Business Operations

The Top 10 Case Management Software

Explore the Top Case Management Software with efficient case tracking, collaboration tools, and customizable workflows to streamline the handling of complex cases across various industries.

The Top 10 Case Management Software include:
  • 1. Assembly Neos
  • 2. CASEpeer
  • 3. Clio
  • 4. CosmoLex
  • 5. Filevine
  • 6. MyCase
  • 7. PracticePanther
  • 8. Rocket Matter
  • 9. SmartAdvocate
  • 10. Smokeball

Case management software is an essential tool for industries that need the ability to track, record, and manage an array of cases or projects efficiently. This can include legal, healthcare, and social services. They streamline the process of cataloguing information, scheduling appointments, meeting deadlines, and setting tasks. This enables users to monitor the progression of every case conveniently in one place. 

As different organizations may require different specialized functions, case management software is often customizable and can come with sector-specific features making it compliant with industry-specific legislation and regulations. The software works to improve the overall efficiency, productivity, and coordination of teams by automating routine processes, enabling access to vital information, and ensuring the prompt completion of tasks. Some case management software many also include additional functions such as customer relationship management, workflow automation, time tracking, billing, and invoicing. These versatile tools can save organizations significant amounts of time and resources. 

With the variety of case management software available, we have compiled a list of the top case management software solutions to make your selection easier. Our evaluations are based on features, ease of use, scalability, and customer reviews. 

Assembly Logo

Assembly Neos is a cloud-based case management platform designed for legal firms. Created by combining features of the pioneering case management brands, Needles and Trialworks, Neos focuses on process automation, communication efficiency, and firm health insights. The platform allows firms to streamline complex workflows and manage case-related data and documentation in a single location.

This solution includes features like task management, project management, and time-tracking, which aid everyday administration processes, billing, payment processes, appointment scheduling, and regular client communication. Neos further simplifies client data tracking by allowing quick access to contact information and case notes. Neos allows users to store, organize, create, collaborate, and edit files in real time, while keeping documents neatly organized, enabling quick and easy file access. The platform supports customizable client intake, with features like digital intake forms and automatic case file creation, and allows users to capture client information quickly, customize dynamic questionnaires, and carry out automatic duplication checks.

Neos emphasizes robust security with its multi-region backups, data encryption, access controls, and a partnership with Microsoft Azure for handling user data, and provide integration functionality that supports interoperability with apps like Office365, DocuSign, QuickBooks, and RingCentral.

Assembly Logo
CASEpeer Logo

CASEpeer is a legal practice management platform that caters specifically to personal injury plaintiffs’ law firms. Operating as a cloud-based system, CASEpeer simplifies business operations and assists firms in improving productivity. This software includes an integrated case management facility throughout and is easy to use, providing valuable tools such as intuitively designed dashboards, a comprehensive calendar function, and capabilities for tracking medical treatment.

CASEpeer also offers litigation tools, contributing to a more streamlined and efficient practice. Implementation of CASEpeer can be completed within a matter of days rather than months, offering an expedient solution for law firms seeking to optimize their operations. The software includes integrated hubs for reporting, marketing, and accounting, which, together, allow law firms to maximize their workflows and strategic planning. Users are also able to integrate third-party platforms, further consolidating their operations into one accessible location.

Additionally, CASEpeer is supported by an industry-leading customer success team, ensuring users have access to consistent assistance via chat, phone, webinars, and tutorials from the initial implementation phase and beyond. This customer-centric approach offers an additional layer of support and confidence for firms employing the CASEpeer software.

CASEpeer Logo
Clio Logo

Clio is a reputed legal technology firm with its headquarters in Burnaby, British Columbia. The firm provides cloud-based software solutions designed for law practice management, enabling law firms to handle various tasks such as client intake, contact management, document management, timekeeping, calendaring, billing, and trust accounting.

