, and compliance data, enabling a comprehensive view of risk across an enterprise. This platform facilitates improved collaboration among teams by housing all relevant data within a single system of record. This connectivity not only brings about alignment, but also enhances real-time reporting, providing a holistic insight into the risk parameters.

Auditboard automates workflows to foster seamless interactions across various lines of business operations. This automation technology (which focuses on crafting a user-centric experience and minimal friction) allows teams to save time and concentrate more on delivering strategic value to the business. Auditboard offers a range of specialized modules that will address different facets of risk and compliance management. The ITRM module assists in understanding the threat landscape and enhancing cyber resilience by quantifying risks. The TPRM module is designed to break silos and scale third-party risk management according to business needs. Soxhub makes handling SOX compliance both easy and accurate, while OpsAudit optimizes the internal audit lifecycle, aligning it more with strategic business values. The ESG module facilitates the streamlined management of ESG programs and ensures that data is ready for audit. RiskOversight integrates and upgrades risk management programs, while CrossComply is proficient in managing cross-framework compliance, encapsulating standards like SOC, ISO, NIST, and PCI. Overall, Auditboard is engineered to be a comprehensive tool that meets various audit and compliance needs efficiently.

AuditBoard Logo
Diligent Logo

Diligent is a comprehensive compliance solution that assists employees in understanding and adhering to internal protocols, as well as facilitating seamless evaluation, monitoring, and management of third parties. The platform also offers relevant real-time data to assist the board and C-suite in making informed decisions. To ensure a seamless overview of the company’s compliance posture, Diligent features real-time dashboards, detailed reports, and compliance metrics, fostering an environment where monitoring and testing for non-compliance are automated and timely.

Diligent monitors ESG metrics through automated processes, triggering notifications to specific individuals when issues are detected. The system further optimizes efficiency by pre-filling ESG assessments using existing data. It also provides tools to assess and manage third-party risks promptly. Diligent goes beyond merely identifying risks by offering robust mechanisms to remediate them before they have a wider business impact. The platform integrates regulatory requirements, workflows, and data analytics into a single program. This integration results in the swift identification and mitigation of conflicts of interest, enhancing the overall organizational integrity. In addition, the platform encourages employee engagement through dynamic compliance microlearning content. It also encompasses end-to-end anti-fraud and anti-bribery programs.

Diligent Logo
Drata Logo

Drata offers a comprehensive solution that improves the Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) journey. The platform streamlines compliance efforts through automated continuous control monitoring and evidence collection across the entire technology stack. By providing over 85 integrations with common tools, Drata minimizes the manual efforts associated with collecting compliance evidence, consequently saving time and reducing human error. Drata aims to adapt with your evolving business needs, providing a scalable solution that maintains compliance even as regulations change. It allows the creation and monitoring of unlimited custom frameworks, with options to incorporate requirements and controls using pre-made templates or imports.

The platform provides a unified source for audit documentation, offering pre-mapped controls, automated asset inventory functionalities, risk assessments, and security training. It also offers specialized technical support, with a team of security and compliance experts readily available for assistance. Drata’s integrated trust monitoring allows for swift security reviews and improved awareness through displaying continuous control monitoring publicly. Moreover, Drata enhances efficiency in auditor interactions, providing a separate portal for auditors that can greatly reduce the time spent on audits. Onboarding and offboarding workflows are also a critical aspect of the platform. As businesses expand, Drata facilitates automated monitoring and streamlined workflow automation for tracking assets and personnel, in addition to maintaining access control and gathering compliance evidence. The platform is designed to scale according to the needs of businesses of all sizes, offering a comprehensive library of built-in controls and standard framework requirements.

Drata Logo
IBM Logo

IBM OpenPages Regulatory Compliance Management is a flexible and scalable solution that integrates software, process automation, and data feeds to provide a comprehensive view of regulatory compliance risks for organizations. Utilizing the advanced AI capabilities of IBM Watson, the platform centralizes risk management functions, offering an integrated approach to governance, risk, and compliance (GRC). This not only enhances efficiency but also fosters confidence in the compliance processes.

