AI Solutions

The Top 10 AI Meeting Assistants

Compare AI meeting assistants known for their natural language processing, contextual understanding, and intelligent automation to enhance productivity and collaboration during virtual meetings.

The Top 10 AI Meeting Assistants Include:
  • 1. Fathom
  • 2. Fellow
  • 3. Jamie
  • 4. MeetGeek
  • 5. Notta
  • 6.
  • 7. Sembly
  • 8. Supernormal
  • 9. Superpowered
  • 10. TL:DV

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Meeting Assistants are productivity tools that use AI and machine learning algorithms to automate and facilitate scheduling, organizing, notetaking and conducting efficient virtual meetings. They typically are used in conjunction with meeting apps like Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, and Zoom.

We all know that after a day of back-to-back meetings, it can be hard to keep on top of all outcomes and follow-up actions. AI meeting solutions help by generating meeting transcripts and summaries, sending reminders, then tracking and managing action items to ensure that nothing is overlooked. Some solutions are also able to automate scheduling, such as sending out meeting invites, generating reminder emails in advance of a call, and setting meeting agendas. In addition, some solutions can provide live captioning services, background blurring, and real-time translation using AI solutions.

With AI Meeting Assistants, you don’t need to worry about taking notes or missing follow up items. Summaries and transcriptions are recorded directly in the meeting invite detail or sent to all meeting recipients after the call. Most solutions on this list are third-party tools, but many virtual meeting apps are commonly deploying their own native AI features, including transcription capabilities.

In this guide we’ll cover our top picks for AI Meeting Assistant providers, offering an in-depth analysis of their features like task management policies, automations, transcripts, and user-friendliness.

Fathom Logo

Fathom is a tool designed to record, transcribe, summarize, and highlight conversations during video meetings. This solution is compatible with popular conferencing including Microsoft Teams, Zoom, and Google Meet.

Fathom provides useful AI features such as click-based highlights which allow users to mark significant portions of a call for AI-based summarization. Upon conclusion of the call, users can immediately access the summarized, transcribed recording as well as any marked highlights.

The tool’s provides multilingual support, including translation into English, French, Spanish, Italian, German, and Portuguese. Fathom’s AI capabilities do not stop at meeting summaries. It features an automatic synchronization function that records and syncs meeting notes directly to your Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system, eliminating the need for manual data entry.

Through Fathom’s Enterprise plan, users also have access to a searchable storage location for all video call transcripts, making it easier to track and manage customer interactions. To further boost team efficiency, the software can analyze call data and alert users to important moments in real time or on a set schedule. It also enables sharing of key call moments and maintains a unified view of all customer interactions for seamless transition in case of personnel changes.

Fathom’s pricing structure is simple and upfront, with no long-term commitments or restrictive contracts and is available on monthly or annual subscriptions.

Fathom Logo
Fellow Logo

Fellow is a comprehensive meeting management software solution designed for remote and hybrid team environments. The platform features AI-driven features to facilitate more efficient meetings and one-on-one sessions. Fellow’s ‘Meeting Copilot’ delivers auto-generated recordings, transcripts, and summaries for every meeting and calendar event.

This platform can record and transcribe meetings in ten different languages, with AI-generated summaries that highlight key talking points. The platform systematically organizes discussions into related topics, generates action items, and allows users to edit for added context. Fellow also offers integrations, enabling effective collaboration on meeting agendas and action items across your chosen project management tools. It keeps a record of all meeting decisions to ensure tangible results after every meeting.

Fellow centralizes the entire meeting workflow into one functional hub, from preparing weekly meetings to accessing video calls. It integrates with over 50 tools, including Google Meet, Zoom, Slack, and Microsoft. The platform updates tasks and statuses for easy access, while also providing a robust search and tagging functionality for quick access to meeting-related information.

Fellow Logo
MeetJamie Logo

Jamie is an AI-powered service that offers automated meeting note solutions. It works across multiple platforms including Zoom and Microsoft Teams. This solution doesn’t require virtual bots to join calls in order to generate transcripts, thus ensuring a smooth note-taking experience during calls.