Clio’s suite of software solutions offer comprehensive features designed to streamline the daily operations of a law firm. The features enable easy client intake, CRM, time tracking, and document management. Firms can also efficiently manage billing and invoicing online, securely communicate with clients, and schedule events with ease. Clio software also allows law firms to stay organized, manage their cases with convenience whether in the office or on the go, capture every case detail, keep track of and designate tasks, stay on top of deadlines, and collaborate effectively. It also offers medical record and settlement management features. Clio enables law firms to bill efficiently, with custom billing plans and branded invoices that can be created quickly from any location. Electronic bills and secure click-to-pay links provide a convenient means for clients to make payments, resulting in faster payment processing for the firm.

On top of these, Clio offers several other features including court form templates, advanced document automation, 24/5 support, and highly secure integrations, ensuring law firms have robust tools to manage their operations effectively.

Clio Logo
CosmoLex Logo

CosmoLex is a web-based, cloud-hosted legal practice and case management software solution, specifically designed for attorneys and law firms. Its offering includes multiple interconnected tools to support the efficient and effective running of a law firm.

One of its key components is the legal case management suite designed around a matter-centric approach. This feature connects every entry to the right client matter, with an optimized calendar, document, and email management capabilities ensuring accurate organization. Additionally, the software provides legal billing and payments functionality to capture billable hours effectively and enable simplified, built-in electronic payments resulting in swift payment collection. Equally significant is CosmoLex’s legal office accounting component which offers legal-specific trust and back-office accounting. This, along with over 100 reporting options, ensures firms maintain up-to-date accounts and compliance while providing insightful analytics to boost profitability.

CosmoLex incorporates a Client Relationship Management (CRM) solution and a reminder system, the ‘Money Finder’. CosmoLex CRM is designed to streamline client intake, track prospective clients, and improve client engagement while the Money Finder promotes efficiency in billings. CosmoLex’s integrated offering aligns calendar management and matter workflows with case management, making it a comprehensive tool for operating a law firm.

CosmoLex Logo
FileVine Logo

Filevine is a widely recognized legal work platform, used by over 25,000 legal professionals. It offers diverse tools designed to simplify and elevate challenging legal tasks. Filevine encompasses everything from document management and client communication to contract lifecycle management and business analytics. It aims to improve operational efficiency, while enhancing every aspect of contract and deadline fulfillment.

Filevine provides an AI-powered legal technology that helps to expedite various aspects of legal work. With features that assist in drafting documents, reducing redundant tasks, time tracking across teams, and the optimization of marketing tactics, it is meticulously designed to meet the specific needs of the legal industry. Customization is a key characteristic of Filevine, allowing users to adjust the system according to their unique requirements. In addition to its broad spectrum of tools for general case management, Filevine offers a range of solutions especially designed for legal work. These include lead management, eSignature software, legal document assembly, and contract lifecycle management.

Filevine also offers time tracking, billing, and payment solutions, thus integrating various aspects of legal work in one platform. Its business analytics feature provides actionable data to help firms better understand and improve their operations.

FileVine Logo
MyCase Logo

MyCase was designed to enhance secure and efficient attorney/client communication, helping legal professionals and attorneys to save time, increase staff productivity, and improve client satisfaction. MyCase offers complete client lifecycle management features, incorporating everything from Lead Management and Case Management to Billing and Invoicing, with comprehensive Reporting.

Key features include integrated MyCase Payments, 2-way text messaging, and a client portal for secure client communication and file sharing. As a cloud-based solution, MyCase allows all case-related details – such as deadlines, documents, and tasks – to be neatly organized and readily accessible irrespective of location. Its features are designed to enhance law firm productivity and cash flow management. Case management is taken to a new level with MyCase’s intelligent calendaring, which combines appointments, events, and deadlines into one central location. The solution also reduces administrative workload through Workflow Automation, facilitating automatic generation of tasks, events, and documents.

Case Analytics provides insightful data to assist in case progression and learning. Advanced Document Automation helps generate a wide range of legal documents efficiently and accurately, while Internal Chat improves intra-office communication. Task Management organizes all open tasks, assists in task assignments, and uses automated reminders for efficient tracking.

MyCase Logo
Practice Panther Logo

PracticePanther, established in 2012, is a comprehensive legal practice management platform serving clients in 170 countries around the globe. The Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solution is developed with multifunctional capabilities that are useful for law firms of varying sizes.

