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The Top 8 A/B Testing Solutions

Explore the top A/B testing solutions that offer split testing analytics and seamless integration capabilities for optimizing website and app performance.

The Top 8 A/B Testing Solutions include:
  • 1. Zoho PageSense
  • 2. VWO Testing
  • 3. Optimizely Experiment
  • 4. Oracle Maxymiser
  • 5. Hubspot Marketing Hub
  • 6. Ominconvert A/B Testing
  • 7. Adobe Target
  • 8. AB Tasty

A/B testing solutions allow teams to compare two different versions of a webpage, email, new feature, deployment, application, or other digital content to establish which one is more effective. Typically, this involves splitting an audience into two or more groups, then displaying a different variation to each group. The variation that results in better outcomes (e.g., more conversions, higher engagement, faster loading, etc.) is then implemented. Using A/B testing, businesses can make data-driven decisions and continuously optimize their digital content.

Enterprise A/B testing tools provide an end-to-end experience for teams to split testing, track user interaction, and analyze the performance of varying digital content versions. To achieve this, they usually deliver real-time analytics, segmentation, customization, and third-party integrations with reporting tools. This enables organizations to make data-driven decisions about changes to their website, app interface, and marketing campaigns. There are several benefits to A/B testing. It can reduce guesswork, improve user experience, and ultimately lead to greater conversion rates. 

The market for A/B testing solutions is competitive, with numerous solutions available catering to unique use cases. In this article, we will explore the best A/B testing solution providers, comparing key features, ease of use, integrations, and efficacy according to technical testing, user reviews, and professional feedback.

Zoho Logo

Zoho PageSense is a comprehensive conversion tracking platform that enables you to monitor how your website performs and understand the behavior of your visitors. This service collects data to enable you to enhance conversion, optimization, personalization, and visitor engagement.

The PageSense platform allows you to set website objectives and benchmark their success against your business goals. You can track various website components, like menus, buttons, or custom events such as sign ups or purchases. With its Funnel Analysis feature, you can chart out your customer journey and identify which pages cause the most drop-offs. By using heatmaps and session recordings, you can study visitor behavior and guarantee your website garners the attention it merits.

Zoho PageSense offers A/B testing and split URL testing to ascertain which changes or layouts resonate best with your users and yield more conversions. The platform also provides the ability to personalize a visitor’s website experience based on various factors including demographics, past behavior, and browsing patterns. To boost engagement, Zoho PageSense provides tools to create polls and push notification.

The platform is designed for diverse industries and does not require any coding knowledge. Its user interface is straightforward, and it easily integrates with other Zoho services as well as third-party business apps. Importantly, it has stringent data privacy and compliance protocols in place, including GDPR and PCI DSS standards. Zoho PageSense ensures that your website remains lag-free as you run multiple experiments, providing a better user experience.

Zoho Logo
VWO logo

VWO Testing helps increase conversion rates by enabling organizations to make meticulous, data-driven decisions, established by extensive testing across multiple platforms including client-side, mobile app, and server-side applications.VWO Testing offers the ability to conduct secure and speedy experiments with high-end CDN, global data centers, and strict adherence to privacy regulations such as GDPR, HIPAA, and CCPA.

VWO Testing allows businesses to tailor test audiences with built-in options, custom targeting conditions, or behavior-based attributes and events. VWO’s secure SDKs and options enable you to configure simulated environments for precise project-specific testing. The solution also offers advanced audience selection options using your user data.

VWO Testing provides options to create and use visitor target segments based on a wide range of criteria including traffic source, device type, visitor behavior, and more. Businesses can streamline data analysis with features including custom goals and detailed, data-driven reports for precise business decision-making.

VWO enables your team to easily roll out variations and updates. Users can immediately implement winning variations across their application and quickly update pages when required. Additionally, VWO Testing provides an opportunity for collaborative work with a comprehensive platform offering AI-generated optimization ideas, unrestricted team additions, and easy management of optimization options.

VWO logo
Optimizely logo

Optimizely Experiment is an A/B testing tool designed to assist your team in running experiments to improve experiences across all applications. Key features of the solution include web experimentation, feature experimentation, advanced personalization, and a data platform.

Optimizely Experiment’s Web Experimentation feature provides a visual editor, eliminating the need for dedicated developer time. This enables teams to develop new pages, make necessary changes to your website, and collaborate effortlessly. The platform’s Feature Experimentation feature is more advanced and allows engineers to merge and deploy code according to their guidelines.

Optimizely’s Advanced Personalization feature tailors your website/application’s features specifically to a user or group, based on real-time A/B tests. It gives you the opportunity to optimize experiences according to audiences built from your data. Finally, Optimizely’s Data Platform feature allows you to build real-time segments based on customers’ attributes and behaviors.

Optimizely’s tools are designed to minimize friction and speed up decision-making processes. The platform is user-friendly and manageable without the need for developer support, enabling you to make changes, run tests, and roll out custom features easily. With its various features and tools, Optimizely Experiment emerges as an efficient solution for businesses that want to create personalized, high-performing user experiences and make informed, speedy decisions.

Optimizely logo
Oracle Logo

Oracle Maxymiser Testing and Optimization provides sophisticated website and mobile A/B testing, real-time behavioral targeting, in-session personalization, and product recommendations. It’s designed for both B2B and B2C applications and websites.

