Application Security

The Top 10 Application Security Orchestration and Correlation (ASOC) Tools

Explore the best Application Security Orchestration and Correlation (ASOC) solutions with features like vulnerability correlation, automated workflows, and integration with existing security tools.

The Top 10 Application Security Orchestration And Correlation Tools include:
  • 1. Aikido Security
  • 2. ArmorCode
  • 3. Bionic
  • 4. Enso Security Smart AST Orchestration & Automation (ASOC)
  • 5. Faraday Application Security Teams
  • 6. Ivanti Neurons for ASOC
  • 7. Kondukto
  • 8. Synopsys Software Risk Manager
  • 9. Tromzo
  • 10. Vulcan Application Vulnerability Management

Application Security Orchestration and Correlation (ASOC) tools enable development teams to automate key workflows and streamline security processes. ASOC tools help to automate vulnerability management, risk assessment, and remediation, as well as orchestrating data from across different security solutions. ASOC integrates data from across your security testing tools into a centralized platform. This facilitates robust collaboration between development, security, and operations (DevSecOps) teams.

Implementing an ASOC tool increases visibility into potential threats, provides integrated analytics and threat intelligence for your entire security stack, allowing you to improve efficiency when remediating issues. ASOC tools also allow organizations to assess the security posture of their applications and ensure that they comply with industry-specific regulations and standards. They can be combined with application security posture management tools to provide end-to-end visibility of security right from the testing phase through to a production environment. 

In this guide we will cover the top Application Security Orchestration and Correlation tools, based on key their features, such as integration capabilities, automation and orchestration, user-friendliness, vulnerability management, and risk analysis. This ranking is based on our own internal market research.

Aikido Logo

Aikido Security is a comprehensive security platform, designed to streamline application security for software developers. The Aikido platform offers automated application security orchestration and correlation, providing significant value for teams interested in simplifying their security processes. 

Core features of the Aikido Security platform include cloud posture management for the detection of risks across many cloud services, continuous open-source dependency scanning for known vulnerabilities, secrets detection within code, and static code analysis. Aikido also offers infrastructure-as-code scanning for popular services like Terraform and CloudFormation, container scanning for package security, and dynamic front-end vulnerability detection for web apps. 

Aikido maps infrastructure and security data to score threats based on risk. This helps teams to focus on high risk issues, rather than wasting time on low priority tasks. platform automatically prioritizes key alerts, removes duplicate alerts, and provides a custom rules engine for alert prioritization. For example, Aikido checks if an issue is reachable from the internet and uses this information to upgrade or downgrade the severity of an issue.

Aikido integrates seamlessly with tools already in use by many developers helping to streamline notification processes and workflows. Aikido supports a broad range of tech stacks, languages, and various version control providers. Task management, messaging tools, compliance suites, and continuous integration can be easily integrated for smooth tracking and better issue resolution. Aikido Security is trusted by numerous technology companies and has been vetted by security experts to ensure it provides efficient support for ISO and SOC2 compliance.

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ArmorCode Logo

ArmorCode is a unified AppSecOps platform that streamlines security workflows and processes for security and developer teams. Their solution offers a combination of Application Security Posture Management (ASPM), Unified Vulnerability Management (UVM), and Application Security Orchestration and Correlation (ASOC), providing insight, agility, and collaboration.

The platform enables security teams to better prioritize findings and create seamless remediation workflows. ArmorCode’s solution automates and orchestrates AppSec and infrastructure vulnerability management workflows in one place. It unifies findings, prioritizes issues, and automates the process of routing issues to the appropriate teams. This eliminates manual work, improves collaboration, and ensures timely remediation.

ArmorCode’s AppSecOps platform provides security teams with the necessary tools to build an effective and efficient AppSec program across the entire organization and DevSecOps pipeline. The platform integrates with over 160 security tools, normalizes and correlates security findings, as well as automating workflows to improve remediation processes. With ArmorCode, organizations can have a comprehensive view of their security posture, prioritize risks effectively, and scale security success across their organization.