The software offers client and case management, time tracking, billing, expense management, payment processing, e-Signature, and scheduling functions. It is designed to simplify the work process for lawyers and paralegals through automating legal workflows and improving client relations. The cloud-based case management component streamlines the organization and correlation of time entries, documents, billing details, calendar events and tasks to contacts and matters, considerably facilitating practice management. The document management functionality enables centralized storage and sharing of legal documents securely and conveniently. Linking and storage of documents in the PracticePanther account simplifies file management and has compatibility with other document management systems such as Box, Dropbox, and OneDrive.

PracticePanther also helps to streamline legal billing and payments, allowing for real-time tracking of payment activities for every case, customizing rates on a case-by-case basis, and setting up workflows and customized intake forms. Lastly, with data securely backed up in real-time, it allows anywhere access to documents, files, images, videos, or audio.

Practice Panther Logo
RocketMatter Logo

Rocket Matter is a cloud-based service designed for legal practice management. Its goal is to help law offices enhance their revenue, while improving client service. The product integrates time and billing software, offering an efficient, user-friendly interface. Rocket Matter is characterized by its comprehensive case management software, enabling effortless tracking and organization of cases, documents, and billing.

The software incorporates robust automation features that simplify process workflows, enhancing efficiency and productivity. The customizable Matter Dashboard offers quick access to a case’s information, including calendar events, tasks, balancing figures, related contacts, and time and billing information. The Matter Stream functionality provides real-time updates on new tasks, notes, events, matter documents, and billable entries, while Rocket Matter’s automation feature includes Matter Templates to let users create and apply task and event parameters to selected cases. Advanced customization options allow users to define relationships and capture critical case-related data, without having to input information repetitively.

Rocket Matter’s comprehensive matter reports make it easy to view productivity per matter and matter budgets. Its comprehensive suite of features and flexible usability makes it a valuable tool for implementing big improvements to a law firm’s efficiency and profitability.

RocketMatter Logo
SmartAdvocate Logo

SmartAdvocate is a comprehensive case management system that is developed explicitly for personal injury and mass litigation practice. Developed by personal injury lawyers knowledgeable of the modern-day technological demands, SmartAdvocate equips legal practices with a suite of internet-based features aimed at increasing efficiency and profitability.

WorkPlans and Automated Procedures aid in handling cases from intake to settlement systematically, sparing time and maintaining consistency. Its cloud and server-based platform allows secure remote access to caseloads, permitting multiple users to work on a case simultaneously. Capabilities like batch scanning using the exclusive barcode feature, document sharing, and eSigning are part of its Document Management feature. The platform facilitates easy monitoring of crucial cases, lead information, as well as important financial and operational details through several dashboards and reports. Users have the flexibility to customize their dashboards, while user-friendly interfaces, such as the SmartAdvocate App for Android and iOS, provide accessibility to case information anywhere.

Detailed visibility into cases is further enhanced with the Client Portal, providing clients instant access to their case documents, calendar, and notes, while the firm retains control over what they can see. Furthermore, the Texting Integration feature enables sending and saving of text messages within SmartAdvocate.

SmartAdvocate Logo
Smokeball Logo

Smokeball is a cloud-based legal practice management software that automatically tracks time and activity, designed to aid in the running of a more efficient and profitable law firm. It’s intended to help with administrative tasks and focus on significant work, promoting a more profitable, organized law firm to attract desired clients.

Smokeball offers efficient lead management tools to maintain regular communication with potential clients and track progress. It also has an onboarding process feature that allows for quick conflict checks and case value estimation. The inclusion of their award-winning client support team makes the recruitment and onboarding process smooth. Smokeball shines as a comprehensive platform for the whole firm aiming to increase organization and productivity. It automatically captures every billable minute on the case management software, and Microsoft Word, and Outlook. It also includes document find and fill functions, keeping all case-related information readily available.

The software also includes flexible billing and legal accounting capabilities. It accommodates various billing methods, including fixed-fee, hourly, contingency, and LEDES. Smokeball ensures its users never miss a billable minute and provides detailed records and reports for compliance assurance. Finally, it also features Law Firm Insights for data-driven decision-making, offering actionable reporting on cases, clients, and opportunities for firm growth and improvement.

Smokeball Logo
The Top 10 Case Management Software