Jamie’s features include automatic generation of meeting summaries, transcripts, and action items. It’s designed to extract tasks discussed, detect decisions made, and capture them. This AI solution also possesses a semantic search capability, allowing for a more in-depth search of your meetings based on their semantic meaning.

Jamie generates topics-sorted notes for a human-like summary. The solution also supports more than 15 languages and offers custom note templates for a more tailored note-taking experience. Additional features include the capability to teach the system custom words and acronyms. With continuous usage, Jamie becomes more adept at understanding your work context, helping you efficiently retrieve information from meeting notes. Jamie is compliant with privacy regulations, storing all data in Europe and only processing needed data.

MeetJamie Logo
MeetGeek Logo

MeetGeek is an AI-driven meeting automation platform that increases productivity by recording, transcribing, summarizing, and sharing insights from every meeting to the tool of your choice. It supports over 20 different languages and is trusted by over 10,000 teams worldwide.

MeetGeek offers an AI meeting summary feature that identifies action items and key topics, negating the need to write follow-up notes. The tool generates brief summaries of key topics, providing a quick snapshot of meetings for later review. The tool also generates full transcripts, which are timestamped, allowing for easy navigation, with auto-tags for each action item, point of concern, or important detail.

MeetGeek allows users to capture and share meeting insights with one click. These can include sales quotes or customer feedback, which can be easily accessed and shared with the team. All meeting notes from Zoom, Teams, and Google meetings can be stored in one location that is searchable and secure. The keyword search function allows for quick recall of any details from past meeting transcripts.

MeetGeek offers seamless integration with a variety of tools including Google Calendar, Microsoft Outlook, Google Drive, Slack, Trello, and HubSpot, among others. It also supports integration with over 2000+ applications through Zapier. The platform is designed for multiple teams and roles, allowing users to share meeting notes across the company. The product is designed to respect user data privacy, storing meetings securely in a private AWS cloud with end-to-end encryption enforced for data both at rest and in transit.

MeetGeek Logo
Notta Logo

Notta (formerly Airgram) is an AI meeting assistant designed to improve meetings by recording, transcribing, summarizing, and sharing discussions. Notta generates comprehensive meeting summaries, transcripts, and translations.

The app transcribes everything said in a meeting, assigning it to a speaker and adding timestamps for easy navigation. The automatic transcription feature converts spoken words into searchable, modifiable text. Transcripts can be exported to Notion and Google Docs. Notta supports 58 languages, including English, Spanish, German, French, Portuguese, Russian, Japanese, and Chinese.

After a meeting, users can generate meeting summaries using pre-built templates. They can also write a custom prompt to grab certain information as needed. Users can even create video snippets comprising only the significant aspects of meetings.

The platform works with Zoom, Google Meet, Webex, Microsoft Teams and in-person meetings. Integrations extend to calendar apps, CRMs like HubSpot, Salesforce, Slack, and Zapier to connect with thousands of apps. The platform is secure, with SOC 2, GDPR, and ISO 27001 compliance certifications.

Notta Logo
Otter.Ai logo is an AI tool that facilitates productive and collaborative meetings by providing live transcription services. Otter generates live meeting notes, capturing key takeaways for reference later. automatically syncs with Google or Microsoft calendars and can auto-join meetings on Zoom, Microsoft Teams, or Google Meet, ensuring that meeting notes are taken even if you are absent.

During the meeting, records audio and creates notes in real time. It has a feature to highlight key takeaways and in virtual meetings, it will automatically capture and include meeting slides in the notes. Additionally, you can tag teammates with action items that are immediately contextualized with notes and slides.

After the meeting, an automated meeting summary is generated. This includes hyperlinks to the meeting notes and slides, which is then automatically emailed to all meeting participants. You can assign additional action items, add comments or questions, and playback the audio through the platform.

Supporting large organizations, offers advanced admin controls and increased security. It also offers full compatibility with iOS, Android, and Slack and has a Chrome extension for instant meeting access. When integrated with Dropbox, it can automatically transcribe and sync audio or video files added to the Otter app folder.