ArmorCode Logo
Bionic Logo

Bionic (a Crowdstrike Company) is an application security posture management (ASPM) platform designed for security, DevSecOps, and engineering teams. It ensures application and API security in production environments without affecting the software delivery speed in the cloud. Bionic collects all essential application artifacts, providing a comprehensive inventory of each service, dependency, and data flow. This helps reduce noise and highlights the most significant security risks in your applications.

The platform continually updates your application inventory as changes occur, allowing you to discover deployed applications across all environments and assess your entire application architecture. Bionic seamlessly integrates with CI/CD pipelines and detects critical application risks in production. It offers visualization of application architecture and prioritizes risks based on business context. This allows for the creation of automated policies and notification processes that streamline remediation efforts.

Bionic analyzes your code to check for critical vulnerabilities and gather insights into potential attack surfaces. The solution prioritizes vulnerabilities based on the overall application architecture and environment. It also enables your team to implement customized policies that adhere to your company’s security standards.

Bionic Logo
Enso Logo

Enso Security offers a platform designed to help organizations build, manage, and scale their AppSec programs. The platform deploys into an organization’s environment providing a unified inventory of application assets, their owners, security posture, and associated risk. Enso Security aims to simplify, streamline, and scale application security programs without interfering with development processes.

Enso’s Smart AST Orchestration & Automation solution enables users to identify and eliminate security coverage gaps, optimize performance, and prioritize resources in addressing business-critical vulnerabilities. Through this solution, organizations gain comprehensive coverage and insights into security vulnerabilities from all scanner testing sources during development, release testing, and production. This is achieved by automating and orchestrating workflows across AppSec and developer teams, ensuring efficient use of resources and providing security visibility and risk assessment throughout an entire application environment.

By offering a platform that combines visibility and coordination of tools, people, and processes within application development, Enso Security provides a solution that does not hinder development, while maintaining comprehensive app security management.

Enso Logo
Faraday Logo

Faraday is an application security platform designed for large enterprises, MSSPs, and application security teams. It offers a REST API that allows users to scale their strategies by accessing integrations, analytics capabilities, and reporting based on their needs. Faraday’s platform is built to optimize vulnerability management by normalizing, tracking, and identifying assets and vulnerability data from over 150 integrations.

One of Faraday’s key features is its lightweight and scalable Agents; these automate repetitive scheduled scans or triggered jobs, freeing up team resources. The platform also provides custom workflows and seamless deduplication, automatically identifying and merging duplicate issues.

The platform supports integration with popular ticketing systems such as Jira, GitLab, and ServiceNow, as well as LDAP and SAML providers. With its focus on collaboration, the platform allows users to manage, tag, and prioritize vulnerabilities with ease, resulting in faster vulnerability management and prioritization, as well as quicker remediation through automation with agents and workflows.

Faraday Logo
Ivanti logo

Ivanti Neurons for Application Security Orchestration and Correlation (ASOC) is a comprehensive solution that enables organizations to take a risk-based approach to vulnerability management for their application stack.

Ivanti Neurons for ASOC provides full-stack visibility of application risk exposure by unifying all application scan data (SAST, DAST, OSS, and container). It is scanner agnostic, allowing users to use multiple scanning tools across different stages of the development lifecycle. The platform’s Application Security Dashboard offers a comprehensive view of vulnerabilities and findings, letting users monitor application development progress and address security debt.

Ivanti Neurons for ASOC streamlines vulnerability management processes through automation of common tasks and real-time notifications. It incorporates role-based access control (RBAC) and customizable views, fostering better communication and collaboration among security stakeholders. By quantifying risk using Ivanti’s proprietary Vulnerability Risk Rating (VRR) and Ivanti RS3 score, organizations can accurately assess impact and prioritize remediation efforts, focusing on the vulnerabilities that pose the greatest risk.

Ivanti logo
Kondukto Logo

Kondukto is an application security orchestration and posture management platform designed to help AppSec teams gain instant visibility into their overall security posture. By consolidating all security data into one clear view, the platform makes it easier for teams to prioritize and address the most pressing vulnerabilities.