IBM OpenPages specializes in breaking down complex regulations into actionable tasks, efficiently cataloging requirements and evaluating their impact on business operations. This helps mitigate risks associated with non-compliance, including potential sanctions and fines, and reduces the time and costs involved in adhering to regulatory requirements. IBM OpenPages hosts a central repository that classifies and disaggregates regulatory requirements, making it easier for various stakeholders to process substantial volumes of regulatory data swiftly. The platform also allows for mapping these requirements to internal taxonomies and business strategies, enabling a more firm-specific interpretation and measurement of complex regulations. OpenPages is compatibile with various regulatory feeds such as Wolters Kluwer, Ascent RegTech, Reg-Track, and Thomson Reuters Regulatory Intelligence connector. It automatically processes incoming regulatory data, updating taxonomy fields as necessary, and generating workflows based on supplied data points, helping in the organized documentation and management of interactions with regulators. Through these features, IBM OpenPages Regulatory Compliance Management is equipped to support organizations in navigating their regulatory compliance challenges with increased efficiency and precision.

IBM Logo
LogicGate Logo

LogicGate Risk Cloud is a comprehensive hub that can streamline your company’s risk management operations. This centralized platform enables users to integrate, automate, and quantify various aspects of their risk program. The platform is designed to be adaptive, granting businesses the agility to swiftly adjust their program’s architecture in response to changing risk environments and to identify compliance gaps with ease. Its user-friendly interface makes modifying workflows a breeze, even as your program matures, eliminating the need for coding knowledge.

With LogicGate Risk Cloud, businesses can quantify and articulate risks in financial terms, making it simpler to communicate with stakeholders and aiding in informed decision-making. By replacing qualitative guesswork with quantitative evidence, it sets a clearer path for assessing potential business impacts tied to various risks. In addition, the platform provides specialized tools for addressing cyber risk and compliance adherence. It offers a comprehensive view of vulnerabilities, assets, and controls to enhance visibility into cyber risks. The platform also facilitates robust enterprise risk management, allowing organizations to identify and manage business risks efficiently and navigate them successfully. LogicGate comprehensively manages third-party risk assessments to enhance security and expedite vendor onboarding, alongside a dedicated feature to monitor and manage regulatory compliance tasks and requirements, aiding businesses in avoiding hefty penalties and fines. Combining these features, LogicGate aids in transitioning from a reactive to a proactive stance on risk management, with features like integrated third-party risk intelligence and automated notifications that help stay ahead of potential risks.

LogicGate Logo
Oracle Logo

Oracle Fusion Cloud Risk Management and Compliance is a module integrated within the Oracle Fusion Cloud ERP. It helps organizations manage risks and adhere to various compliance and privacy mandates, including SoD, SOX, and GDPR. It also automates the analysis, monitoring, and control of ERP security, configurations, and transactions, helping to design secure roles, resolve SoD conflicts, monitor sensitive configurations, and detect transactions that may indicate potential payment fraud or errors.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Risk Management and Compliance automates privilege-level security analysis during the role configuration phase, thereby preventing expensive redesign and delays. It also includes an AI-driven SoD analysis feature; this scrutinizes thousands of access paths and privileges for each user, providing detailed insights at a granular level, helping to maintain segregation of duties. Fusion Cloud Risk Management and Compliance offers a rich library of over 100 ready-to-use controls targeting high-risk business processes such as financial reporting, payroll, and compensation. Users have the flexibility to visualize conflicts and simulate remediation measures through an intuitive workbench. This system allows continuous monitoring of access policies throughout the ERP lifecycle, facilitating the easy update of access controls to align with evolving processes and role definitions. The platform also offers a streamlined approach for conducting sensitive access certifications, where organizations can periodically certify sensitive access privileges, enhancing the overall security posture. Finally, the Risk Management module provides advanced configuration controls, enabling continuous monitoring of changes to ERP configurations and master data. This module also offers advanced transaction analysis that detects high-risk scenarios such as duplicate invoices.

Oracle Logo
Resolver Logo

Resolver Compliance & Regulation Management helps organizations looking to streamline their compliance processes. The platform enables businesses to navigate regulatory landscapes swiftly, assisting compliance teams in both reducing risks and lowering costs concurrently. Resolver automatically monitors regulatory content streams, promptly notifying teams about the risks and the controls that are affected by any alterations. This functionality ensures that all relevant parties are promptly informed of changes, potential impacts, and are made aware of the next steps they should take.