Oracle Maxymiser streamlines the process of testing and targeting for both non-technical and technical users, with features allowing for A/B testing or multipage funnel testing. It collects audience data from various marketing platforms and combines it with its internal session data, generating a comprehensive view of the customer experience. The solution allows teams to gain accurate business insights for effective customer segmentation and targeting. Its powerful stats engine uses both online and offline data to facilitate prompt and correct decision-making.

Oracle Maxymiser can dynamically improve customer engagement by providing tailored content, offers and promotions based on matched customer preferences. It’s a strong tool for improving conversion rates across all channels. The platform also prioritizes data security, enabling testing across all website areas while protecting data privacy.

Oracle Logo

Hubspot Marketing Hub is a leading marketing automation software that focuses on lead generation, landing page building, and campaign optimization. This comprehensive platform facilitates efficient campaign and lead management. Hubspot provides detailed analysis tools, allowing teams to monitor and improve campaign performance. Marketing Hub is available standalone or as part of Hubspot’s wider CRM Suite.

Hubspot’s built-in analytics, reports, and dashboards enable teams to make data-driven decision-making processes. Users can conveniently integrate data from existing business apps, consolidating all data into customizable reports. With enhanced marketing analytics and reporting, businesses can accurately gauge the efficacy of campaigns and make improvements.

A/B testing is a feature of Hubspot Marketing Hub’s landing page builder. The tool enables users to assess two versions of a web page stationed at the same URL and offers insights on their performance based on viewer interaction. After engagement has been registered on both page versions, a review of test results can be generated, offering detailed insights, and enabling users to select the more successful version to continue public interaction under the same URL. Hubspot CMS Hub customers can also use A/B testing when building new website pages.


Omniconvert is an A/B testing solution designed to assist businesses in optimizing their online presence and enhancing the user experience. Omniconvert’s advanced segmentation engine provides over 40 unique parameters to better understand visitor behavior. This functionality helps businesses tailor their online content to each visitor’s preferences to boost both engagement and conversions.

The solution is designed with compatibility for varying devices in mind, enabling businesses to run tests for visitors across desktops, tablets, or mobiles, or specific to a single type of device. Omniconvert provides Split URL testing ideal for testing significant changes to a website, such as complete redesigns. By splitting traffic between control and variant pages, the tool allows for an easy comparison of conversion rates across different URLs.

Omniconvert also provides stacked testing, a feature that allows businesses to use the successful variation of an A/B test as the control for future tests, without the need for actual implementation. This not only expedites the optimization process but also eliminates the waiting time for development teams. The Omniconvert solution can be used by experienced developers and marketeers with no coding experience, providing an advanced editor for coding and a visual editor for simpler alterations such as text changes or image replacement. Finally, Omniconvert provides detailed reporting, offering graphic representations and other A/B testing tools such as a statistical calculator to support informed decision-making.

Adobe logo

Adobe Target is an A/B testing solution offered by Adobe that delivers AI-powered testing, personalization, and automation at scale. It enables businesses to optimize customer interactions by providing personalized, engaging experiences across different channels. The tool enables teams to discover potential clients and effectively cater to their distinct preferences and demands to improve conversion rates.

Adobe Target builds detailed customer profiles that enable teams to build improved personalization throughout the customer journey, regardless of the channel used. It incorporates A/B and multivariate testing functionality, facilitating businesses to optimize different aspects of their customer experiences by testing varied combinations of content, layouts, and UX across their digital platforms.

Adobe Target’s use of AI and machine learning, driven by Adobe Sensei, empowers businesses to deliver personalized experiences to every customer by accurately understanding and catering to their unique needs. Furthermore, Adobe Target aids in breaking down data silos by linking all marketing touchpoints to present the customer with a relevant, personalized experience.

Adobe Target simplifies the testing process across all digital channels to avoid overwhelming users. The solution offers the freedom to conduct either A/B or multivariate tests, by modifying and swapping content. This helps businesses determine the most effective combinations and tailor experiences accordingly. The platform also leverages AI and machine learning capabilities to add depth and relevance to optimization efforts, rendering every interaction unique and timely.

Adobe logo
AB Tasty

AB Tasty is a comprehensive A/B testing platform for running end-to-end split tests across all digital channels. The platform provides a granular feature set, supporting multiple A/B testing use cases across a wide range of platforms and applications, serving over 1,000 brands globally.

Marketing teams, product managers, engineers and developers utilize AB Tasty to ensure safer, quicker shipments, all while potentially reducing deployment risks and infrastructure costs. The platform centralizes all feature deployments and experiments, promoting agile operations.

AB Tasty boasts AI-powered experimentation and personalization tools that allow for A/B, split, and multivariate testing across all devices. Visitors can be automatically allocated to high performing variations through AI-powered traffic allocation while providing personalized messaging, features, and functionalities. Testing across websites, applications, features, and more, permits users to ensure the highest possible ROI from their digital interactions.
AB Tasty easily integrates with your data analytics stack, sending your campaign’s performance data to your analytics tool of choice. It uses a Bayesian statistics engine to provide the necessary data to examine the effect of your experiments and securely update your website with winning variations. The platform’s ROI dashboard identifies the business impact of experiments easily, allowing you to attribute gains in revenue to your tests.

AB Tasty
The Top 8 A/B Testing Solutions