The platform can be easily set up and integrated with existing tools, allowing users to quickly onboard projects and establish hierarchical views. Additionally, Kondukto’s vulnerability deduplication feature streamlines the triaging process by removing redundant information, while its automated suppression rules help reduce noise.

By sending vulnerability information directly to Jira or Slack, Kondukto speeds up remediation efforts and enables teams to have quick conversations. The platform also offers an in-depth view of vulnerabilities, security scores, and the ability to take action on multiple issues at once.

To ensure continuous improvement and minimize recurring vulnerabilities, Kondukto allows for the personalization of security training programs based on developer-level vulnerability data. With features such as validation scans, role-based access, and the SBOM locator, the platform supports AppSec professionals in reducing noise and focusing on remediation.

Kondukto Logo
Synopsys Logo

Synopsys Software Risk Manager is an on-premises application security posture management (ASPM) solution designed for security and development teams. Its primary goal is to streamline application security programs and improve organizational risk posture. The platform unifies policy, test orchestration, issue correlation, and incorporates built-in static application security testing (SAST) and software composition analysis (SCA) engines. This allows for the intelligent and consistent integration of security activities throughout the software development life cycle (SDLC).

Software Risk Manager supports over 125 integrations with security testing tools, providing a single source of truth for managing and deriving results from both manual and automated application security testing. It also offers built-in engines for SAST and SCA to quickly complete source code and open source testing, while minimizing disruption to existing pipelines. With centralized policy management, the platform standardizes application security workflows across tools and development environments. Additionally, Software Risk Manager allows teams to prioritize vulnerabilities based on contextual risk scoring and escalates critical issues directly to developers within their daily tools.

Synopsys Software Risk Manager empowers security and development teams to make informed decisions from a single source of truth and deliver resilient applications at scale.

Synopsys Logo
Tromzo Logo

Tromzo is an Application Security Orchestration and Correlation (ASOC) solution designed to manage organizational risk by detecting, correlating, and prioritizing security issues throughout the software development lifecycle. Tromzo centralizes software artifact inventory and ownership by ingesting data from various sources, reducing vulnerabilities to those that require urgent attention, and maintaining a strong security posture. The solution is built for development, platform engineering, cloud operations, and security teams, aiming to promote a seamless and frictionless application security experience.

Tromzo’s platform enables organizations to discover contextual software asset inventory, such as code repositories, software dependencies, containers, and microservices, providing information on their ownership and business importance. The Intelligence Graph feature allows for efficient vulnerability management, automating remediation lifecycle processes like triaging, prioritizing, associating ownership, risk acceptance, and compliance workflows. Tromzo helps organizations understand their security posture by tracking SLA compliance, mean time to remediation (MTTR), and other custom KPIs.

Tromzo is a unified platform that simplifies security integration throughout the software development lifecycle, offering contextualized data, security guardrails, and automated workflows. Tromzo assists organizations in addressing and remediating vulnerabilities and security risks, ensuring efficient management of their overall security program.

Tromzo Logo
Vulcan Logo

Vulcan Cyber is a risk management platform that focuses on breaking down organizational cyber risk into manageable processes. It offers powerful prioritization, orchestration, and mitigation capabilities to help security teams effectively manage their risk.

The platform enhances an organization’s existing cybersecurity environment by connecting to multiple tools used in cloud, IT, and application attack surfaces. This means that is can support all stages of the cybersecurity lifecycle. Its application vulnerability management feature enables smarter, faster, and measurable results by enriching and unifying risk data. This allows for easy identification of security gaps, prioritization of threats, and orchestration of response, utilizing automated remediation workflows and playbooks.

By consolidating, deduplicating, and correlating application, cloud, and infrastructure vulnerabilities in a unified platform, Vulcan Cyber allows organizations to better understand their risk profile, communicate vulnerabilities, and reduce risk through targeted action plans. With advanced dashboards and reporting capabilities, Vulcan Cyber provides companies with a comprehensive view of their overall security posture and helps streamline risk mitigation efforts.

Vulcan Logo
The Top 10 Application Security Orchestration and Correlation (ASOC) Tools