The platform also helps in prioritizing high-risk regulations, allowing teams to quantify and visualize the connections between various regulations and their respective risks. This feature assists in focusing efforts strategically, while realigning priorities as key risk indicators (KRIs) across the organization shift. Additionally, Resolver helps reduce compliance fatigue by facilitating smooth communication between the first line and other teams. Its fully integrated GRC platform ensures that information can be readily shared across risk, compliance, and audit teams, minimizing repetitive requests and freeing up time for more critical tasks. The system acts as a central repository where different teams can access the same information in various formats, enhancing efficiency and collaboration. Resolver also visualizes the entire regulatory compliance environment through automated reports with detailed representations. The platform simplifies the process of proving compliance for regulators by offering tailored, regulator-centric reports, ensuring that all plans and contingencies are documented and readily accessible.

Resolver Logo
Satori Logo

Satori facilitates automated and continuous control monitoring across various organizational workflows. Satori actively engages in the initial implementation phase, assisting with workflow configuration and visualization to streamline operations. Satori supports various use cases including data governance, credit card and corporate expense monitoring, procurement, accounts payable monitoring, and HR payroll monitoring.

Satori offers high-level system performance reports that help identify areas where control, policy, or process improvements are needed. In addition, it offers daily health checks and admin services, with the Satori experts acting as System Admin Managers to oversee your server and data loads daily. This ongoing engagement ensures that your tests are continuously refined to meet the desired outcomes, facilitating smooth operation and addressing any gaps in controls. Another beneficial feature of the Satori service is its user training and management. The service offers best practice end-user training which aids in reducing errors and streamlining operations. Additionally, Satori provides executive dashboards that give a real-time overview of events and status, as well as tracking the follow-ups and identifying potentially overdue tasks.  These features allow organizations to maintain accurate data, monitor transactions, and ensure complete process compliance.

Satori Logo
SureCloud Logo

SureCloud’s Compliance Management software is designed to streamline compliance. The platform enables organizations to automate their compliance program, transforming it into an efficient operation with support from a dedicated in-house GRC Professional Services team that oversee your deployment to deliver value in a short time span. SureCloud Compliance Management comes equipped with a pre-loaded control library that incorporates content from prominent regulations, standards, and frameworks such as SCF, ISO 27001, PCI DSS, NIST CSF, HIPAA, and CMMC. This extensive library features over 850 controls that are mapped across more than 150 regulations and standards, significantly reducing the number of controls your team has to manage. Regular updates ensure that you can meet multiple compliance requirements through a single set of controls.

SureCloud monitors the management and modification of control updates, providing notifications about changes in controls and offering clear comparisons between old and new control states. Additionally, its easy-to-interpret Key Control Indicators (KCIs) automatically assess the effectiveness of implemented controls, enabling you to take swift corrective actions. This automates and expedites the review of control updates, enhancing the efficiency of your compliance change process. Lastly, SureCloud Compliance Management offers centralized, real-time dashboards and reporting features, allowing you to gain valuable insights through pre-built options. It also provides the flexibility to create custom reports and dashboards to cater to unique organizational reporting needs.

SureCloud Logo
Vanta Logo

Vanta is a premier trust management platform that automates compliance and simplifies security reviews. The platform is designed to assist businesses of various scales in managing risks and demonstrating security efficacy in real-time. It features tools to facilitate real-time monitoring of security posture, delivering alerts on abnormal activities, and incorporating two-way task-tracker integrations to prioritize corrective measures. Vanta provides a comprehensive view of potential risk areas in a business, including monitoring employees, assets, and vendors. It seamlessly integrates with existing tech stacks, offering over 100 pre-configured integrations and allowing the creation of custom connections through its APIs. This enables continuous monitoring and efficient audits.

Vanta also allows for the convenient management of documentation in one central repository, aiding in the systematic collection and presentation of evidence required for audits and compliance management. The platform facilitates vulnerability and risk assessments, offering solutions to identify, prioritize, and rectify risks, whilst integrating seamlessly with various vulnerability scanners to enhance the detection process. The platform also simplifies vendor reviews, helping businesses track compliance, safeguard data, and minimize risks effectively. It supports streamlined employee and inventory management processes, ensuring adherence to policies and compliance with device and asset regulations. Finally, Vanta offers smart system description setups and robust reporting features, providing a clear snapshot of compliance status through a dedicated dashboard. It removes ambiguity in determining the scope of applications, users, and devices for testing, as well as offering an exclusive portal for auditors to monitor progress, verify evidence, and highlight potential compliance obstacles.

Vanta Logo
The Top 10 Compliance Software