Otter.Ai logo
Sembly Logo

Sembly is an AI-powered assistant designed to streamline professional meetings by handling tasks like transcriptions, note-taking, and extracting insights. It supports common meeting platforms such as Microsoft Teams, Zoom, and Google Meet.

Sembly’s features include creating detailed meeting records, automating summaries, and documenting decisions, events, requirements, risks, and even notable data-driven facts during discussions. For those unable to attend meetings, Sembly can stand in and provide complete post-meeting documents for review.

In addition to facilitating productive discussions through the automatic generation and delivery of tasks, Sembly boasts integration with task management tools like Slack, Trello, and ToDo Apps. Sembly supports 42 languages, allowing it to cater to a global audience. Notable tools include the Workspace Analytics Dashboard, which offers insights into meeting attendance and efficiency with a Manager View that gives designated managers complete access to information.

Crafting a personalized message for meeting participants, scheduling and recording meetings across various platforms, and voice identification and control are among other standout features. Sembly ensures data protection through robust security audits, secure data storage, and compliance with GDPR and SOC 2 Type II certification.

Sembly Logo
Supernormal Logo

Supernormal is an AI-powered note-taking tool designed to save time in meetings. It employs secure AI technology to transcribe meeting notes which are then auto-formatted for different uses. Supernormal can integrate seamlessly with your existing productivity suite for fast deployment and collaboration across tools.

Supernormal is highly customizable, enabling users to create templates that align with their personal note-taking styles. It provides user-friendly access to all meeting notes from a single, centralized location and facilitates easy tracking and follow-up of meeting action items. Users can also share their notes following a meeting automatically. Another strength of Supernormal is its ability to integrate with hundreds of apps via Zapier, including Hubspot, Pipedrive, Salesforce, and Copper. These integrations enable a seamless flow of meeting notes into users’ preferred tools.

Supernormal employs enterprise-grade security protocols including SOC 2 certification and periodic security audits. Data transmission is secured using TLS 1.2+ and AES-256 algorithms for encrypting at-rest data. Its system also ensures content permission rights and authentication requirements to allow safe content sharing. Additionally, all content is securely backed up in the cloud, applying robust storage protocols and advanced encryption.

Supernormal Logo
Superpowered Logo

Superpowered is an AI notetaking platform used by over 15,000 companies worldwide. This platform functions on every meeting platform and doesn’t require bots to join your meetings. It generates accurate notes for all meetings by applying AI templates that enforce notetaking best practices. It has templates for different types of meetings, including 1-1, sales calls, and interviews, whilst also allowing users to develop their own templates.

Superpowered connects with calendar apps and provides notifications for meetings. It also provides a notes history as well as integrations with other platforms like email, Slack, Notion, Google Drive, Salesforce, Hubspot, and Zapier.

Superpowered is GDPR and SOC-2 Type-2 compliant, the industry standards for security, reliability, and privacy. The platform does not record your meetings, and the audio is transcribed live and deleted soon after along with transcripts stored for a brief 7-day period for generating notes.

Superpowered Logo
tl;dv Logo

TL;DV is an AI-powered platform that specializes in transcribing and summarizing meetings. It is used by over 900,000 customers for a range of use cases, including analysis of meetings using conversation intelligence, scaling of onboarding with an effective knowledge base, and gaining insights through user interview recordings. The platform helps in drafting reports and memos with its automated note-taking feature and promotes collaboration across different business functions.

The platform is compatible with popular conferencing tools such as Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, and Zoom, enabling users to record, transcribe and summarize their meetings. TL;DV employs AI technology to create meeting transcripts in over 30 languages and enables users to timestamp key moments during their discussions. The system includes a video clipper tool to create concise summaries from longer conference recordings.

The powerful search feature allows for in-depth analysis of meeting contents across the company. Integration and automation capabilities with over 5000 applications help streamline workflows and enhance collaboration without the need for switching tabs. Key features of the platform include unlimited recording, automated AI meeting notes and tags, automatic speaker recognition, Slack and email integrations, and real-time viewing alerts. With its advanced team and data management features, TL;DV offers a comprehensive solution for simplifying and making the most out of meetings.

tl;dv Logo
The Top 10 AI Meeting Assistants